Pics that make you smile

I have deleted the posts with Ukraine images as political posts have caused problems in the past.
For the record Dashmellow, I do "normally" just ignore your posts. Btw, you appear to be the only person that I've seen on this forum who regularly makes political commentary and posts political pics/cartoons. Clearly that has no place on a "dashcam forum", but I'm sure it makes you feel good and perhaps even "inspired" And I have indeed just ignored all those inappropriate posts because there are some things one just cannot fix.

In the case of you posting pics of 79 year-olds, grandmas and a newly-wed couple fighting for their lives on a thread "Pics that Make You Smile" while you sit comfortably behind your keyboard is where I feel I (or someone) should at least say "something" to you. - - I know however, based on your reply, that you feel the rules are merely for the "other guy" and certainly not for you. - - Sorry to think that posting appropriate content would be something that might concern you.

You know, StrayCam, thinking about this further there is something about a 79 year old woman and a young newly wed couple who are willing to take up arms and fight for their country in a time of great peril that really does make me smile, at least in the sense that it gives me hope for the ultimate fate of the Ukrainians going forward. And this was why I shared them in this off topic thread. I didn't really post them to be "political", they were about the Ukrainian people.
You know, StrayCam, thinking about this further there is something about a 79 year old woman and a young newly wed couple who are willing to take up arms and fight for their country in a time of great peril that really does make me smile, at least in the sense that it gives me hope for the ultimate fate of the Ukrainians going forward. And this was why I shared them in this off topic thread. I didn't really post them to be "political", they were about the Ukrainian people.
Thanks for the clarification Dashmellow, but as I said, you have made a number of political posts to this DashcamTalk forum recently, "none of which" are appropriate for a dashcam forum. - - Your purpose in those instances was to indeed "be political". Up until now, I have merely ignored your posts.

But pics of desperate Ukrainians (79 year-old woman, a grandma & a newly-wedded couple) taking up arms against the sophisticated Russian military should elicit tears or prayers, rather than smiles.

Clearly the Administrator @DashCamMan recognizes that your pics have no place in this thread, and I thank him for that.
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Thanks for the clarification Dashmellow, but as I said, you have made a number of political posts to this DashcamTalk forum recently, "none of which" are appropriate for a dashcam forum. - - Your purpose in those instances was to indeed "be political". Up until now, I have merely ignored your posts.

But pics of desperate Ukrainians (79 year-old woman, a grandma & a newly-wedded couple) taking up arms against the sophisticated Russian military should illicit tears or prayers, rather than smiles.

Clearly the Administrator @D
ashCamMan recognizes that your pics have no place in this thread, and I thank him for that.
As it happens, thousands of average Ukrainian citizens are bravely taken up arms to defend their country from the Russian invaders, including newly weds and many elderly. The Ukrainian government has handed out 18,000 rifles and ammo, along with traing to average citizens in recent days and people in cities all around the country have responded in true patriotic fashion. If you listen to what these people are saying in TV interviews, they not "desperate", they are motivated. I find that noteworthy and moving and that it why I shared those images. It's not political and I 'm not attacking anyone, I'm praising them. And seeing such bravery and unity in a population at a time like this does indeed make me smile. Personally, I find it weird really, that you even consider this material to be "political" or objectionable. But hey, different strokes for different folks.

Oh, BTW, as for what is or is not "appropriate for a dashcam forum", this happens to be the "Off Topic" sub-forum in a thread chock full of diverse and varied subject matter.

Gotta' love it when people who never post any interesting content to the forum complain about those who do, especially because it's may not be the lame or adolescent humor they are looking for and expecting.

Also, what "political posts" have I offered recently,? Where?
First off Dashmellow, I did not claim your most recent pic(s) to this thread was political; that claim was made by the Administrator, @DashCamMan, and was the reason he removed your pics.

My first post merely said I was "amazed at what puts smiles on people's faces these days." (See attachment). - - You, of course, replied with a caustic, though-guy reply which you have since deleted. I certainly don't blame you for deleting it.

After your reply I further stated that I didn't personally believe that the plight of the Ukrainians should cause anyone to smile. But as you aptly said, "Different strokes for different folks!"

Thank goodness behind the comfort of your keyboard you can conjur up reasons to smile while the Ukrainians fight for their lives!

I have no intention of highlighting the inappropriate political posts you have made to this forum. I chose to highlight your recent post of the poor, suffering Ukrainians that brought a smile to your face because I felt it was so inappropriate. And obviously the Administrator felt the same.

