Powerucc Panorama2

Happens to me also, but I've found the 21Mbps firmware helps some.
I received my new PanoramaII-S (basic package) this morning from ebay (thanks to DashcamTalk and Niko for the great information). Took around 3 days shipping since shpkorea notified of sending and not a single mark or bump with their bubble packaging.
I spent most of today reading through all 46 pages of this thread and now kinda wish I got the GPS and constant power too.
I've come from a Uniden iGO Cam 300 and have been completely blown away at how much better this product is, 2x the price (basic package) but at least 10x the quality. The included suction cup mount is incredible too, will have to see how it hold up to the sun and heat of a black car parked outside during the day.
Looking forward to using it and reading all the great tips posted on this forum.
I received my new PanoramaII-S (basic package) this morning from ebay (thanks to DashcamTalk and Niko for the great information). Took around 3 days shipping since shpkorea notified of sending and not a single mark or bump with their bubble packaging.
I spent most of today reading through all 46 pages of this thread and now kinda wish I got the GPS and constant power too.
I've come from a Uniden iGO Cam 300 and have been completely blown away at how much better this product is, 2x the price (basic package) but at least 10x the quality. The included suction cup mount is incredible too, will have to see how it hold up to the sun and heat of a black car parked outside during the day.
Looking forward to using it and reading all the great tips posted on this forum.

It truly is a great camera, I highly recommend the 21Mbps firmware, the still quality and at speed is amazing. I bought the multi-power thing, but I don't use it, I park in a garage at the office and at home, other than I put up a sunshade in the windshield to hide the camera. The GPS is nice, but not necessary.
It truly is a great camera, I highly recommend the 21Mbps firmware, the still quality and at speed is amazing. I bought the multi-power thing, but I don't use it, I park in a garage at the office and at home, other than I put up a sunshade in the windshield to hide the camera. The GPS is nice, but not necessary.
Unfortunately at my current work location there is no undercover parking, not too worried about theft there since it's patrolled. Biggest concern at work though is after seeing how some of the geniuses park (staff, students and visitors have parking access with no dedicated staff parking) I wonder what cereal box these people got their licenses from. I might cut a gap into a sunshade so at least the camera can see out.
21Mbps is quite a jump from the stock 12Mbps, any feedback on heat or device stress? It's getting late now so I'll have to search the forum maybe tomorrow for some comparison videos.
Unfortunately at my current work location there is no undercover parking, not too worried about theft there since it's patrolled. Biggest concern at work though is after seeing how some of the geniuses park (staff, students and visitors have parking access with no dedicated staff parking) I wonder what cereal box these people got their licenses from. I might cut a gap into a sunshade so at least the camera can see out.
21Mbps is quite a jump from the stock 12Mbps, any feedback on heat or device stress? It's getting late now so I'll have to search the forum maybe tomorrow for some comparison videos.
I just posted a sample video with 21Mbps in the firmware thread. Mine arrived with 12Mbps, while stationary the video quality was excellent, but above 30km/h it was grainy and a bit blurry, couldn't make out license plates of vehicles that were close or even read street signs. With 21Mbps the quality is excellent as speed, everything is clear, even at 100km/h, definitely worth it, even if it is more stressful to the camera.
Be very careful using the camera with a sunshade. I nearly cooked mine when I put the camera between the shade and the windscreen. The shade acts like a greenhouse behind the glass. It may look lame, but perhaps get one of those shields that goes on the outside of the vehicle.
Be very careful using the camera with a sunshade. I nearly cooked mine when I put the camera between the shade and the windscreen. The shade acts like a greenhouse behind the glass. It may look lame, but perhaps get one of those shields that goes on the outside of the vehicle.
Yeah? I was thinking of just having the lens poking out. If that could still be a problem then I guess it's full sunshade or none lol. I haven't seen the sunshade that goes on the outside, maybe could just stretch one of the cheap ones that goes on the inside and modify it a little to get a good camera view. Will have to drop down to SuperCheap or someplace and see what ideas pop up.
I just posted a sample video with 21Mbps in the firmware thread. Mine arrived with 12Mbps, while stationary the video quality was excellent, but above 30km/h it was grainy and a bit blurry, couldn't make out license plates of vehicles that were close or even read street signs. With 21Mbps the quality is excellent as speed, everything is clear, even at 100km/h, definitely worth it, even if it is more stressful to the camera.
Cool, I'll have to make a list of everything I want to try out haha, thanks for the info.

