Pics that make you smile

It take one to know one. :)
And i do like others taking the plunge first before i go out on a limb.
while i think my pain threshold are ok, then i dont think i am going to try either of those plants.
But if i had a green house with a little room to spare from the Chillies, well a couple of nasty plants in a corner never hurt anyone that at least know they are there and to steer clear of them.
But all they have are T-shirts, Mugs and tote bags. Where are the potions and packets of dried plants? :D
Safely stored over in the local pharmacy, most requiring a doctors prescription, but some, like Aspirin, can be purchased without.
Whilst on a flight to the Canaries a few years ago I looked up and this was the view in front of me.

Don't be so quick to judge! :joyful:

That guy has made a lucrative weird career doing sh*t like this. He likes to do stuff like sting himself with murder hornets and see if he can make it go viral for money.

He got @kamkar to post it! :smuggrin:
Fair point. He knew the risk and accepted the outcome. It's not like he knew the risk and thought "yeah, but it won't happen to me."
He must be a Usanian, the rest of the english speaking world has always called it the Hash, or Number Sign.
If only the USA would adopt the metric system with as much enthusiasm as they have adopted the Hash!
Fair point. He knew the risk and accepted the outcome. It's not like he knew the risk and thought "yeah, but it won't happen to me."

The guy has 21 million subscribers to his YouTube channel and 983 videos of himself intentionally getting bitten by all kinds of poisonous insects, snakes, spiders, parasites and plants on camera all over the world. Behind the scenes he has a whole crew including medical professionals on hand with antidotes and treatments should things get out of hand.

Aside from saying that he is a content creator on YouTube I wonder what he says he does for a living? Eco-masochist maybe? :smuggrin:
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What people can make money on, and not even thinking in extremes, just blow me away some times
I mean just look at those jackass kids, taking blows to the groin and they are probably multi millionaires.
It make it hard for me, when there are other people that work 2 full time jobs and cant even pay a rent,,,,,, the world need a fixing i think.

But all they have are T-shirts, Mugs and tote bags. Where are the potions and packets of dried plants? :D

Safely stored over in the local pharmacy, most requiring a doctors prescription, but some, like Aspirin, can be purchased without.

Sadly Nigel, I see that you are still suffering from a severe case of Clinical Humor Impairment. We've discussed this before, as you know.

Some form of humor impairment (HI) strikes one in four people born every day. Many people grow out of it, but far too many live tragic mirthless lives. Research indicates there are varying degrees of HI ranging, from a condition called “Doesn’t get knock-knock jokes” to “Clinically Brain Dead.”

Thankfully, there is hope on the horizon. A new medical device has recently been approved for sale that can alert a humor impaired patient that someone has uttered or posted a remark that is supposed to be funny, or at the very least somewhat amusing, in order that he will be able to muster a socially appropriate response such as a chuckle or even a simper. The patient wears special shorts equipped with radio-controlled electrodes that signal him, via electric shocks, when he was supposed to laugh. So far, the product has been reported to be highly successful and even pleasant to use but it is not without its drawbacks. On some severely afflicted humor impaired patients with grievously intractable conditions the device will continue increasing the voltage when it does not achieve the desired response and these individuals can end up twitching like a fresh-caught mackerel as dangerous voltage levels reach their boxers. Non-humor impaired bystanders observing this behavior can find this to be very funny thus offering unexpected social benefits to the humor impaired individual, although the patient may not quite perceive this.

Still, I believe any risks are worth taking and I implore you to seek help! :smuggrin:
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Copycat using the wrong font size
So ? i an not old or creepy enough to be of interest, dang it.