[R&D] A7 R&D thread

Edit: I should add this was for the OSD, not the menus, not sure which you're wanting to change
I think fonts.bin is used for OSD and menu?
At least I hope so lol
Probably still included in fonts.bin (2 different fonts)
I'll give an example of how to fill in the colors.
I have a list of constants already posted.
Part of the source of my program.

PRGBQuad = ^TRGBQuad;
TRGBQuad = packed record = 1024 bytes ( if 8 bits )
rgbBlue: Byte;
rgbGreen: Byte;
rgbRed: Byte;
rgbReserved: Byte;

unit Color;


Windows, SysUtils, Classes;

type // размер матрицы для символов
TMatrix = array of array of Byte;

const // PRGBQuad = как массив стандартных констант...
// массив констант для генерации bmp-файла
// матрица цветов взятая из стандартного файла для A2S Ambarella, чуть правленная
RGBQuad_8: array [0..255] of DWORD = ( // array color constant 8-bit (256 color)
$050403, $FD0026, $00BF00, $BFBF00, $0071A7, $BF00BF, $00BFBF, $C0C0C0,
$808080, $FF0000, $00FF00, $FFDA00, $0000FF, $FF00FF, $00FFFF, $FFFFFF,
$000000, $330000, $660000, $990000, $CC0000, $FF0000, $003300, $333300,
$663300, $993300, $CC3300, $FF3300, $006600, $336600, $666600, $996600,
$CC6600, $FF6600, $009900, $339900, $669900, $999900, $CC9900, $FF9900,
$00CC00, $33CC00, $66CC00, $99CC00, $CCCC00, $FFCC00, $00FF00, $33FF00,
$66FF00, $99FF00, $CCFF00, $FFFF00, $000033, $330033, $660033, $990033,
$CC0033, $FF0033, $003333, $333333, $663333, $993333, $CC3333, $FF3333,
$006633, $336633, $666633, $996633, $CC6633, $FF6633, $009933, $339933,
$669933, $999933, $CC9933, $FF9933, $00CC33, $33CC33, $66CC33, $99CC33,
$CCCC33, $FFCC33, $00FF33, $33FF33, $66FF33, $99FF33, $CCFF33, $FFFF33,
$000066, $330066, $660066, $990066, $CC0066, $FF0066, $003366, $333366,
$663366, $993366, $CC3366, $FF3366, $006666, $336666, $666666, $996666,
$CC6666, $FF6666, $009966, $339966, $669966, $999966, $CC9966, $FF9966,
$00CC66, $33CC66, $66CC66, $99CC66, $CCCC66, $FFCC66, $00FF66, $33FF66,
$66FF66, $99FF66, $CCFF66, $FFFF66, $000099, $330099, $660099, $990099,
$CC0099, $FF0099, $003399, $333399, $663399, $993399, $CC3399, $FF3399,
$006699, $336699, $666699, $996699, $CC6699, $FF6699, $009999, $339999,
$669999, $999999, $CC9999, $FF9999, $00CC99, $33CC99, $66CC99, $99CC99,
$CCCC99, $FFCC99, $00FF99, $33FF99, $66FF99, $99FF99, $CCFF99, $FFFF99,
$0000CC, $3300CC, $6600CC, $9900CC, $CC00CC, $FF00CC, $0033CC, $3333CC,
$6633CC, $9933CC, $CC33CC, $FF33CC, $0066CC, $3366CC, $6666CC, $9966CC,
$CC66CC, $FF66CC, $0099CC, $3399CC, $6699CC, $9999CC, $CC99CC, $FF99CC,
$66FFCC, $99FFCC, $CCFFCC, $FFFFCC, $0000FF, $3300FF, $6600FF, $9900FF,
$CC00FF, $FF00FF, $0033FF, $3333FF, $6633FF, $9933FF, $CC33FF, $FF33FF,
$0066FF, $3366FF, $6666FF, $9966FF, $CC66FF, $FF66FF, $0099FF, $3399FF,
$6699FF, $9999FF, $CC99FF, $FF99FF, $00CCFF, $33CCFF, $66CCFF, $99CCFF,
$000000, $111111, $222222, $333333, $444444, $555555, $666666, $777777,
$000000, $000000, $000000, $000000, $9FD100, $C0C0C0, $CC0000, $F26622);
bytes - > bits
00 10 11 01
Bmp file Sets the color of the constant table.
Сolor change file numbered constants ...


Implement in your program check characters in a file with Unicode strings.bin on file fonts.bin.
Otherwise, the screen will get "???".
I'm sorry for your Books English ...
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Hello. I have DVR Sunty A95F

How to make a backup of the firmware?

Tried different autoexec.ash but it does not react to them.

Thank you! I tried it, but my DVR does not respond to autoexec.ash
I've tried different files, but nothing happens.
Seems like it does not support autoexec files :( In some firmwares it's disabled for no reason.
Will have a look a these firmwares later. But its always better to have a .elf firmware as well
regarding strings.bin
The latest 0806 strings.bin file got something "new":
More junk.
Afaik all strings.bin files I worked with contained exactly as much strings as it was stated in the file header.
That does not apply to 0806: Strings.bin header states that there are 1046 strings while the file actually contains 1061 strings.
The "junk" strings are not contained in the offset list but they are indeed present in the text payload.
That causes some trouble in A7Tool since it relies on the header information.
--I'm working on a new Strings.bin Editor already

Edit: Grrrrr.... I guess I need some sleep.........


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Strange things are happening at:
# Video Menu
^at: 1A570
# Photo menu
^at: 1B178
# Sound menu
^at: 1B8F0
# Editor
^at: 1BD4A
# Popup menu
^at: 1D54A
==> Strings.bin contains comments?! :/
View attachment 8905 (attachment see post above)
Can anyone give me some information about the menu structures from Mini 0806?
[EMAIL said:
Tobi@s, post: 98519, member: 3699[/EMAIL]]
Can anyone give me some information about the menu structures from Mini 0806?
It is essentially the same as the 0803. WDR is missing, Photo Quality is there, is there anything specific you wish to know?
It is essentially the same as the 0803. WDR is missing, Photo Quality is there, is there anything specific you wish to know?
Thanks, I thought its menu structure is like
Video Menu, Photo menu, Sound menu, Editor, Popup menu
Thanks, I thought its menu structure is like
Video Menu, Photo menu, Sound menu, Editor, Popup menu
No, it's flat like the 0803:

Photo Size,
Photo Quality,
AE Meter Mode,
LDWS Detect

It's not been finalised yet so I wont give all the options as they will change but ask if you need something specific...