Powerucc Panorama2

I'm was looking for the steps how to upgrade the firmware, I know Niko has typed something about it but I can't find it right now. Where did you get Beta firmware? Official website only allows you to download v1.9.3

Check my post 210 for video and 212 for step-by-step instruction.


You can not download ANY Beta firmware from powerucc.com
v.1.09.03 , v1.10.04 are Beta versions, and download link is not active.
As I previously explained, -they want fully test Beta versions before releasing to the public.

Available firmware version to download is v1.08.05
May Niko can share the latest firmware?

v1.11.03 is Beta firmware version given for test-purpose only ( as all Beta firmware versions on any devices, - they are not fully tested ).
I will be sharing it within 1-2 weeks after I have done full tests and no bugs or other errors found.
Please patience.
Thank you for understanding.
Available firmware version to download is v1.08.05

Yep, this is the version mine came with.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4
Yep, this is the version mine came with.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4

v1.08.05 I had since day first it was released for public and it is very stable.
Will see how v1.11.03 behaves after the tests.
My dashcam that came yesterday also has v1.08.05
So I was looking at the settings and I noticed that Panorama II has no manual expo settings or manual white balance settings. Its just an all great auto self adjusted dashcam. Just start the engine and drive. No need to remember messing with it every time you get behind the wheel.
Some time I think they could add manual EV- or white balance, but then I start thinking about other dash cameras I have been using / testing, - I never touch those setting and I bet majority of dash cam users have all those settings on default. Probably Panorama2 developer set everything into some kind of balance, so we don't have to mess around with those settings, which makes life easier for everyday normal user.
As long as they keep improving it I am good with it, but they should make it as an option just to stay competitive.
As long as they keep improving it I am good with it, but they should make it as an option just to stay competitive.

From experience that I have, powerucc constantly improving. Of course they could implement many features, but I guess there never going to be dash camera that would fully satisfy all buyers needs. I enjoy as it is, most important for me from any dash camera is good nigh / day video quality and reliability.
The RAW files are being uploaded and taking quit sometime since I have slow internet in Australia. This video took 2 hours to upload, make sure you watch in 1080p! Excuse the spelling mistake on the "Panorama II".


Night Comparison

Night RAW Files

TF2+ (right click save target as)

Panorama II (right click save target as)


Daytime Comparison

Daytime RAW Files

TF2+ (right click save target as)
Panorama II (right click save target as)
Last edited:
Wow that was very professional Milamber. I just took my dashcam for a spin and it appears to be better in the dark street with no lights. When I drive up to the store sign it sort off has over sharpness that the sign appears not very clear. But I need to do more resting as my camera was not properly mounted so I was holding it in my hand (did not want this new toy to fall) so video was jerky.
The RAW files are being uploaded and taking quit sometime since I have slow internet in Australia. This video took 2 hours to upload, make sure you watch in 1080p!

I prefer the VicoVation's video, it looks more natural. Panorama2's colour is over saturated, looks like cartoon. The cloud is also over exposed and blown out.
But the Vico in your video was overexposed as if it need to be dialed back a little.
Vico had that plastic contact lens feeling.
Thanks guys, just edited the post with the bitrate detail too... I'm uploading the original files now, bare in mind everything was set to default on both cameras using same lens width 160° :)
Thanks for your hard work. I am sure this video will help out a lot of people when they will be making a decision to purchase a new dashcam.
The Panorama II has higher bit rate but audio is not stereo like the TF2+ as per my screenshot.
The RAW files are being uploaded and taking quit sometime since I have slow internet in Australia. This video took 2 hours to upload, make sure you watch in 1080p! Excuse the spelling mistake on the "Panorama II".


Wowwww, - you video starts like some kind Holliwood Blockbuster, your brother helped you out ?, - very professional ;)

If you can just confirm that Vico had all settings default, I mean EV value was set to "0" ( zero ), right ?

Also I can see from GSpot statistic, that Vico has not 30Fps, it has 29.971

In this case it will be the same problem for people who deals with video editing as "cruiser" wrote about BlackVue.

Strange framerate? DR500GW-HD

this FPS value is not always the same, but varies little after the third decimal place.

29.55 fps is not a standard value.
It is not 29.97 (NTSC interlaced) , nor 30 (HD progressive), and it is not even 25 (PAL interlaced, Europe)

I use these files for video editing,
some programs do not recognize the framerate and try to convert it to 25fps or 29.97fps
Others do not convert the original file, but the final video contains continuous micro freezes for a frame every few seconds.

I could recode any video files to any standard framerate from 29.55 before editing (loosing quality..), but the question is: why this strange framerate?

But the Vico in your video was overexposed as if it need to be dialed back a little.

I htink EV value has to be set on "0" ( zero ) for any dash camera side by side test.
I hope it was set to default "0" on Vico ?
Let's wait till Milamber confirms it.