Powerucc Panorama2

I htink EV value has to be set on "0" ( zero ) for any dash camera side by side test.
I hope it was set to default "0" on Vico ?
Let's wait till Milamber confirms it.

I can confirm that the TF2+ EV value was set to "auto".
My opinion is different from Johnny. I think the Panorama2 is more overexposed in comparison to TF2+.
I can confirm that the TF2+ EV value was set to "auto".

Very good. I always set eather to "0" or to "auto" ( if possible ) when making side by side videos with other dash cameras. This is the only fair way to judge two dash cameras by using default or auto-settings.
So it looks like something wrong with VIco colours, - they are not that rich.

If you still have not sold VIco and will have time for short video clip of night driving, - this would be great if you can share it.
If you still have not sold VIco and will have time for short video clip of night driving, - this would be great if you can share it.

Still have the Vico and I can sort some night driving of comparison videos like the day time ones I did. In fact i might jump in the car tonight and do a quick 2min drive down dark streets and lit streets.
My opinion is different from Johnny. I think the Panorama2 is more overexposed in comparison to TF2+.

Panorama2 can not be overexposed, it also set to "auto"-everything. Auto EV value, Auto white balance. The only thing is if by default, Panorama2 developers raised EV value on the first place.
Actually to be honest I don't think that much about different specs. For me most important what I can see with my eyes ( final result ). If I like this or that, - then I go for it.
Some people like VIco "underexposion", - some Panorama2, where colours are more rich.
Still have the Vico and I can sort some night driving of comparison videos like the day time ones I did. In fact i might jump in the car tonight and do a quick 2min drive down dark streets and lit streets.

Yes, thats would be great. Because these days comparing at day time is not the best way to make conclusions. Some 50usd dash cameras can perform as good as 150 usd- ones, but all comes to night video recordings. So we sait .
Thanks for efforts.
The RAW files will be ready in about two hours from now, almost finished the Vico uploads then its the Panorama II
The RAW files will be ready in about two hours from now, almost finished the Vico uploads then its the Panorama II

OK, no rush.
RAW files uploaded to original post here
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Niko I'm going to urgently need a rear camera, it will need to be capacitor based though, any ideas? I'm off work tomorrow and would like to spend sometime online researching any models suggested.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
Niko I'm going to urgently need a rear camera, it will need to be capacitor based though, any ideas? I'm off work tomorrow and would like to spend sometime online researching any models suggested.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

I think proper way would be if you open a new thread otherwise it will be off topic here. By having separate thread you also will draw more attention.
I am ready with some ideas when you ready with new thread.
Keep in touch.
Here is a night comparison video I made last night, make sure you watch in 1080P :)

Haha very good effort mate. Like your sci-fi terminator-style intro. The music is lovely, hope you don't listen to it while driving at night, might fall asleep on the wheel because it is so relaxing :P I definitely prefer the video of the TF2+. Panorama2's white balance is weird in comparison.
The night time is brighter on Vico and I like that its able to keep the lights white not so yellow as other cameras. Panorama II is able to produce a good video too at night but doesn't have the settings to change white balance or exposure so it will decide for you how it will handle the light conditions. As Niko says "there is not an all perfect camera for everybody". I have a Panorama II and so far it has shown good performance at night and day, but USA license plates are so difficult to read that I don't expect any camera in premium category to be able to handle such task with ease. Makes me wonder if that could also be one of many reason why dashcams are not so successful here.
Thanks for the feedback, yeah the TF2+ is definitely the pick of the two for night-time recording without a doubt... too much purple tinge to the Panorama II. We really need a Powerucc agent on these forums.
But if you look at it carefully you will notice that Panorama II is still showing details just with a different tinge maybe but still usable for evidence proof.
I wish we could increase some bitrate on Panorama II to maybe 13 or 14 Mbit/s I think it would help my situation with seeing USA number plates better.
Non of them is ideal. Panorama2 has violet "fog" all over dark areas, Vico has blueish vertical stripes at pitch dark. Vico has slightly natural overall colours and about 5-10% clearer picture due to more natural colours ( especially white ), however Vico-s lower bit-trate is drawback.
So, both dash cams could have this or that done better at night, but if taking into consideration also a day time video, then I would say overall Panorama is 8/10, Vico is 7/10, so they are close to each other. Both are great dash cams from overall video quality, good performance and reliability. It's personal choice of individual buyer who to go with.
Exactly what I was trying to say