We can all simply agree to disagree as to what is appropriate on this dashcam forum. But rest assured I will post again regarding any of your posts that I find to be truly offensive.


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First off Dashmellow, I did not claim your most recent pic(s) to this thread was political;

Really? In your post about this you said,:

you appear to be the only person that I've seen on this forum who regularly makes political commentary and posts political pics/cartoons.

That's completely untrue and I asked you to prove your statement but obviously you can't. That's why you say:

I have no intention of highlighting the inappropriate political posts you have made to this forum

Either put up or shut up!

And FYI, I didn't delete anything.

Interesting how you repeatedly ignore what I actually said. I wasn't "smiling" about any "poor, suffering Ukrainians", I was smiling about their resolve and determination to defend themselves and their country in the face of such threat and adversity.

You reveal yourself to be an abusive person with a poor attitude. This is the second time in recent days that you've provoked a gratuitous, out of line spat with me that has no substance.
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Dashmellow- You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts. And I really don't care to spoon-feed you as to how our interactions began regarding your post that you claim brought a smile to your face, but I will make an attempt. And I don't really care how you rationalize that the pics of elderly people who can't probably run 100 meters are picking up rifles or models of rifles puts a smile on your face. - - On the first post I made which is attached above, I said, "It's truly amazing what puts a smile on some people's faces these days..." - That was all that I said.

In a follow-up post, I suggested that perhaps you might start a new thread about pics that inspire you... rather than post pics of desperate Ukrainians in a thread that's intended to put a smile on your face. Of course you didn't want anything to do with that! Why have Dashmellow follow any rules? Well The administrator found a reason and indeed deleted your inappropriate posts.

You followed-up with a reply asking me to merely skip-over any inappropriate posts you choose to make, wherein I replied, believe me I have done that more than once with your inappropriate political posts. Btw, I could choose to waste more time with you showing you where you've posted political posts, but that would indeed be a waste of my time; and you know quite well that you Dashmellow are a very political person who can't quite control your political drive. That is very clear.

If this was a social media thread, I'd say "Go for it dude", but this is a Dashcam Forum. People come here to learn about dashcams, not see you pontificate about how you feel the world should be run. And if there are enough people who want to hear you do so, perhaps you can talk the moderator @DashCamMan, into accommodating you with a new thread wherein you can comfortably post without anyone complaining.

Hopefully, the facts as I've spelled them out above are accurate. If I have fallen short, let me know. - - And as I said earlier, it's clear you do not agree with the actions of the Administrator, @DashCamMan, nor with me; and that's just fine. Let's just respectfully agree to disagree.
@StrayCam maybe it was your protestation of the post that drew attention that resulted in the post being deleted?

Not seen the actual image as it has now been deleted but there is always humour to be found, even in the most dire of situations.

Anyway, we’re all adults here so can you two stop the bickering and do a virtual all is good make up hug please [emoji3]
@StrayCam maybe it was your protestation of the post that drew attention that resulted in the post being deleted?

Not seen the actual image as it has now been deleted but there is always humour to be found, even in the most dire of situations.

Anyway, we’re all adults here so can you two stop the bickering and do a virtual all is good make up hug please [emoji3]

IAmaTeaf- Thanks for your input! For the record, unlike what others have said Dashmellow does, I did NOT approach a moderator/administrator and complain about the post in question. That's not my style. - - I merely made my point clearly and succinctly.

And believe me, you will not find anyone who appreciates and reveres humor as much as I do... that's a fact! But the pics that the former poster posted would if anything elicit "tears or prayers", and certainly not smiles. Of course that is just my opinion.

As I concluded in my prior post, I think it's just best to "agree to disagree". Mature adults can do that. - - Thanks again for your input IAmATeaf, and thanks for your reminder to breathe...
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Regarding the unfortunate situation in Ukraine, i have been thinking that Putin guy,,,,, I think a more fitting name for him would be Karen the way he behave. :)

I have myself gotten a few of my older posts here deleted, and even if i dont quite agree i am okay with that, i also acknowledge that humor come in many shapes, and a few of them are not well suited for internet broadcast / transmission.
To some degree i feel this is a adult forum, but then again in other countries what constitute a child in Denmark in other countries they can buy and operate a vehicle,,,,, AR 15, so again we are back to how different we all are, and for the most parts aint that wonderful.

I am okay with pervert / gross humor, but there is a guy i share a hobby with, when he tell a gross or dirty joke / story and he just love those,,,,,,,, i never get it and every single time it is just somehow gross with his delivery.
It is to a degree that if i had children, i would not allow them around that guy.
Dashmellow- You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts. And I really don't care to spoon-feed you as to how our interactions began regarding your post that you claim brought a smile to your face, but I will make an attempt. And I don't really care how you rationalize that the pics of elderly people who can't probably run 100 meters are picking up rifles or models of rifles puts a smile on your face. - - On the first post I made which is attached above, I said, "It's truly amazing what puts a smile on some people's faces these days..." - That was all that I said.

So now StrayCam, your going to rail on about my "facts" while at the same time conveniently manufacturing your own? You are denying that you actually said what you said, even though I quoted you and posted a link to your remark? Do you really believe that by referring to a different post of yours it makes the other one disappear? What reality are you living in?

And you have repeated your false allegation several times now, even in your same post here but can't be bothered to substantiate it. Amazing!

The only person that I've seen on this forum who regularly makes political commentary and posts political pics/cartoons.

This is a thread that was in existence long before you ever became a member here and, based on your criteria, you will find dozens, in fact, hundreds of posts from a wide range of members that you would find "political" or objectionable but you accuse me alone. Maybe you should find them all and demand that they too be deleted. Sometimes DashCamMan will delete them for you and sometimes he won't. It depends on various factors he uses to adjudicate such decisions.

Of course, then you move on to claim I "asked you" to skip over posts that don't appeal to you. I didn't "ask you" to do anything, all I actually did was suggest that as one possibility when you encounter an image that you don't happen to care for. That is what most members do here since not everyone likes or approves of everything that gets posted to this thread. I do that all the time as many of the sort of posts that appeal to people like you I find too tacky, inane or crude for my tastes. I usually just ignore them. Of course, you on the other hand apparently only wish to see posts that meet with your personal approval on this international forum with tens of thousands of diverse members.

Obviously, that photo of the 79 year old woman firing her rifle really got your panties in a knot as you've brought it up no less than five times now. You may characterize her as "desperate" or "too old to run with a gun" but many around the world were impressed with her spunk and what it represents about the nature of the people of Ukraine and this was the reason I posted it. The post was about the grit and defiance of the people of Ukraine in the face of the Russian government's intransigence and aggression. It wasn't intended as a political statement even if it was interpreted that way. Nuance is obviously not your forte. That image ran on the front page of newspapers all over the world yesterday along with articles, videos and photos about patriotic citizens young and old all over Ukraine forming militias to counteract the Russian invasion. There are currently as many as 130,000 volunteers, including pensioners. One 70 year old gentleman said, “I’m too old to run with a gun, but I can sit and shoot,”- “We will shoot, we will make molotov c0cktails, we will do everything,” he added. - “We’ll fight them with pitchforks!”. Whether you approve or not, or consider this smile worthy, I do indeed find their actions heartening under the circumstances. Before lecturing anyone on your version of history maybe you should get your "facts" straight. You could start by studying up on popular insurgencies like the one that forced the Russians to abandon their occupation of Afghanistan back in the day and in many other military conflicts around the world.

Finally, there is your absurd allegation that I "hijacked this thread" by posting those images. The truth of the matter is that you are the one who has hijacked this threat with your repeated combativeness, insinuations and unsubstantiated allegations about my posting habits. Instead of simply ignoring the post or perhaps making a brief comment you've been pounding the table with one repetitive self-righteous and provocative post after another apparently because you like to draw attention to yourself.

The result has been that you've entirely derailed this thread at this point and I fully anticipate that you will continue to do the same until you get this thread locked down.
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So now StrayCam, your going to rail on about my "facts" while at the same time conveniently manufacturing your own? You are denying that you actually said what you said, even though I quoted you and posted a link to your remark? Do you really believe that by referring to a different post of yours it makes the other one disappear? What reality are you living in?

And you have repeated your false allegation several times now, even in your same post here but can't be bothered to substantiate it. Amazing!

This is a thread that was in existence long before you ever became a member here and, based on your criteria, you will find dozens, in fact, hundreds of posts from a wide range of members that you would find "political" or objectionable but you accuse me alone. Maybe you should find them all and demand that they too be deleted. Sometimes DashCamMan will delete them for you and sometimes he won't. It depends on various factors he uses to adjudicate such decisions.

Of course, then you move on to claim I "asked you" to skip over posts that don't appeal to you. I didn't "ask you" to do anything, all I actually did was suggest that as one possibility when you encounter an image that you don't happen to care for. That is what most members do here since not everyone likes or approves of everything that gets posted to this thread. I do that all the time as many of the sort of posts that appeal to people like you I find too tacky, inane or crude for my tastes. I usually just ignore them. Of course, you on the other hand apparently only wish to see posts that meet with your personal approval on this international forum with tens of thousands of diverse members.

Obviously, that photo of the 79 year old woman firing her rifle really got your panties in a knot as you've brought it up no less than five times now. You may characterize her as "desperate" or "too old to run with a gun" but many around the world were impressed with her spunk and what it represents about the nature of the people of Ukraine and this was the reason I posted it. The post was about the grit and defiance of the people of Ukraine in the face of the Russian government's intransigence and aggression. It wasn't intended as a political statement even if it was interpreted that way. Nuance is obviously not your forte. That image ran on the front page of newspapers all over the world yesterday along with articles, videos and photos about patriotic citizens young and old all over Ukraine forming militias to counteract the Russian invasion. There are currently as many as 130,000 volunteers, including pensioners. One 70 year old gentleman said, “I’m too old to run with a gun, but I can sit and shoot,”- “We will shoot, we will make molotov c0cktails, we will do everything,” he added. - “We’ll fight them with pitchforks!”. Whether you approve or not, or consider this smile worthy, I do indeed find their actions heartening under the circumstances. Before lecturing anyone on your version of history maybe you should get your "facts" straight. You could start by studying up on popular insurgencies like the one that forced the Russians to abandon their occupation of Afghanistan back in the day and in many other military conflicts around the world.

Finally, there is your absurd allegation that I "hijacked this thread" by posting those images. The truth of the matter is that you are the one who has hijacked this threat with your repeated combativeness, insinuations and unsubstantiated allegations about my posting habits. Instead of simply ignoring the post or perhaps making a brief comment you've been pounding the table with one repetitive self-righteous and provocative post after another apparently because you like to draw attention to yourself.

The result has been that you've entirely derailed this thread at this point and I fully anticipate that you will continue to do the same until you get this thread locked down.
I have suggested, as IAmATeaf seems to have concurred, as "mature adults" we can simply "agree to disagree". I'm sorry if I made an error in estimating what type of adult you happen to be, but on the other hand, I understand everyone is different.

Btw, "all of the facts" are above. Anyone, including you, can read all of my posts and what remains of yours and see "what and when I said anything". However, they cannot see your "tough-guy replies" as the administrator appropriately deleted them. And I really can't blame him for doing so.

Once again you are leading with the "false-allegation" that I said your post was "political". Read my initial post above, and you will see that was NOT my observation at all! What I said was, "It's truly amazing what puts a smile on some people's faces these days..." , period! That was it, nothing more and nothing less. - - You, Dashmellow, are the one who decided you would not tolerate a difference of opinion and decided to turn this Dashcam Forum thread into a Facebook or Twitter-type brawl.... what a shame!

Only later in the exchange of posts (your 4th post) where you suggested I merely ignore your posts and wait for something more appropriate did I tell you I have already done exactly that with a number of your "political posts". Btw this was my 3rd post, and certainly not my first or second. And I stand by my observation that you are one of the only people I have seen posting political pics/comments on this "Dashcam Forum"; of course there could be others as well, but in any case "none are appropriate on a dashcam forum"!

As I said earlier, you are the one with a "reputation of running to moderators" and getting threads locked-down; I have never, ever done that! - - If you care to "agree to disagree", I'm fine with that. And I believe IAmATeaf and most other members who participate in this thread would be happy with that as well.
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I have suggested, as IAmATeaf seems to have concurred, as "mature adults" we can simply "agree to disagree". I'm sorry if I made an error in estimating what type of adult you happen to be, but on the other hand, I understand everyone is different.

Btw, "all of the facts" are above. Anyone, including you, can read all of my posts and what remains of yours and see "what and when I said anything". However, they cannot see your "tough-guy replies" as the administrator appropriately deleted them. And I really can't blame him for doing so.

Once again you are leading with the "false-allegation" that I said your post was "political". Read my initial post above, and you will see that was NOT my observation at all! What I said was, "It's truly amazing what puts a smile on some people's faces these days..." , period! That was it, nothing more and nothing less. - - You, Dashmellow, are the one who decided you would not tolerate a difference of opinion and decided to turn this Dashcam Forum thread into a Facebook or Twitter-type brawl.... what a shame!

