Reviewing footage on pc

A raw video of these examples might offer a fuller opportunity to assess how well these mods are truly functioning.
There are a lot of unprocessed videos on the Russian 4pda forum.
So, it may be that night time plate capture doesn't matter so much for me. However, if these otherwise well crafted mods detract from the quality of plate capture at other times, like at dusk when I am more likely to be driving, then I may be better off not using them. More testing still required.
We have a proposal to Viofo to add to the menu automatic switching on and off of the HDR function on a schedule, such a schedule will not harm day and night shooting. A couple of brands use this feature.(y)

I also suggested for a long time to make a change of the exposition according to the schedule.(y)
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There are a lot of unprocessed videos on the Russian 4pda forum.

We have a proposal to Viofo to add to the menu automatic switching on and off of the HDR function on a schedule, such a schedule will not harm day and night shooting. A couple of brands use this feature.(y)

I also suggested for a long time to make a change of the exposition according to the schedule.(y)

Can you post the URL for the 4pda forum? Seems like there is a lot of good discussion and documentation over there worth exploring. :)

Automatic day/night switching on a user set schedule would be a great idea. It's been discussed many times here on the forum over the years, as you probably know but it has rarely been implemented. Which brands have this feature at this point?
Can you post the URL for the 4pda forum? Seems like there is a lot of good discussion and documentation over there worth exploring
It's not a problem,
Perhaps you will not understand everything, since users use their own slang.

Which brands have this feature at this point?

VicoVation , TrendVision
It's not a problem,
Perhaps you will not understand everything, since users use their own slang.

VicoVation , TrendVision

Thanks for the link! I'll try using Google translate and the seem if I can decipher the slang. :) I should at least be able to find the raw video example you mention.

VicoVation and TrendVision are brands I have no personal experience with, so I'm not surprised I was not aware they have the feature. At any rate it demonstrates it can be done.

I recall suggesting that day/night switching could be accomplished with a photo–diode like on a CCTV camera but others felt that would be impractical.
I should at least be able to find the raw video example you mention.
Tyts This is from the last

At 21.00 there is a change of exposure for the night mode, voice dubbing.
In addition to the exposure, you can change the resolution automatically (seen in the video), on and off VDR / HDR.

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Tyts This is from the last

Thanks again!

As an experiment I tried the just released new version of Safari which includes in browser translation. It seems to work quite well! I think.....

OK, what the hell is a "magic janitor"? Is that slang or is that a "lost in translation" glitch? :smuggrin:

This is slang.:giggle:
In bad weather, rain, between the strokes of the wiper, you can read the number of the car.

Ha! :D

OK, then I should get to experience the "magic janitor" for myself since I am just about to leave my house and we are in the middle of a big, multi-day heavy rain event here in the northeastern USA. :)
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My GPS automatically changes the screen colours bang on sunrise and sunset. I'm sure a dashcam with GPS could use the same to switch HDR on and off.
I recall suggesting that day/night switching could be accomplished with a photo–diode like on a CCTV camera but others felt that would be impractical.
No need for a photodiode, the camera already has a multi-million pixel light sensor, it knows when it is dark!
No need for a photodiode, the camera already has a multi-million pixel light sensor, it knows when it is dark!

Either way, ambient light awareness would be a good method for implementing automatic day/night exposure and HDR settings in my opinion.
No need for a photodiode, the camera already has a multi-million pixel light sensor, it knows when it is dark!

Actually, thinking about your post a little further, I believe your suggested method might be problematic. If you use the camera's sensor it could easily be fooled into triggering by bright headlights from oncoming vehicles.

Someone made the same comment about my suggestion for a photo-diode but unlike an in camera, behind the lens sensor, a photo-diode can be positioned on the camera so that it is not directly facing the road.
This is the most informative post regarding day v night.

The bottom line for me is that watching night footage as a video is perfectly acceptable. It's just the old problem with freeze frame.

I've solved my daylight freeze frame issue by turning off HDR, 60fps and using a 'mod' firmware.

I'm really intrigued to see an identical street, weather, speed, time, etc with HDR on and off for comparison.
Does 60fps make night recordings more or less blurry?
I found 60fps made my video footage slightly smoother, not by much, but unfortunately all freeze frame captures day or night had extra motion blur.
Does 60fps make night recordings more or less blurry?
Being 30 or 60fps doesn't make any difference except that most cameras are configured with different exposure settings for the two options, so the result depends on the camera, and which version of firmware is installed, and maybe on which other options such as HDR are turned on.

On some cameras 30fps will be sharper, on others 60fps will be sharper.

However 60fps does require more bitrate, so on almost all cameras, 60fps will have more temporal detail and less resolution (more pixelation during fast movement), unless the 60fps mode has substantially more bitrate.
Couple questions (I don't have time to check) so please humor me without being condescending. I didn't see an HDR feature on the A129 Duo (Firmware 1.5). Not yet checked the A139 3 Ch. Is the HDR available on either of these cameras?

I suspect in @Dashmellow case versus @gse the difference is the size of the plates. American plates are much smaller (just google to compare) than European plates. Also they are far more reflective. So it seems HDR is far less successful on those running tests in the USA vs. Europe where plates are often much larger. Meaning HDR might not be of much use in countries where plates are small and reflective.
UK plates are very reflective. That's my new issue with LED headlights. Even though they are pointing away from the other lane and I've got them dipped as far as possible they just light up too much.

I think the basic issue, which is going to be very hard to solve, is night motion blur.

UK plates are very reflective. That's my new issue with LED headlights. Even though they are pointing away from the other lane and I've got them dipped as far as possible they just light up too much.


Here's a question. Are your headlights ABL (Active Bending Lights) / Xenon / Halogen? As Halogen are of course the least powerful. So wonder if the type of headlights used play a factor here? My Volvo isn't the top of the line with all the bells and whistles and only uses Halogen bulbs. Where of course Xenon or ABL lights will be a very bright "White Light" and most likely cause more of a reflection so I would guess.
No, they're full LED.

Very bright and very similar white brightness like HID's