Pics that make you smile

Severe case of friendly fire here.
It is 08:51 in the morning, and my nose have been bleeding constantly since 03:30, and when its running it is literally running and not just dripping.

PS. No use of magic powders here, and no picking, ill be damned if this happened before
Back up and running, got a little chemical etch in the nose.
I think it might be allergies, which i seem to have gotten in my old age.
ATM it is just grass pollen that is going here, but its also all the way to the top of the chart.
Hedy Lamarr's memorial in Vienna.

The 88 rods represent the frequencies in her patented Spread Spectrum invention.

The balls are information packets encoded on those frequencies.

If you stand in the right spot, you can see her face.


Some strong women in science.
Even going back to the horrible old days where women in anything but the kitchen or birth bed was a outrage.

We have one too in the shape of Inger Lehmann

Here memorial though, not as nice.

And these days some women want things based on simple math, like 50% are women so 50% of people on a company board should also be women on that fact alone.

It is a mad world.
I very much respect the people that just do what it take, and the ones that go even further than that, like so many women have been forced to do over history.

I have never worked with a woman that earned less than i did, the only reason i might pull home more was solely based on the amount of overtime i was willing to do.

Last time my car was serviced it was also a girl mechanic,,,,, a pretty mechanic, so this warmed this old guys heart.
And these days some women want things based on simple math, like 50% are women so 50% of people on a company board should also be women on that fact alone.

I disagree with that assertion. Ability, knowledge, and dedication should determine the makeup of a board. That could mean there are more or less representatives of a group there than would be expected statistically. The USA has more black athletes than white despite there being more whites than blacks here. As a white guy I have no problem with that. We white guys are often athletically outclassed and honestly can not make the top tier cut (Larry Byrd was an exception). If talent and dedication alone were considered a board might have 75% women on it. The biggest reason fewer women than men are at the top corporate levels is simple. More women take time away from a career to have and raise children compared to men. Some men would work 16 hours a day for decades and just live to work. Some women also take this approach but not as many compared to men. Most of us, men and women alike choose family and free time over job promotions and the resulting bigger incomes and it will always be this way. Lifestyle typically wins against the option requiring long hours at work to have a bigger income and less free time for ourselves.
Severe case of friendly fire here.
It is 08:51 in the morning, and my nose have been bleeding constantly since 03:30, and when its running it is literally running and not just dripping.
I know of 2 things beyond old age can affect that. 1 You are coming down with a cold. When I first start to come down with a cold I can get very light bleeding when blowing my nose. Not a drip just red spots on the tissues. 2. Low humidity. The sinuses can dry up and the blood vessels start to leak when the humidity is to low. After having surgery for a deviated septum with a lot of bleeding the doctor told me to get a humidifier to protect my sinuses until they healed. A humidifier might help you as well. Check your humidity levels. It may be to dry inside and require adding some extra moisture to make your nose happy.
More women take time away from a career to have and raise children compared to men. Some men would work 16 hours a day for decades and just live to work. Some women also take this approach but not as many compared to men.

I know a lot of women who would disagree with you on that score as they have spent their careers trying to break through the glass ceiling only to see lesser qualified males get promotions. Other women I know have been paid less than men with similar or lower ranks in their workforce. Finally, some of these women who I happen to know have had highly successful careers as business executives or business owners who have somehow managed to raise a family at the same time. They somehow get their kids fed breakfast and dropped off at school in the morning on their way to work. I don't know how they do it but they do it. Childcare helps for some and some states have paid family and medical leave.

Jacinda Adern, the Prime Minister of Australia manged to give birth and raise a baby while in office.

"I'm sure we're going through all of the emotions new parents go through, but at the same time feeling so grateful for all the kindness and best wishes from so many people. Thank you."
Ardern's pregnancy sparked a global conversation about working mothers. In an interview earlier this year with Radio New Zealand, Ardern said, "I am not the first woman to multitask. I am not the first woman to work and have a baby; there are many women who have done this before."
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2 things beyond
I am also told allergies can do something like that yo you, and my nose have been irritated for a few days before this, and grass pollen are also thru the roof here ATM, none of the other pollen are on the scale.
But the weather have been extremely dry here, actually a record dry spell of over 20 days as i recall, the midsummer thing on Friday with bonfires are called off all over the country aside for very eastern parts around the Capitol that have gotten a little rain lately.

So no Danish burning of witches on Friday.'s_Eve

When i was young / a kid teenager, my nose would start to bleed when i got angry, this paired with me having a tendency to switch to the German language for insults and foul language have turned some heads back then.

Just remember a guy on the outer perimeter of my circle when i was younger was nicknamed "bleeder" but i dont know if he had the blood decease or he just tended to get hurt
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Just noticed.

My first HDD purchase was a 600 MB hard drive for my Amiga 500+ ( External GVP drive )
For the same price, or actually 25% cheaper i can get a 22 TB hard drive today :eek:
Just noticed.

My first HDD purchase was a 600 MB hard drive for my Amiga 500+ ( External GVP drive )
For the same price, or actually 25% cheaper i can get a 22 TB hard drive today :eek:
In the 90's spending around $2,000 on a computer was normal. Now a fast computer should cost much less. Technology sure has gotten cheaper.

Apparently, Prigozhin's Wagner fighters stopped for coffee on their way to taking over the Rostov army HQ. Fog of War. :smuggrin:

Jacinda Adern, the Prime Minister of Australia manged to give birth and raise a baby while in office.

Close but no cigar.
Prime minister of New Zealand. Jacinta!
An amazing PM from what I've read. She quit not long ago just decided to move on how cool is that.

Australia did have a woman PM called Julia Gillard born in England put had lived most of her life in Oz. She doesn't have any children.

Couldn't stop my ocd coming through lol