Pics that make you smile

Damn 80.
I dont think i will reach the Danish pension age, which ATM is 67 ( prone to frequent changes to a older age )
Needless to say that age to not count for a MP, hell barely for anyone a MP have breathed upon, Oooo no the people from the upper echelons have much more lukrative retirement conditions.

PS: i never owned a tie / butterfly
Some times i do ponder if earth are just a trash planet for other civilizations.

I mean what worse punishment but being bound in human form, and then shipped to earth.
And i am sure " they " have contemplated it for the worst ones, but do that,,,, AND ! then have the person live forever or at least very long, but then the gig would be up for the humans.

Or maybe that Jesus fellow, he was really nasty and so able to wake up from the dead to continue his punishment.

Tie into the current debate in the US of having corpses / extremely old people in government, i read today about some senile old ladt 90 years of age,,,,,, OMG guys.
A politicians should be no younger than 40 and no older than 50, that would also ensure a rapid turnover of people so new stronger folks can pick up the pieces.
HAHA thats a excellent bit holder.