Pics that make you smile

This month started on a Monday, and will end on a Sunday, this is the kind of symmetry that please me. :)
Really? QAnon theories will start to look more like fact? Please explain.

In the meantime, while we're waiting:
I never said anything about Qanon.
To me Q is a character on star trek tng.

A conspiracy theory that the FBI lied to the FISA court has been proven to be true.

Do not expect everyone to know what is not clearly stated. Q or Qanon was not in my thoughts.
The little I have seen of Qanon looks like pure nonsense. I do not even know where to find Q.
I never said anything about Qanon.
To me Q is a character on star trek tng.

A conspiracy theory that the FBI lied to the FISA court has been proven to be true.

Do not expect everyone to know what is not clearly stated. Q or Qanon was not in my thoughts.
The little I have seen of Qanon looks like pure nonsense. I do not even know where to find Q.

Sounds like you're moving the goalposts again. Let's be clear, you were initially responding to a post about critical thinking in connection with QAnon where you suggest that such theories might really be "facts" after all.

Or those theories start to look more like fact.

You have a well documented history on this forum of posting conspiracy theories often citing dubious sources that turn out to be debunked right-wing "think tanks" and propaganda outlets.

Among the things you've posted about are climate change denial, the covid masks don't work theory and the demonstrably false conspiracy theory that Trump actually won the presidential election but that it was somehow "stolen" from him despite the fact that he lost 61 court cases challenging the results and the election was independently certified by bi-partisan election officials in 50 states and two territories. There were even multiple recounts and audits in many instances. You've also hinted at beliefs in some of the more fringe political conspiracy theories as well and if you really think the Russians didn't interfere in the 2016 presidential election as you've implied here and there despite some tangential issues with the Mueller investigation, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in.

Unfortunately, we've somehow reached the stage where the right-wing, indeed the entire Republican party has immersed itself up to its eyeballs in a variety of bogus conspiracy theories including the stolen election nonsense. And there is quite a lot of overlap between many of these conspiracy theories and the various conspiracists. One only needs to watch any of the videos of the January 6th insurrection at the US Capitol where numerous rioters where wearing QAnon logos and paraphernalia. These people were there for the specific reason that, like you, they subscribe to the conspiracy theory that Trump actually won the election. After all, they were there for the specific purpose of preventing the counting of the electoral votes to prevent a "steal" that never happened.

While you may or may not believe in some of the more outlandish QAnon theories, you simply can't have it both ways. As the original post you were commenting about attempted to convey, critical thinking has a remarkable tendency to dispel conspiracy theories. Often when you've posted some of these propaganda inspired "theories" I've suggested that you engage with critical thinking before you buy into this stuff but instead you seem to be among the targeted and willing audience.
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Some are more "little princess" than others.


Now if this was a area i was active in, IKEA was so going to loose something.

Well bless her for trying, but sadly thats not how the world work anymore.

Thats my kid ! :love:

You are not going to see this in any Danish restroom.


You have to know.
Sounds like you're moving the goalposts again. Let's be clear, you were initially responding to a post about critical thinking in connection with QAnon where you suggest that such theories might really be "facts" after all.
I responded to a post about critical thinking. I left out the picture of a guy with a Q on his shirt. All that said was "Apparently if you lose half your IQ you're just Q" without me knowing what that Q referenced. I simply ignored it as it was just a smart alack statement meaning nothing to me.

See the truth here. Only one picture was referenced the other was removed completely. This is the picture I referenced.

The post did NOT mention Qanon at all. I was supposed to figure it out when Qanon is not something I am aware of except for a handful of times when I saw it referenced.

You are assuming Qanon was mentioned. It was not. You are assuming I had a clue why seeing a guy with a Q on his shirt was any different than seeing a L on Laverne's shirt in Laverne and Shirley. You assumed incorrectly.

Dashmallow, you have a reputation on here for putting other members down often and attacking them in various ways. You have been told not to several times in the past. From now on I will be flagging all of your future posts I feel are inappropriate in any way. Before this I figured freedom of speech was allowed here. Now I know it is not I will modify my approach. I have seen things posted I have considered offensive but let them slide because opinions different from mine should not be muffled. I will continue to apply that approach for the others here.
I responded to a post about critical thinking. I left out the picture of a guy with a Q on his shirt. All that said was "Apparently if you lose half your IQ you're just Q" without me knowing what that Q referenced. I simply ignored it as it was just a smart alack statement meaning nothing to me.

The post did NOT mention Qanon at all. I was supposed to figure it out when Qanon is not something I am aware of except for a handful of times when I saw it referenced.

You are assuming Qanon was mentioned. It was not. You are assuming I had a clue why seeing a guy with a Q on his shirt was any different than seeing a L on Laverne's shirt in Laverne and Shirley. You assumed incorrectly.

Dashmallow, you have a reputation on here for putting other members down often and attacking them in various ways. You have been told not to several times in the past. From now on I will be flagging all of your future posts I feel are inappropriate in any way. Before this I figured freedom of speech was allowed here. Now I know it is not I will modify my approach. I have seen things posted I have considered offensive but let them slide because opinions different from mine should not be muffled. I will continue to apply that approach for the others here.

