Pics that make you smile

Two of the Afghans that have been evacuated from down there to up here, well it was a guys we sent back home last year as they have committed serious crimes here and served jail time and was then deported.
theirs reasoning for going back to Denmark was for their own security, just too bad they is a security risk to Denmark so i assume they is going back with their fraudulent papers belonging to a relative.
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Well it is funny, CUZ it is the same every god damn year.

So this year when schools start out after the summer break, police as usual focused on roads at or near schools, and wouldn't you know this year they cached 7100 offenders in 2 weeks ( mainly speed offenses but also no seat belts ASO ), most probably the parents of kids at the school.
I think this say a little about the intelligence of the average Dane, cuz police have done this every GD year for a few decades :rolleyes:
Once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternative meanings for common words.
The winners are:


The Washington Post's Style Invitational also asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.
Here are this year's winners:

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I've gotten people to dim their lights by adjusting my side mirror to reflect their own headlights back at them.
Thats also what i do if i have a high beamer behind me and he is not coming around.

/ thats use to do, my car dont have electric mirrors, so can only do drive side
Murica ! ( need glasses )

I tend to agree with Bill on that one, so no argument from me.
hehe a question i have also often pondered myself, but i am willing to bet actual smartphone / mobilephone deniers are few and far between, but whining self proclaimed phone haters that still carry one like myself, are probably plentiful.
Why bother microchipping people when everywhere we go and everything we do is already being tracked by the phones we carry in our pockets? :watching:
Who carries a cell phone all the time?

A cell phone should be turned off but physically available for emergency usage.
Who carries a cell phone all the time?
Just about anyone who's 'cut the cord' and doesn't have a land line. In my family and social circles that's well over half the people.
Who carries a cell phone all the time?

A cell phone should be turned off but physically available for emergency usage.
Most of us who have busy lives, families, friends and work / business matters to attend to on a daily basis carry our phones and keep them turned on most of the time.

Sounds like none of the above applies to you.
Here a land line cost more than a mobile solution.
In regard to the social aspect, then i agree on that is how it have become, but i also feel it is sick - bordering insane, i strictly keep my social life off the phone, so i would not TXT a happy birthday to any of the few people i wish that for, i will say that to their face when i see them, even if it is a month or two after their birthday.
But all in my family minus my old mother and father are on social media, and are probably severely infected by that decease.

Even if i have now carried a phone again close to a decade, i cant say i have become more of a fan of them, and ATM my goal still are to become phone free again when my mother die.
At least that is how i feel, but it might still change, i have flip flopped on things before.

I am so glad people do not call me or text me much, though texts i am much better mentally equipped to handle.