Only later in the exchange of posts (your 4th post) where you suggested I merely ignore your posts and wait for something more appropriate did I tell you I have already done exactly that with a number of your "political posts". Btw this was my 3rd post, and certainly not my first or second. And I stand by my observation that you are one of the only people I have seen posting political pics/comments on this "Dashcam Forum"; of course there could be others as well, but in any case "none are appropriate on a dashcam forum"!

As I said earlier, you are the one with a "reputation of running to moderators" and getting threads locked-down; I have never, ever done that! - - If you care to "agree to disagree", I'm fine with that. And I believe IAmATeaf and most other members who participate in this thread would be happy with that as well.

As predicted, you once again indulge in further insults, false allegations, innuendo and continued disruption of the thread. Amusing to see how you twist things around to accuse me of your own behaviors. You don't seem to have a cogent point to make here, instead just basically repeating different versions of the same things from each of your other posts.

As for your rubbish allegation that I have a "reputation of running to moderators", you are merely parroting verbatim a bogus accusation from former member HonestReview. That was the very last remark he posted right before he was permanently banned from the forum due to his chronically abusive behavior and trolling, much like you have been doing towards me here in this thread.
Straycam, Dashmallow has a long history of acting this way. He has been censured many times for this type of behavior. Dashmallows technical expertise is probably the only reason he has not been kicked off the site long ago.

Arguing with Dashmallow is a waste of time. The points will never be acknowledged by him.
This is not my fight and I suggest you quit so Dashmallow will finally shut up and move on to a new conversation.
Straycam, Dashmallow has a long history of acting this way. He has been censured many times for this type of behavior. Dashmallows technical expertise is probably the only reason he has not been kicked off the site long ago.

Arguing with Dashmallow is a waste of time. The points will never be acknowledged by him.
This is not my fight and I suggest you quit so Dashmallow will finally shut up and move on to a new conversation.

Hmm, country-hick, you of all people should be the one to talk about getting censured and having your posts removed, especially for your far right wing political posts, ultra partisan attack memes and conspiracy theories. ;)
Well while everyone is happily quibbling with each other let me add my note of support to the Ukrainian people in their valiant effort to prevent a little man with a little man complex from conquering a Democratic nation. If that little man succeeds the people in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland will know what comes next. 1939 meet 2022!

Well while everyone is happily quibbling with each other let me add my note of support to the Ukrainian people in their valiant effort to prevent a little man with a little man complex from conquering a Democratic nation. If that little man succeeds the people in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland will know what comes next. 1939 meet 2022!


You are quite right. The idea that posting a few heartening photos of a young couple and an old woman bravely willing to take up arms to defend their nation against an invading army that seeks to oppress them would get this kind of push-back and personal attacks seems rather astonishing to me, Some people of a certain mentality don't want any interruption to their usual stream of goofy jokes and pictures, I guess. Unfortunately, such things can be very devisive among this crowd, so that's why they might get removed. Of course, that's not enough for some here so they will just keep piling it on and pounding the table like a spoiled child whose cartoon show was interupted.
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As predicted, you once again indulge in further insults, false allegations, innuendo and continued disruption of the thread. Amusing to see how you twist things around to accuse me of your own behaviors. You don't seem to have a cogent point to make here, instead just basically repeating different versions of the same things from each of your other posts.

As for your rubbish allegation that I have a "reputation of running to moderators", you are merely parroting verbatim a bogus accusation from former member HonestReview. That was the very last remark he posted right before he was permanently banned from the forum due to his chronically abusive behavior and trolling, much like you have been doing towards me here in this thread.

Dashmellow- As you are not mature enough to "agree to disagree" tell me where in my prior post I made "any false claims". As I said, you, or anyone, can read precisely what I said and when I said it in the posts above. - - Clearly it is you who are making false claims, ie, my post claimed your pic of a newly wed couple brandishing rifles was "political"! - - It NEVER happened, but in your mind it

If you are big enough to "agree to disagree", I am as well. If you choose to continue to make false claims, I will probably answer you; but after a bit more I will write-you-off as a lost cause.
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Well while everyone is happily quibbling with each other let me add my note of support to the Ukrainian people in their valiant effort to prevent a little man with a little man complex from conquering a Democratic nation. If that little man succeeds the people in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland will know what comes next. 1939 meet 2022!

I agree that this is a treacherous time for all people in that region. My family happens to be from a close-by area that you mentioned. I certainly do not see the pics that were presented of the desperate Ukrainians as ones that brought a smile to my face! If anything, they brought tears and elicited prayers for the successful defense of Ukraine.

As I mentioned earlier, some think this could be the start of World War III; it's certainly not a time to be jovial about a very, very perilous situation. Just my opinion.