The idea that you claim that you somehow didn't know that the post you responded to wasn't about QAnon is about as absurd and disingenuous as one can get. I mean, here we have a photo of a guy at a Trump rally with a giant "Q" on his hoodie that literally has the word "QAnon" on it, along with all kinds of other related QAnon talking points and mottos but you claim that in this day and age what with all the media coverage especially among media outlets you seem to gravitate to you had no clue what you were looking at? Come on, man! That's a bridge too far.


And I haven't attacked you here or put you down, I merely responded to your claim that certain wild conspiracy theories might "really be 'facts' after all".

You should flag any of my posts you like. I get it country_hick, - you seem to have returned to the forum after apparently getting yourself banned for a week for inappropriate posting immediately looking to pick a fight with me. Perhaps, I'll be flagging your posts too if you keep this up. In the meantime, I'll stick to critical thinking when I view and evaluate posts on the forum.
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Screen size matters. I did not see anything but a Q and did not look close to see more. The flags are meaningless as they are so distorted by the wind unless you previously knew what they are they are unrecognizable.

The picture could have been from anywhere at any time. I had no clue about the context and it was not given.

Believe it or not I have not been looking at or for those kinds of political posts. Someone else mentioned Q once and I asked what is Q because I did not know. Someone I know posts a few things, sometimes I repost them here. I have seen some things posted that sound like great news BUT I always ask for the evidence. To much deception exists to trust anonymous videos lacking evidentiary support for their claims.

I do not have TV. I do not listen to the radio. I do not get a newspaper. I do not go to any news sites on a regular basis.
I have seen people post about things that happened at the capitol but they did not mention Qanon. I have seen BLM and antifa mentioned.
Give me a break. The media is not getting to me like it has gotten to you.
Screen size matters. I did not see anything but a Q and did not look close to see more. The flags are meaningless as they are so distorted by the wind unless you previously knew what they are they are unrecognizable.

The picture could have been from anywhere at any time. I had no clue about the context and it was not given.

Believe it or not I have not been looking at or for those kinds of political posts. Someone else mentioned Q once and I asked what is Q because I did not know. Someone I know posts a few things, sometimes I repost them here. I have seen some things posted that sound like great news BUT I always ask for the evidence. To much deception exists to trust anonymous videos lacking evidentiary support for their claims.

I do not have TV. I do not listen to the radio. I do not get a newspaper. I do not go to any news sites on a regular basis.
I have seen people post about things that happened at the capitol but they did not mention Qanon. I have seen BLM and antifa mentioned.
Give me a break. The media is not getting to me like it has gotten to you.

I guess you can plead total ignorance if you wish but I just don't buy it especially since we've discussed QAnon elsewhere on the forum. In any event, enough already! Now that you're back on the forum why not find something interesting or constructive to post about?
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The slip and Dip club :)

I was happy to get a chance to put my little red car sideways with the handbrake when i visited my mom on Tuesday
We aso got a inch or so more when i live last night, but nothing to be exited about.
Speaking of icy, slippery roads there was a horrific pile up in Forth Worth, Texas today during a period of freezing rain that involved at least 133 cars, 18 wheelers and other vehicles. Six people were reported killed so far and dozens of injuries. They say the accident scene is a mile long.

I know what it feels like when you encounter icy conditions like this. Here in Vermont we have what is called black ice. You'll be driving along and everything seems fine and then suddenly everything goes out from under you. You don't see the ice. One time, knowing conditions were bad I was driving slowly and carefully when suddenly I went into an uncontrollable 360º spin and then kept going almost another 180º until I slammed into a snow bank. Except for a little dent in my fender nothing really happened but it was pretty unnerving. I was pretty lucky that I was on a quiet rural road and not on a highway full of cars.


6 killed in Texas pileup involving at least 133 vehicles

At least 5 killed in massive crash on icy Texas interstate involving up to 100 vehicles (more photos)

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Daum ! poor bastards.

I have been lucky with these situations, though in 1990 when i just gotten my Opel Kadett GT and started in the new job, well leaving my friends house heading into town i did a 180 spin on a snowy road ( compacted snow ) but no contact with curb, which is what most often ruin Danes cars in situations like that.
And a few years later ( going far too fast as usual ) i hit standing water ( 4 - 5 inches ) on a road, which did not make me loose control, but i was driving blindfolded for a little while.
Which was unnerving as the road also had a slight bend, but knew better then to try and brake or steer, just pray Odin would save me.
In the 90's I hit black ice. I was countersteering trying to get back under control for 4 or 5 telephone pole lengths before I got it under control.
Yeah on very slippery stuff you have to be bang on with the countermeasures, otherwise the "ass" just whip over to the other side and you have to start all over.
It is ( well i think at least ) more easy to deal with a rally car on a dirt road, where the biggest problem might actually be loosing your "ass" too far out where you can not recover.

Though having been driving fast on dirt roads too, it do also feel a little like driving on marbles even it it was a strait road, never tried to play rally driver in turns as i never wanted to chance ruining my car.
I never tried studded tires, but i would love to try that on both car and MC on some big frozen lake, those ice speedway machines look helluva fun.
Black ice on 4 wheels is bad enough but many years ago (back in my teens) I hit a patch on a motorcycle while in a curve. It's amazing how quickly you go from vertical to horizontal. :eek: