Pics that make you smile

Thats not our problem, that date here will be 3 April 21 as we do DDMMYY

But 4 March 21 was a breeze, so no worries.
Earlier today i was expecting the usual ( ill timed unforeseen expenses ) when my computer suddenly started to sound strange.

But ! as i stopped my brain before its run away got too bad, i remembered my CPU are water cooled and the sounds was just my pump taking in a bit of air too as my small 200 ml reservoir had run empty after +2 years of service.
So i quickly,,,,,,,,, okay not that quick as the machine are quite purpose build, gave it a splash of fresh yellow fluid ( Opague electric yellow water cooling fluid,,, not that other yellow fluid ) And things returned to normal.
At least it was a cheap fix - not as cheap as using that 'other yellow fluid' - but cheap anyhow. :D
Yeah when i build the machine i got enough fluid for 2 fills of the system, so i popped the top of the spare bottle today.

It have settled a little sitting idle in a kitchen cupboard for +2 years, but no way near as bad as i have seen some other opaque fluids do ( more or less clogging up a system )


I will need much more fluid for my current project, this computer just have a dual 120 mm radiator ( plenty to cool my threadripper )
But the current project it have two dual 140 mm radiators,,,,,,, and two triple 120 mm radiators,,,,,, for pretty much the same hardware, only adding the GFX card to the mix.

On a assumption and my meager math skills, the new computer will filter the volume of air in my living room thru the PC case 4 times every hour,,,,,,, and i am not running the fans at full speed, assume i will need to run them a little over 50 % speed.
I will need filters on my intake.
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The new law about what translate to "insane driving" have gone into effect here, this mean police can now confiscate cars even if it is a loaner / rental / dads car / lease car, and they have already done so 4 times in the past days.
For people driving 140 km/h in a town 50km/h zone, or a guy that did 180 km/h in a 90 zone, and a guy that tried to run from the cops after getting pulled over, and several of these also drug use involved.

It is not often i find my self able to say so, but damn nice to see some proper lawgiver work in action (y)
Now we just got to "grow a pair" and make the same level of laws elsewhere instead of the BS we have, CUZ really we have a lot of BS laws in Denmark.
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I don't mind confiscation laws as long as they're not abused, and as long as wrongfully seized property is reasonably recoverable. But we've got some problems with that here- not widespread but does happen often enough to be questioned. It wasn't a problem when siezed items were all handed over to the State, but now each LE department gets a percentage of the value of seized items directly which motivates them to seize more than they should. I don't think we've got car seizure laws here in SC save for perhaps multiple DUI/DUS offenders, but if they arrest you and haul you off from an incident scene your car will get impounded costing you at least $500 to recover with daily fees adding to that.

It's good to get bad people off the roads, but it's bad to harm good people over minor offenses so the latter really needs to be protected against too.

We never had the impound system here.

If you car was modified or in other ways a danger to traffic due to it falling apart, the police have always had the option to call your vehicle in for a inspection, but in those cases it is not immediate, you just get a letter in the mail box XX days later telling you to turn up for vehicle inspection.
This give fast and furious boys ample time to take the severely tuned motor out of the car and put in the original one, or replace other things on the vehicle like too loud exhausts ASO.

For the new confiscations, you still have to be wayyyyyy outside of the traffic code, you can still do 90 in a 50 zone and get off with a steep fine, and really 90 in a 50 thats more than just a slip of the foot so it should not happen for people who care.
I think the law are mainly aimed at gangsters driving large / fast lease cars in a manner you dont even see on Hochenheim ( famous German open for the public race track ), and then repeat offenders like the "snaps" guy which is a guy that long since lost his license but still drive never the less, and then when he get stopped ( DUI ) he locks the door and take a big gulp of a bottle of snaps he always have in the car, this way the police can only nail him for drinking in a car, not for driving the car while intoxicated CUZ they cant prove he was drunk before he hit the snaps bottle.

But otherwise i agree with Phil, strait up people that try at least, they should never in any way suffer for the things criminals do or the laws put in place to deal with criminals.
Law makers should remember, laws are there for the strait up people and their protection, and to judge those that transgress, laws are not there for the criminals,,,,,,, something they often forget here it seem.
Ideal a society would need no laws at all, and i still think that the number of laws should be minimal in a society.
I am waiting to see the first CoVideo rental store, even if they will probably go the way of Blockbuster, which is not Danish and not doing too well here either as the streaming service or what the hell it is now.
Why are our cars missing this feature that was available so long ago?

Now imagine putting the 2 pieces of technology together in one car.
Everything to keep the Parrish scared in the old days, it is pretty much the same tactics politicians use today to validate them self being just the right one to nurse and protect you.

I hate people are not smarter.