Powerucc Panorama2

We auto update time and date from GPS, I'm sure they could implement the same
I tested this feature for Jokiin here in South Australia and it works like a treat. Very handy feature...

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I tested this feature for Jokiin here in South Australia and it works like a treat. Very handy feature...

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

Actually on that subject if you guys have daylight savings in SA can you let me know if the offset is correct, I'm not sure if that info is carried in the GPS data stream or not, if it isn't I'll have a DST offset menu option added to the firmware
Actually on that subject if you guys have daylight savings in SA can you let me know if the offset is correct, I'm not sure if that info is carried in the GPS data stream or not, if it isn't I'll have a DST offset menu option added to the firmware

I can check when I get back from my trip, just in the Barossa at the moment. Your camera is connected to my wife's vehicle as front facing.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
And so, I took the plunge and ordered the works. Thanks for the thread, everyone!
You will not regret, solid design, crisp image quality, very good bit rate and capacitor charge. I've just taken side by side footage with my Vico TF2+ and will upload Monday.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
P.S. - I got new Beta v1.11.03 firmware for testing. Video quality at night is even more improved, + also motion detection recording improved. Hope maybe gps time reset issue also fixed ?
Will be testing it during upcoming couple of weeks and after I will share my thoughts.
Niko please lay out the night video on firmware v1.11.03
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And so, I took the plunge and ordered the works. Thanks for the thread, everyone!

Panorama2 is the best bang for buck right now and I dont know any other dash cam close to it if taking into consideration: price vs video quality / options / functions / reliability.
You will not regret, solid design, crisp image quality, very good bit rate and capacitor charge. I've just taken side by side footage with my Vico TF2+ and will upload Monday.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

Wnen later on in some stage you have time, please share also raw video files of both: VIco and Panorama2.
Niko please lay out the night video on firmware v1.11.03

Yes, I will share all results within few weeks like I always did. It takes time to fully test new firmware, to find free time from my work and personal life to drive at night, drive at day, sitting beside PC, putting all files together, uploading , etc.
So, patience and I will share ASAP.
Wnen later on in some stage you have time, please share also raw video files of both: VIco and Panorama2.

Yep sure thing, I have them securely removed from sdcard already on wife's laptop ready for upload when we get home tomorrow. I'll be uploading RAW files only, I have slow driving in a country town as well as scenic driving with trees and mountains to show shadow, light and any pixelation which by the way is non existent, but wanted to prove a point more than anything. I'm going to sell the Vico, it just doesn't work as a rear camera and the panorama2 smashes it with quality. You will see tomorrow :)

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How long is the power cable? If one need a 5m long cable where can we get one?
How long is the power cable? If one need a 5m long cable where can we get one?
Why not simply buy a length of cable & scotch it into existing power (or tap into fuse board) and create an outlet nearer to where you need one? I did this to put a socket in my boot to power a camping fridge. I may need it in the future if I buy a cam just for the rear (if I can't get a decent dual cam).
Why not simply buy a length of cable & scotch it into existing power (or tap into fuse board) and create an outlet nearer to where you need one? I did this to put a socket in my boot to power a camping fridge. I may need it in the future if I buy a cam just for the rear (if I can't get a decent dual cam).

Haha, unfortunately I am not good in dealing with electrical wire and how-to go about connecting cable into my car's fuse board.
Yep sure thing, I have them securely removed from sdcard already on wife's laptop ready for upload when we get home tomorrow. I'll be uploading RAW files only, I have slow driving in a country town as well as scenic driving with trees and mountains to show shadow, light and any pixelation which by the way is non existent, but wanted to prove a point more than anything. I'm going to sell the Vico, it just doesn't work as a rear camera and the panorama2 smashes it with quality. You will see tomorrow :)

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

If you will have time, can you make few video recordings of both dash cameras side by side in front ( Vico + Panorama2 ), day time, night time.
If you dont have time to mess with editing and synchronizing videos, I can do it for you if you share files later on.
If you will have time, can you make few video recordings of both dash cameras side by side in front ( Vico + Panorama2 ), day time, night time.
If you dont have time to mess with editing and synchronizing videos, I can do it for you if you share files later on.

Ok I will try, my brother makes movies for his job, so I'll ask him for tips on how to do it! I have Tuesday off work so I'll have a tinker with the videos.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
Ok I will try, my brother makes movies for his job, so I'll ask him for tips on how to do it! I have Tuesday off work so I'll have a tinker with the videos.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

Great, will wait. Thanks.
I'm was looking for the steps how to upgrade the firmware, I know Niko has typed something about it but I can't find it right now. Where did you get Beta firmware? Official website only allows you to download v1.9.3
May Niko can share the latest firmware?