Problems with parking mode


New Member
Jul 26, 2022
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I connected my M300 with hardware kit and everything seemed fine. I was able to turn on parking mode and when i shut off car it says that it goes to parking mode in 5 minutes.

First night was ok, i checked the recordings in the morning and everything was ok.

Second morning, my car gave me "High battery discharge message", so I checked the dashcam , turns out it was recording all night, without stopping.

I tried factory reseting dashcam, formating sd card, but nothing helped. If I leave parking mode on, it just records everytime, instead of recording events only.

Why is that happening ? Anyone had something similar ? What about auto off settings, should I turn on autooff after some time with parking mode or no ?

Because , how I understand , i just turn on parking mode and thats it ? Auto turn off is for cars with constant power in power outlets ?

I have parking mode turned off now and it stays off, so wiring should be fine.
Old thread, but replying anyway in case someone else has same problem.

Maybe change the ACC connection fuse. The fact that it's recording means that permanent power is available. I suspect that the ACC voltage is not present or not connected properly - hence the cam is not detecting that the car ignition has been turned off. It basically is permanently ON and recording.