Pics that make you smile

a low side is generally less painful than a high side, that usually adds broken bones to the list
True. Fortunately I've not had the 'pleasure' of finding out first hand.
In "the club" too :whistle: Once as a noob on a foggy misty night taking a slow well-known curve, highly cambered road and a tall curb. I was about to try again to wipe my visor when I saw and felt the front wheel hit the curb and I high-sided at 20- 30 MPH. I didn't get thrown, more like falling off, but I've seen racers high-side who could have probably used a parachute to good effect :eek: Wasn't my worst fall but none were bad really- just lucky.

If you ride a motorcycle you either have fallen off or you will fall off- the only two kinds of riders there are :cautious: Every rider will join "the club"- it's a rite of passage :cool:

In the 80's I was going about 10mph on slick roads. All of a sudden I went across the street into the ditch. I was not in the ditch hard at that speed but did learn that black ice sucks. I remember once I was going slow coming up to a stop light with a car ahead of me. Going slow (5 mph?) the brakes did not seem to work. Trying to stop I put the transmission into reverse, stalled the engine and stopped. I was thinking I would spin the tires backwards which might burn through the ice to hit pavement and stop but stalled out first. I remember aiming at a snowbank to stop another time while going very slow. I never did like black ice.
This is the,,,,,,,,, Danish,,,,,, way.

F word warning.

I was looking at this article. Talk about poor formatting.
This gives a COMPLETELY WRONG idea about what they did until you get to the next page.

Snap 2021-02-13 at 14.20.21.png

One immediately wonders...Did they pass the joint around and smoke it?

The next page does start with "committee"...
Well Hemp was used much more in those days. :)
We have those years in common us Danes and Americans, you have a fight with yourself, and we had a huge chunk of our land stolen by the Germans. ( 1864 )
I would not recommend the squirrel to shake on it after the winner if found ;)
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Last weekends terror auction here in Denmark, well police hit several addresses at the same time in the middle of the night both in Denmark and Germany.
But one place things became a little too Danish as the SWAT / anti terror team supposed to storm a apartment on the 3 floor to the Left, instead the kicked in the door to a apartment on the 2 floor instead :rolleyes: scaring the living crap out of a mother and her 9 YO child that got a MP5 in the face by screaming men in black.

I am simply amazed something like that can happen here, incompetence are not even the correct word to describe that.
Hehe that will often do it. :)
my theory is when you loan someone money and they don't pay you back, look at it as money well spent to get them out of your life
Agreed. However, sometimes people feel shame when they fall on hard times. As a result they avoid those they owe money to. Once they are able to they will pay off their debts. We need to separate these people who are embarrassed and unable at the present time from those who are deadbeats.
We need to separate these people who are embarrassed and unable at the present time from those who are deadbeats.
you generally know which category people fall into, I've had someone in the hard times situation before that asked for a loan, I said no and gifted him what he needed instead, lending him money was only going to put him further behind and deeper in the hole that he was trying to climb out of
Giving a loan is like gambling- you never use so much money that it's loss can hurt you :cool: I'm fairly free with loans to most whom I know, for I've been on their side of the line many times and I know what a little help can do. Being rather poor myself it won't be a lot but if I can help I will. I set only one condition with the loans: pay me back when you can, no great hurry and no need to stress over it. I never bring the subject up after that. Good folks will pay me back as quickly as they can; not-so-good ones wait to see if I'll remember it, which I will eventually do but I'll still say nothing. Better to let them rip me off for a few bucks early than for them to gain my trust then rip me off for more later on ;) If that's how little they value me then they're not someone I want to be around anyway.
