[R&D] A7 R&D thread

strings.bin documentation:

fonts.bin documentation (big thanks to @z768 ) -WIP:
Compression algorithm matrix symbols.
It's very simple.
Bytes split into bits, add colors and get the symbol file.
Good luck.
Regarding the compression: one pixel = 2 bits?
Therefore 1 byte = 4 pixels?
the most sophisticated file - fonts.bin

I'm still having problems with it D:
I'll try to explain my issues with one of your example files.
How do I get the character width? You example has 3 different widths but the page header says: width 0014==20. So how do you know characters width is 16, 17 etc?
How do I know which data from payload belongs to which char?

So I'm still stuck with the codepages. I can export the complete codepage but not the characters from it :/
I guess I'm missing an important detail. Looking forward to read your response.
I'll post another example and you will understand.
See BMP file format.


Gah.... Now I see how it's done. Finally :D
Thanks a lot z768!

Have to find a way to do this in Java. Will take some time..
Another example.
Maybe it will help someone.
Good luck.


Ok I have one more question :D
If I look at the fonts.bin with a HexEditor I know where the codepage payload starts
But how can I calculate the "header" size of a codepage? (the number of 2-byte length-values)
Trying to calculate it since hours but I have not found a solution, yet.
(0036 - 0031) * 2 + 4 bytes = 14 bytes length header code_page.

See my last example.
Even if the characters are missing - that the title for them 2 bytes.
You are great! This works!!
So much unnecessary data in fonts.bin :O
Having a codepage here with 0xFACE*2 of header data and only 0x2154 bytes of payload.
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Export worked :)))
I just exported the whole page as bmp because I think thats enough :D



Raw codepage2 :D

Soo... How to change font colors? I already read something about it some time ago but i cant find the information anymore D:
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Each character should be one bitmap, there's no setting to alter the colour, you need to make new bitmaps for each character in the colour of your choice
But color does not seem to be stored in bitmap payload. I'm using a bmp color index table which z768 sent me. (those fonts.bin bmps are indexed)
If it's really stored in the bmp then every value needs to be changed to another offset of the ambarella bmp index table
When we changed font colours previously our engineer had to manually edit every bitmap file for each character to change the colour

Edit: I should add this was for the OSD, not the menus, not sure which you're wanting to change
Hm ok. Will have another look at it. Color changing seems to be easier with only 3 codepage bmps instead of 216 single bmps :D As long as the "assembler" is able to create a new valid fonts.bin I see no reason to go the extra mile and split the file into many single bmps.