Powerucc Panorama2

Niko, thanks for suggestion. But first I will go to the re-seller, if they will decline repair it under warranty, then I will open device and reset it.

Yes, its Better idea first to consult with local reseller.

When you were flashing to 15mbps, did you see on the screen a horizontal bar sign and words "firmware update in progress"?
Yes, its Better idea first to consult with local reseller.

When you were flashing to 15mbps, did you see on the screen a horizontal bar sign and words "firmware update in progress"?
I didn't watch on screen all the time, but status bar is appeared and process started, after that I was busy with my radio)
I didn't watch on screen all the time, but status bar is appeared and process started, after that I was busy with my radio)

I bricked mine when "accidentally" did not allow to finish FW flashing ( there was short power interruption in the car electrical circuit ) and later had same symptoms like your Panorama 2. Maybe you had same bad luck ? :(
Niko you saw on sale cpl filter for Panorama II?
I want to buy it and try it with dash cam.
Niko you saw on sale cpl filter for Panorama II?
I want to buy it and try it with dash cam.

As I understand - you have standard "old shape" Panorama 2, not 2S model, right?
Yes. Panorama 2. I meant a ready to install the DVR. If not, will probably make the adapter plate itself.
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Yes. Panorama 2. I meant a ready to install the DVR. If not, will probably make the adapter plate itself.

There are no special solution for Panorama II. Thats why Panorama 2S was developed in order to use easy aytach-detatch CPL filter.
For panorama II you have to do some DIY. You may find nice solution of cpl filter step-down adapter from DIY Project sub-forum.
If not difficult please give a link.:)
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Hi! Could not remodel! Here is the link:

This bracket is familiar to me long time, but I guess its much easier in the meaning of saving time to just do simple cut of existing bracket than waiting up to 1 month fir a new one.
Of course its all depends on DIY skills. Some "posh elite" can not even change the light bulb in house and calling out a "specialist" :)
New to dashcams, and new to this forum. I just bought the Panorama 2 and I know I need to read this entire thread, but maybe you can answer a couple of setup questions for me?
1. Cycle length: 1, 2, etc minutes: what is the rationale for selecting a value here? Seems like longer would be better?
2. Overlap: 0, 1, etc seconds: I don't have a clue!. And on this subject, how do you combine all these separate files into one video?
Sorry to jump in with these kinds of basic questions - I will read this forum! In the meantime, hope you can help.
Registrator Viewer (link in my signature) will automatically load the files for consecutive playback, cycle length is personal preference, overlap I'm not sure why you'd want it but I guess it's better to have more choice than less and at least be able to set things up the way you like
Having a cycle length of 2 or 5 minutes can be a bit more "user-friendly" if you want to upload videos to YouTube. You won't have to worry about stitching together consecutive files. Then again, having a large 5 minute file is five times larger than a 1 minute segment.
Thanks for the replies. I have latest version of the FW (1.12.04) - how can you tell what bitrate it operates at? 12, 15, 18, 21?
BTW, still don't understand the use of "Overlap?"