[Resolved] G90 a70 Chipset bricked.

It could be because you're plugging into a USB 3.0 port. (blue) Try plugging into the USB 2.0 port (black)
I have a few memory card readers that are not recognized on my USB 3.0 port.
nice tip but i was already aware to test different ports. ;)

what if i removed the battery altogether? im ASSuming nothing will be retained in memory if its shut off and i would have to set the time, etc each time the cam powered up right?
nice tip but i was already aware to test different ports. ;)

what if i removed the battery altogether? im ASSuming nothing will be retained in memory if its shut off and i would have to set the time, etc each time the cam powered up right?

When you shut off the car, the last file will most likely be corrupted since it couldn't be written/closed gracefully.

I'm pretty sure the clock/settings use a combination of RTC battery and or flash memory. (so main battery most likely won't effect clock/settings, could be mistaken though)

The first problem is more of a show stopper. I would try to find a super tiny compact extra small wire splicer you can simply use needle nose to crunch on. That way you can cut, and rejoin with less stress. (no tiny stripping, no soldering etc)

so in the links in the early part of this message, it pointed me to a russain downlink to the ambrella usb direct program.

so when i open it up, it only has A2 chipset (has others in the drop down for other cams it seems) but no a7. now there is a folder in this downloaded program that has A7 files in it.

so how do I add those A7 files to the dropdown in the usb direct program?

also it seems if I press the left arrow button and plug in the cam, the the usb icon pops up in the system tray but goes away eventually. the only difference is now im using a windows xp box.

i cant connect to the cam at this point and it does not beep or come to life, but it seems the computer WANTS to try and connect, but its missing more usb drivers perhaps and the A7 selection in the usb direct drop down.

this link will make sense to what im saying.

I love your one liner responses! :)

so where can I find an updated version? these questions may be trivial to you, but i assure you they are not to me...
perhaps im getting close....
When I type a short response it's usually because I'm posting from my phone, if posting from my PC I'll add the link detail etc

@Tobi@s probably has it on his site, link in his sig, if not I'm sure he'd point you in the right direction
When I type a short response it's usually because I'm posting from my phone, if posting from my PC I'll add the link detail etc

@Tobi@s probably has it on his site, link in his sig, if not I'm sure he'd point you in the right direction

You'd be surprised how many of my responses are done via iPhone as well. (love the iOS Tapatalk App)
thanks for the tool.

the cam was recognized by this new tool at first but then it did not recognize it shortly thereafter.

i think the issue is the cam is not getting into usb mode (duh!) .
is there no way to recover these cams? tobias mentioned the cam may be in flash or boot mode; well the cam was at the very early stage of flashing when this low battery issue happened and it shut off as i plugged it in.

is it possible the cam is beyond recovering? latest a70 chip and all...
I don't wanna mess with your head, but i have to tell you that once when i was messing with directusb and bricked ambarella it was the same, camera was recognized once and then not after that - except after booting PC it was recognized again...one time again.
I got camera flashed at that first time connect, plug camera in, flashed fast without waiting any feedback from program. I can't tell does it work with you but it worked for me, there was something strange with PC USB ports.
did you have an a2 chipset? a7? a5? a3?

what was the OS on the computer? MAC? Linux? XP? win 7/8?

still no success here.. yet... not giving up...
It was some older a2 dvr, pc was xp.
BTW, now i start to understand that it might be a good idea to save one older xp computer in working order, w7 and 8 can be really headaches.
Maybe try running the app in Compatibility Mode. Right Click the shortcut, properties,

Using Windows 7 or Vista Compatibility Mode
Windows Vista or Windows 7, will have problems running some older versions of applications, just because so much has changed under the hood from Windows XP days. Thankfully there is a compatibility mode that can be easily set per application.

To configure the compatibility mode for an application, just locate the installation directory and right click on the .exe, selecting Properties from the menu.

Select the Compatibility tab:

I have two win xp S2 boxes. ill keep trying this on the winxp box.

good grief... ;) i planned to install both cams this weekend.... bought a new car battery to boot! :)

i sent another email to doreen in hopes she can ask someone there if there is a button press procedure....

by the by, im not using the suction mount cradle--im just plugging direct into the camera itself. i dont think it matters though if i use the mount or direct into the cam...?
Some details on the connection with Direct USB.
I don't need to use this software to fix my dashcam because it was properly updated.
OS: Windows 7 pro x64.

General details:
In order to boot in "development mode" press right arrow and connect the USB cable, blue light will be on. Dashcam displays nothing.
If you want to remove the drivers for the development board. In computer management check the following lines

Right click on it and select uninstall and delete all the drivers

Now, if you disconnect the dashcam and reconnect it again, you'll get

If you disconnect your device and you want to boot as USB device it will not work because the "the development" is activated on this device. In order to reactivate the USB functionality, with the device disconnected
-press this time power button and connect the USB cable (count to ten),
-wait, you can see in device manager that the above "Unknown device" will disappear (windows will install the necessary USB drivers)
-disconnect the device and reconnect it again. This time in device manager it will appear as:

and the lights will be blue-red (or red after a while if you don't have the card inserted ). Dashcam screen displays the message "USB connecting".
If you have a microSD card inserted, a "safely remove" button will be in the traybar next the clock. If you don't have any microSD inserted then no "safely remove" will be in the tray bar.

Connecting DirectUSB:
First install DirectUSB; don't forget to allow unsigned drivers

Pressing right arrow, and connecting the USB cable, the diver for the development board is installed. Check this in computer management.

Starting DirectUSB and selecting a wrong board "A7bub or A7evk" after pressing "connect", it says FAIL

Selecting another board, says "0 device found"

Disconnecting the USB cable and reconnecting the dashcam by pressing the right button again doesn't help, the device doesn't boot and is no more recognized by Windows.


In Computer Management it appears as

The device is stuck with only blue light.

In order to fix the problem: remove the cable, press power button and put back the cable (count to ten) and then remove the USB cable.
Boot in development mode, by pressing right arrow button and connect the USB cable. Having selected the right board (A7lxxx), everything works:

In this example I used a fully functional device; I don't know the status of your dashcam (it may not work as described above)
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