Pics that make you smile

That bed advise, sound reasonable.
And fortunately i am a old sailor so i know my way with rope and knots, there will be no unsecured cargo.

Those mannequins i wish i could go back to that little " fender " but i have passed that and now sport a bulbous bow, i of course do not blame it on me, but rather the little American i have living deep inside me growing.
I am wondering if that is DIY say in a residential parking garage.

The ( i think ) Toyota in the picture sure as hell dont left him / her self much room with that parking.
I hate when PPL have parked and it look as if they have not even tried, probably due to me living in a society where government use very many tax money helping such individuals.

I want to be cool, and generous, BUT ! Not with all people.

EDIT: just noticed the background.
The other day I came across a big expensive pick-up truck at the supermarket that was parked diagonally across two parking spaces in a crowded lot while the driver went into the store. I wanted to let the air out of his tires. :mad:
Those zany Danes in North America :D
" Do they have a gift shop " funny thing Gift in Danish mean poison or married, take your pick

I want to grow gympie gympie in my garden, and then i would throw my enemies naked into it, i might also grow " the devils toilet paper "

Of course you can also go " creative " with the castor beans, but that talk we better leave alone to not bother the guys in that black cube in Maryland.
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I don't think I've ever seen someone that stupid.
I don't think I've ever seen someone that stupid.

Don't be so quick to judge! :joyful:

That guy has made a lucrative weird career doing sh*t like this. He likes to do stuff like sting himself with murder hornets and see if he can make it go viral for money.

He got @kamkar to post it! :smuggrin: