Powerucc Panorama2

Overlap just continues to write the video to the old file once it has started the new one. The result is if you play them back to back you get a second or so skip back in time.
If your memory card is not fast enough there might be a gap in video from one file to the next, so the overlap helps minimise this issue.
I understand - thanks!
Is there a way to find out what bitrate the camera is operating at? I didn't understand alexsall reply?
just check the files you've recorded, the properties as shown on your computer is the easiest way to check
Will look at that - thanks!
EDIT: Looked at files properties and don't see any reference to bitrate?
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this is all I can find

from my OS


& from adobe premier Pro CC


sorry, didn't realise you were on a Mac, with PC the details are shown just by looking at file properties, no extra programs required
sorry, didn't realise you were on a Mac, with PC the details are shown just by looking at file properties, no extra programs required

no problems, at my end. Most other people don't know either.

BUT does Properties give you as much as Mediainfo?
Sorry to be lame about this, but when I click on the file all I get is file size, date modified. And in Properties I get the usual info about file name, size, date modified, etc. NO bitrate!
BTW, using Windows XP.............
I do not see the attraction to this Cam, nor the claim of "one of best video for 2013". The lowest price that I could find for a cam that records at a modest 12 mbps, is $209, not including GPS. Why would anyone even entertain the thought of buying one, when you could buy 3 Mobius Action cams, that produce superior video (18mbps) for the same money?
Given that the night-time video from the Mobius is nothing to brag about, but the daytime video is nothing short of great! Sounds like another FineVu CR-500HD promo in the making.
The lowest price that I could find for a cam that records at a modest 12 mbps, is $209, not including GPS. Why would anyone even entertain the thought of buying one, when you could buy 3 Mobius Action cams, that produce superior video (18mbps) for the same money?
You should only entertain the thought of buying what best suits your needs, not what is advertised or touted as "the best" by other people. Guessing by your comment, you seem to only evaluate video quality based on bit rate. You should be aware that there are firmware upgrades available that allow the Panorama II/S to record at 21 mbps... You should also be aware that a Sony Exmor sensor (Panorama) will produce noticeably better results than other sensors (Mobius). Whether the difference you notice in the video quality is worth the extra money, that's entirely up to you and your needs.
bitrate and quality are not the same thing


Bitrate-is the speed ofpassage ofthe information bits.

Maximum number of bitsthat can be transmittedper unit of time.

Method ofmeasuring the quality ofthe videois to measure thesignal to noise ratio.
Itis the ratio ofuseful signalpowertonoise power.

Signal / noise ratio- the ratio ofthe electrical signallevelto the noise levelof the signalnumericallydetermines the contentof parasitic noisein the signal.
point was bitrate is not everything, you can have a high bitrate (which people feel is necessary), but still have a poor quality result
You should only entertain the thought of buying what best suits your needs, not what is advertised or touted as "the best" by other people. Guessing by your comment, you seem to only evaluate video quality based on bit rate. You should be aware that there are firmware upgrades available that allow the Panorama II/S to record at 21 mbps... You should also be aware that a Sony Exmor sensor (Panorama) will produce noticeably better results than other sensors (Mobius). Whether the difference you notice in the video quality is worth the extra money, that's entirely up to you and your needs.
Yes, I evaluate video quality based largely on bit rate. I have 2 FineVu CR-500HD cams, which is still described as "In 2012 arguably the camera with the best video quality", on this website. I spent $900 on these, thinking that I could trust the reviews. Big Mistake, which made me very skeptical of the "Best all around" description given for the Panorama II/S. You know, "once bitten, twice shy".

And I don't know about you, but I simply cannot afford to keeping spending $$$, to try "buying what best suits your (my),needs". It would be nice to place more faith on accurate reviews. All I want are dash cameras with the video clarity of the Mobius, and GPS. fairly simple, one would think.

I appreciate you're info on the firmware upgrade for the Panorama. That certainly helps me consider the investment of trying one. Perhaps the author of the Panorama II/S description page should note that as well. That you very much for your input.