Review: Mini 0902 Wi-Fi Dashcam with GPS - A7LA55 & 0V4689 (

Ordered one but haven´t got it yet. Hope there will be fw and software updates soon as this product seems quite "pre production" version. What i have found is this:
Should someone who already has this product ask for new updates from "austin" ?
The screencaps showing into the sun look really well controlled. You can see from how dark the foliage areas are that it's bringing the exposure down sufficiently to cope with the bright light.
Have gotten new version of TonView and GoView... It's much better than the first version. Lesser frame skip when watching live feed.

But I still managed to hang my mini0902 and it restarted itself when I tried to change more than 3 settings in the dashcam...

GoView apk

TonView apk

I saw GoView have offline maps by Baidu while TonView can use Google Maps...
Hi good afternoon my name is Andy from Spain, and thanks to this website and youtube acquired this same camera in Gearbest for the price of 75 euros, after looking infinities camera, this caught my antencion by their shape, size, quality and wifi through the app, after a week of testing sack some small incidents, to share with you, sometimes when trying to configure more than two things the camera wifi as I passed many disconnects, also the internal processor makes some noise and when the video is silent is a bit annoying this sound, the GPS also no way to connect and check speed or map? there any way to enable GPS? I spend so noise?
Have gotten new version of TonView and GoView... It's much better than the first version. Lesser frame skip when watching live feed.

But I still managed to hang my mini0902 and it restarted itself when I tried to change more than 3 settings in the dashcam...

GoView apk

TonView apk

I saw GoView have offline maps by Baidu while TonView can use Google Maps...

How about Iphone app. Downloaded it from App Store and it says TonView 1.0.0 although Update History says: 1.0 : 31.1.2016 - 1.0.1 : 12.2.2016.
Something wrong with version history. Tried removing program and installing it again - still version 1.0.0 - Where did you get those Android software versions ?
I just ordered the 902 from gearbest but I have a question about the SD card.

All I can see is that is must be a TF Class 10 card. Does the 902 take a micro SDXC card?
How about Iphone app. Downloaded it from App Store and it says TonView 1.0.0 although Update History says: 1.0 : 31.1.2016 - 1.0.1 : 12.2.2016.
Something wrong with version history. Tried removing program and installing it again - still version 1.0.0 - Where did you get those Android software versions ?

Sorry but I'm not sure about for iPhone as I use Android more...

I got the TonView from gearbest and GoView from TonMind that sells the mini0902 as T1...
So, as a prospective customer, if I wanted to sum up what I have learned about the 0902 so far, as of today:

* Unreliable wifi connection to the phone (with wifi being imho the only reason to go for a 09xx model)
* Does not record reliably, cf SatRat's review (with recording being the only reason to buy a dashcam)
* low encoding bitrates

Final verdict: way too soon to buy at the moment?
It pulling my negative conclusions: little stable wifi disconnects only settings, temerature too high, is not suitable to be espuesto the sun, the GPS does not work. positive, size, design, good image quality
Okay I received my Mini 0902 as well.
There are a lot of video's on the SD card, which can or cannot be played by WMP...
The app Tonview isn't very clear... You cannot see when it's recording or not (I think it always is).
And of course the image quality... It's not so good, certainly not for the sensor and chipset that it's using. It should do a lot better!

Will this be fixed by firmware upgrades? Or was this a way to make easy money?

This could do the Mini "brand" a lot of harm I think. Mini always was a reliable cam, for the image quality...
Okay I received my Mini 0902 as well.
There are a lot of video's on the SD card, which can or cannot be played by WMP...
The app Tonview isn't very clear... You cannot see when it's recording or not (I think it always is).
And of course the image quality... It's not so good, certainly not for the sensor and chipset that it's using. It should do a lot better!

Will this be fixed by firmware upgrades? Or was this a way to make easy money?

This could do the Mini "brand" a lot of harm I think. Mini always was a reliable cam, for the image quality...

Where did you buy it ? If from some network store, write your experiences and notices of the camera and application into their store dicussions so other people find the quality of the product. You can also send it to the manufacturer: There seems to be email address:
I wonder why they do not have address.
I'd really like to see new firmware with higher bitrate.
6 - 8 mbps is just too low in nowaday's standards.
@Sunny since the Mini0902 has no display and no physical power button, how do you do a factory reset?

I changed the default password on mine using TonView on my iPhone and WiFi no longer woks now. By that I mean the 0902 is no longer broadcasting its SSID. I want to restore it to factory settings but I have not been successful using the reset button on the unit. What is the trick? What am I missing?
@Sunny since the Mini0902 has no display and no physical power button, how do you do a factory reset?

I changed the default password on mine using TonView on my iPhone and WiFi no longer woks now. By that I mean the 0902 is no longer broadcasting its SSID. I want to restore it to factory settings but I have not been successful using the reset button on the unit. What is the trick? What am I missing?
There is reset hole.
Use a pin or something to press it for around 10 seconds.

There is reset hole.
Use a pin or something to press it for around 10 seconds.

Been there, done that. Tried multiple times holding it up to 30 seconds. Did not work.
Was wondering if there was a specific SOP for this.
Thanks for your help anyway
the reset hole is just a software reset, you're looking for a way to reset defaults

if you can get a copy of the firmware reloading it should put things back to normal, otherwise it might be able to be done by loading a text config file, I'm sure @Joy will be able to advise when she's back online next, if I see her tomorrow I'll mention it
the reset hole is just a software reset, you're looking for a way to reset defaults

if you can get a copy of the firmware reloading it should put things back to normal, otherwise it might be able to be done by loading a text config file, I'm sure @Joy will be able to advise when she's back online next, if I see her tomorrow I'll mention it

Thank you for for confirming. Yes, please ask Joy when you see her.