Edit: found Niko's comparison, fyi for anyone else (http://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/panorama-ii-s-bit-rate-12-vs-15-18-21mbps-dayn-night-test.4616/)
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Looks like I bricked my device:(
Yesterday I travelled 6 hours with 21mbps firmware. Today checked SD card, and find out that most videos can be played only first couple seconds. In same time videos from today morning where ok. I have filling that device was overheated.
I download 15mbps firmware from official web site and I've flashed the device in the car after that blue light is always on, device is not responding for pressing buttons. Blue light is stay on until internal battery became empty.
Any ideas how I can try to reanimate device?
Powerucc Panorama 2 has no battery, are you talking about super capacitor? Also if you started to miss video and used that same SD card (by the way if you will tell what brand you use, class, size and how long it was used for?) to flash/upgrade your camera then maybe its your SD card that is the problem. I have Panorama2 also and after reading through the forum main issues with this camera are reported to be SD cards. Things to consider would be to avoid Sandisk brand seems to cause more headache than any other brand. Try to use class 10 SD cards especially if you are upgraded to higher Mbps camera settings. SD cards even most reliable ones still fail some times so it would of been worth it to try a different card. If you already have done all that before (as you didn't mention in your previous post @Taras) then I would suspect the dashcam. @niko and Panorama 2 developer have been checking the new firmware before release and so far I have not heard anything bad.
Yes, I talked about super capacitor. SD card is couple weeks old, TOSHIBA SDHC CLASS 10 UHS-I (SD-T016UHS1 (BL5) 16GB.
I use this card and firmware for two weeks, and everything worked fine.
Have you tried to reflash it again?
Yes, I tried. I can't because device not reacts on pressing buttons. Blue light switches on instantly with powering on.
Looks like I bricked my device:(
Yesterday I travelled 6 hours with 21mbps firmware. Today checked SD card, and find out that most videos can be played only first couple seconds. In same time videos from today morning where ok. I have filling that device was overheated.
I download 15mbps firmware from official web site and I've flashed the device in the car after that blue light is always on, device is not responding for pressing buttons. Blue light is stay on until internal battery became empty.
Any ideas how I can try to reanimate device?

I had similar issue with "corrupted videos" at the end of memory card life, when after 10 month the Samsung 16gb card was retired, - which was normal for such every day use / abuse.
But as you said, your card is only 2 weeks old and I have not heard of some mass-failure of Toshiba memory cards, they are usually reliable ones.
As I understand, 21mbps bit-rate firmware you installed yourself on the first place and it was working fine, right or you already bought Panorama 2 with pre-installed 21mbps bit-rate ?
Have you bought from Ukrainian local re-seller ?
I installed 21mbps myself and it works fine. Yes, I bought from Ukrainian local re-seller.

The main difference between when it worked fine and not was mostly I had short trips (15-30 min), and last time was 6 hours trip, also sun was shining. By the way, did you test 21mbps firmware in hot weather conditions? When I pulled out SD card with this firmware I felt that SD card was hotter vs 12mbps firmware.
I just checked, working temperature of my SD card is -25 ~ 55 °C. For example Transcend (TS16GSDU1) has -25 ~ 85 °C. But I think toshiba just reinsured.
I installed 21mbps myself and it works fine. Yes, I bought from Ukrainian local re-seller.

The main difference between when it worked fine and not was mostly I had short trips (15-30 min), and last time was 6 hours trip, also sun was shining. By the way, did you test 21mbps firmware in hot weather conditions? When I pulled out SD card with this firmware I felt that SD card was hotter vs 12mbps firmware.

Yes, I have test 21mbit in our Irish "hot"? weather :) , - bad ( or good ) thing is that we dont have extreme weather here, but I did drive 2h constantly with 21mbps.
It's is normal and logical that using with 21mbps bit-rate will produce more heat. Memory card have to work with much higher load. Thats why its get hotter.
After you flashed from 21 to 15mbps, - have you used it with 15mbps or right after ( or durin ) FW upgrade, unit was not responding ?
After I flashed unit was not responding, so I didn't use 15mbps firmware.
After I flashed unit was not responding, so I didn't use 15mbps firmware.

I am afraid you din't flash it correctly. My very first Panorama I bought year ago, I also bricked when didn't flash correctly :(
I don't know if your is fully bricked or half-bricked and don't know if resetting will help or not. You may try to remove - reinstall RCT battery and see if it helps, but first consult with ukrainian re-seller regarding warranty if they will allow to do that.

check here about RTC battery removal:

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I am afraid you din't flash it correctly. My very first Panorama I bought year ago, I also bricked when didn't flash correctly :(
I don't know if your is fully bricked or half-bricked and don't know if resetting will help or not. You may try to remove - reinstall RCT battery and see if it helps, but first consult with ukrainian re-seller regarding warranty if they will allow to do that.

check here about RTC battery removal:

Niko, thanks for suggestion. But first I will go to the re-seller, if they will decline repair it under warranty, then I will open device and reset it.
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