Rear camera highlights i dont have the patience of a saint ...


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2014
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United Kingdom
Not sure what the rest of you have found on your footage, but i seem to get a lot of women parking within an inch of my rear bumper to squeeze their car into a non existant parking place overhanging someones drive or even a junction....

In the past i have been left with a dented boot lid with an inprint of a rear attached 4 wheel drive spare tyre, and in my van a car parked so close it wasnt visible in my mirrors and was parked part way over a junction! - yes of course i revearsed to get out and clipped the bumper to be told by an irrate "hairdresser" it was entirely my fault !

And yet again - parked half across someones drive and one inch off my bumper...


Of course i politely asked her not to park so close again and it might be a good idea not to block someones drive but...

Apparently its "no matter" in her opinion and what am I doing parked infront of her friends house !! (despite them not having a car and it being a public road !!!)

I m sorry i cant put the footage up, but i tend to see red when i hear this sort of flippant response to my justifyable concerns and i admit to using a few expletives, the odd "munter", face like you chewed a lemon and opted to sink to her pig ignorant level ....

Obviously not one of my finest conversations, but stupid people dont understand reasoning !!

An hour later she returned, Blocked that drive totaly and a foot and a half off my rear bumper... I give up !

Dressed as a "carer" - anyone fancy her looking after you in old age !!!!
By the way, last week highest court here in finland ruled that if you scratch other car in parking situation there is no obligation to leave note because there is no obligation to make testimony against himself, meaning you can leave scene and hope the best that nobody see that you did it.
This is appalling in every sense of the word, and shows how far court judges have gone from normal life, living in their ivory towers...
This means that you got to have parking camera and heavy duty bumper from now on.
Pressed LIKE but really that is pretty sad for the Finnish ppl.

I am not sure how it is around that question here, but anyway most danes would just sneak off as honor and moral integtrity is dead here.

Some years ago i bumped a parked car, i got out and inspected the car and i could not see anything, but i still put a paper with my contact info on the car.
Later the owner called me and asked if i was kidding, i said no i am not, and i couldent see any damage on your car, but it is a matter of honor for me.