Pics that make you smile

Not the place to try and do a handbrake turn, not even in "Battleship" style :)
I found a simulator earlier and gave it a go, there are definitely places you can turn around, the Ever Given pilot just chose the wrong place!

Seems to be easier to navigate if you turn around at the start and reverse all the way!

Simulator down a page or so in this article:
I have been at the helm of a 180 M long tanker filled with unleaded gasoline for the Canadians, sailing up river was daunting, but with a good pilot is was a breeze.
And we had to pull over some ways up river as we ran too deep, so unloaded a little gasoline there and then carried on.

Later turning the same ship sideways across the flow of the river at Buenos Aires, to get into the port, to be honest there ( also at the helm ) i was thinking OMG this is it.
Even there we also had to "drop the hook" far from shore and pump gasoline into smaller tankers for a few days before we was able to get into port, and on the approach you could easy hear / feel that under the keel there was precious little clearance to the mud below.

Funny enough never been thru the Panama or Suez canals. :(
I have been at the helm of a 180 M long tanker filled with unleaded gasoline...
Last time I was on a bridge, it was 250 M long and would have had crude if it hadn't been empty after going into dry dock to replace one of the 7 engines that had thrown a crankshaft counterweight through the side of the block. Steering wasn't really a problem, we were out in the North Sea with not much to hit, and it had eight 3.5MW thrusters, all of which could be pointed sideways if necessary, most could point in any direction!
The ferries i worked on in the 90ties dident have a rudder, but rather 2 propellers in each end that you could turn 360 degrees, so also no front or rear on the ferries, which as i remember was build in the UK.

Yep google smarted myself, made by North East Shipbuilders, Sunderland, UK ´"mine" was build #3014 there.
So, you thought Suez required sick ship navigating skills? Try the Corinth Canal in Greece!


P.S. Imagine being the captain of the first ship to pass through the Suez Canal after the Ever Stuck finally gets fully underway again and knowing that you have the potential to do the funniest thing that anyone has ever done, ever. :smuggrin:
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Thats just for small boats.
I have run the bosperous strait, which in itself was no sweat, but 1/2 a day after coming out in the MED going west at night, some oncoming dumbass on our STB side, decided to change to port just before we met.
i think you are supposed to pass port/port in that situation, but really he shouls have stayed where he was and that would have been just fine, instead he almost caused a many many ton collision.

That was damn close, and the Navigator threw a fit grabbed signal lamp and morse code ASSHOLE strait into the bridge of the other ship. and really we was so close you could just have yelled it and they would have heard it.
Its the only time i have seen a naval officer loose it like that.
Whatever the size of the ship going through the Greek canal it stills seems a tight fit with little room for error. As for the Ever Given, I saw a graphic (which I can't seem to find now) that explained how the Suez canal where the ship got stuck isn't exactly symmetrical. The starboard side of the channel is deeper and the port side has a shallower sandy bottom. That's a big part of the reason the ship is stuck. It is actually wedged at both the bow and stern and can't easily be pulled out of the port bank from the stern but that isn't immediately apparent in many of the photos we've seen where the stern is not touching the other bank.

At least they got the damn thing free now, "daddy" ( the world ) need his stuff :)
P.S. Imagine being the captain of the first ship to pass through the Suez Canal after the Ever Stuck finally gets fully underway again and knowing that you have the potential to do the funniest thing that anyone has ever done, ever. :smuggrin:
One of her sister ships, the Ever Globe is about to arrive at the scene... only doing 9 knots though, so shouldn't get quite so stuck if she does hit the same sandbank!
Well a Danish journalist just ran the Suez in a similar ship, and with a little aid from a proper Danish man of the sea, the simulator survived.
Of course a proper force technology simulator,,,,, also made in Denmark.

Starship SN11 might be about to head off through the fog for a fully successful flight in a few minutes time?

"look" like another unscheduled rapid disassembly :eek:

if it was easy everyone would be doing it.
Aaa yes the glory days of Radio. :)

Is this really it? ...April 3, 2021. ....4 3 2 1.

What happens when the countdown ends?

(Remember this is being posted on April 1)
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