Pics that make you smile

the internet, and the ease it which information can be spread these days certainly has its downsides, no matter how ridiculous something sounds there seems to be someone out there that is fully invested in the spin, sad state of affairs really

Rampant, onging conspiracy theories have been around since long before the internet, such as the Kennedy assassination for example but you are right, I think. Now however, the internet has thrown gasoline on the practice and lit a match turning conspiracy theorizing into a kind of sport.
Rampant, onging conspiracy theories have been around since long before the internet, such as the Kennedy assassination for example but you are right, I think. Now however, the internet has thrown gasoline on the practice and lit a match turning conspiracy theorizing into a kind of sport.
on that subject, a few years back when we were in Hong Kong for the trade shows we were walking across the footbridge on the way in and there were a bunch of JFK conspiracy, sorry, "hidden truth" flyers that had been plastered all over the support pylons of the bridge, bit late to the game but the nutters are still at it on that one, was kind of surprised to see it in Hong Kong though
on that subject, a few years back when we were in Hong Kong for the trade shows we were walking across the footbridge on the way in and there were a bunch of JFK conspiracy, sorry, "hidden truth" flyers that had been plastered all over the support pylons of the bridge, bit late to the game but the nutters are still at it on that one, was kind of surprised to see it in Hong Kong though
Yeah, it's world wide now. And to think, it happened 58 years ago!
I have a similar conspiracy theory friend (and his wife). I think we all know someone like that these days.
Yep, I have one in my life as well. ChemTrails, Year2K society meltdown, mind control over the airways, etc. - the entire menu.

Back in the summer of 1999 he told me he was in the process of storing 50-60 55 gallon barrels of fresh water in his basement, along with multiple generators, and who knows how many gallons of gasoline in a safe location because he had it on 'good authority' that the entire utility system infrastructure was going to fail at 12:01 AM on Jan 1, 2000. After it didn't happen he wouldn't even respond to a question on the subject.

What's interesting/baffling is, other than this one major shortcoming, he's a really intelligent, focused person. Founded and operates multiple successful companies - go figure. o_O
The problem is that people believe things without thinking deeply about what they believe, and after they get comfortable being there you cannot move them into reality.

Did someone say Q?
Hehe thats the kind of Q powers i would like to have :unsure:

I use "facepalm" a lot :sleep:
Rampant, onging conspiracy theories have been around since long before the internet, such as the Kennedy assassination for example but you are right, I think. Now however, the internet has thrown gasoline on the practice and lit a match turning conspiracy theorizing into a kind of sport.

Before the internet it was just people spreading the theories around by word of mouth probably, so only the big ones would get any air time. :rolleyes: I am amazed the whole Qanon thing has gone so far though, I just thought it was a trolling/joke when I first heard it, but it's spread outside the US now and there are even politicians ranting on about it :oops:

I think our most prominent conspiracy theroist in the UK is
There are plenty of crackpots on Danish language parts of the internet, people going wayyyyyy beyond critical thinking, and wayyyyyy beyond what governments actually can and will do to sustain them self.

Here a politician are about to go on trial, a very rare kind of trial that is only the 5 time it is used in Danish democratic history, and all she did was split up people coming here with child brides.
But there are absolutely no talk about putting our PM before a judge for the lies and outright law breaks she have done in regard to this virus thing, but of course the one getting trialed are from a conservative party, and our PM are from a socialist party, and ATM socialists hold the majority vote in our parliament.
Bill Gates got the covid vaccine.
And the comment: the fun is just beginning! The admin has connected to the servers.

Seem like the equipment we Danes strapped to the international station not long ago, are already making headlines in leading science and nature magazines.

If Danes put their mind to it, we could build some bad ass dashcams :)
This is how a car look when it have driven 15 Km on a Danish motorway on its own as the driver was passed out.


There are no long strait stretches on any motorway here, but it do look like they are well set up in regard to guardrail.
Since this is on a motorway i can only assume the autopilot ( speed ) have been set to 110 or the normal 130 km/h speed, so the car actually look pretty damn good considering what can happen at those speeds.