Pics that make you smile

I wouldn't know i have never watched any streaming service.

But it do seem like the true vikings was very PC already back then,,,,,, no wonder we are such a small silly country today.
That horse making clouds.
While that might be, i think the majority is made this way.


Meanwhile all last night this column ( part of the column ) was heading for Germany,,,,,, could it be the Danes will put the Germans in place once and for all :LOL:


No it is just the armored 4 of diamonds battalion that are going for a live fire exercise in Germany ( Grafenwöhr )

Must have taken up some space on the E45 motorway, these was spaced out with 300 M in between them.
Transports like this use to be done on trains, but the heavy transport divisions have gotten new equipment so what better way to test it than a drive to Germany.
E-Danes,,,,,, on 2 wheels.
1/8 mile 4.48 sec ( new WR ) the following 1/8 mile on top of that 6:74 for the 1/4 mile ( also new WR )

Sadly he had to lift, so there are still room for improvement (y)
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He should have called me, i have just thrown out about a pound of pills like that.
Me they just made feel even more bad and miserable, so i dident eat very many of those back in the day when they "forced" those on me.
E-Danes,,,,,, on 2 wheels.
1/8 mile 4.48 sec ( new WR ) the following 1/8 mile on top of that 6:74 for the 1/4 mile ( also new WR )

Sadly he had to lift, so there are still room for improvement (y)
Have they increased the power from the 1.2 Megawatts it used to be?
Need some seriously thick cables for that amount of power!
Thats some active gong to shoot at, normally they are not that complex as i understand it. :LOL:

Do note a box of .22 ammo in Denmark, probably cost more than a box of ammo for your AR15 in the states, this is one reason i shoot air rifles.
Internally we Danes have a lot of problems,,,,, we just dont discuss them, cuz we cant do that.

Internally we Danes have a lot of problems,,,,, we just dont discuss them, cuz we cant do that.

Just between dialects, or in general?


Just do what the Swiss do ... use English!
Hehe yeah it is said we have 40 dialects here, and that was probably also true, but most of them already have 1 leg in the grave.

I remember as a kid visiting family in MW part of Jutland, my mothers sisters husband had a thick dialect, and when he and my father went to the pub, and they both got a little inboard, i am pretty sure my father did not understand much of what he said cuz i sure as hell did not, anyway i was just there for the sodas and playing the pin ball machine on their dime.

PS i like on the map how the east southern Jutland reach well into Germany,,,,, maybe on account of the Danish minority that live down there.