SG9663DR update

they'll get the first of them at the end of this month, by mid next month they'll be available in all markets

Does this mean you have some specs and pics you can share :o

But i recon you dont have to wait much longer for it, probably less time than the average adult can go without any food.
Mahatma Gandhi survived 21 days without food, but the general recommendation are less than that as i understand it.

When i get the DR i am going to photo it left and right, and do a inboxing video too. ( yes you read right inboxing, cuz everyone else do unboxing videos, but i am better than that )
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I could never understand why the emphasis on unboxing. The sales page/catalog/owners manual already showed and told you what ciomes with the cam. You're done with the darn box at that point so get on with the business of showing folks how well the cam works :p (or doesn't :eek:) We needn't worry about a "doesn't" here as this is an SG cam and it's going to do well :cool:

Top of my 'wish list'; now to see if I can somehow corral enough loose cash together to make that happen :)

I could never understand why the emphasis on unboxing.

Apparently it's a fetish that some people have online. Another weird one is ASMR. My kids like some of those videos. Nothing perverted (at least that I've seen)... Things like crinkling cellophane, cutting bar soap or that green powdery foam used for fake flowers into tiny cubes, and other videos that they put a lot of time and energy into the sounds recording - of average everyday things that most people don't pay any attention to, and people like me think "they have entire YouTube channels dedicated to this??"

Then again this *IS* the internet, and there is truly a never ending supply of wtf.
Yeah me wanting to do a inboxing video are also just a stab at the unboxing people out there cuz they frustrate me too.
And i can unpack it all, start recording and then put things back in the box as i go and end up with " and that's how it come to you if you order one" and it will probably be a one take deal, so no messing in post.

I like these silent / have to think about it protests that most will probably not get anyway, and it will not take away from the feature product.
Just to be clear here-
I am not attempting to be demeaning to my friend @kamkar1 or Street Guardian. If anyone could put the proper emphasis on unboxing this is the person who would (y) And everyone here knows how well I respect SG's people and products :love:

Yeah, it's the internet where the stupid and the idiots are held to be equal to the intelligent and the bright which is the biggest problem with the internet. I do believe that all people are created equal, but there's one heck of a lot of people who go wrong from there onward :cautious:

If you search youtube there are nothing inboxing as in reversed unboxing video, so tagging the video with "worlds first inboxing video" should be valid.

So maybe we can start a new trend here :) i will be posting on my "the little camera channel" as i think it is separate from my other google stuff, ( g- mail and Gainstrup YT account ) and so should be safe when i quit the google habbit soon.
Maybe i even have to turn on ( make youtube money ) to cash in on my imminent fame and glory :LOL:

I have no idea where to go with my personal video, but i do know i will do my best to keep that non public so only people with the link can see it, if they bother that is, its not like it is trail breaking rocket science videos i post.
If you search youtube there are nothing inboxing as in reversed unboxing video, so tagging the video with "worlds first inboxing video" should be valid.
you would think inboxing is when its a piece of crap you are returning it to the seller for a refund.
do i set up my tent from tomorrow morning again or not?

Only if you want it to rain. Any time I go tent camping that's what happens it seems :rolleyes:

Only if you want it to rain. Any time I go tent camping that's what happens it seems :rolleyes:

I can relate to that. Last time I went it was a 7 day trip - started raining about 6 hours after getting everything set up and rained nearly continuously (mostly light rain/drizzle/mist) until just a few hours before we packed everything up to head home. Nothing like packing up wet gear :( and then having to unpack, dry it out and repack it once you get home.

The only reason we stayed for the entire week was, maybe weather related or maybe not, it was some of the absolute best small mouth bass fishing I've ever experienced in my life.
Will the upcoming SG9663DR have the option to substitute the two regular cameras with waterproof cameras?
not at this stage, the current waterproof camera we have is not compatible, we are planning an updated waterproof camera though which will be able to support the DR
not at this stage, the current waterproof camera we have is not compatible, we are planning an updated waterproof camera though which will be able to support the DR
Thanks for the information. When the DR is available retail we are going to give it a go on some OHV vehicles in the Southwest. Should be a great accessory.
Thanks for the information. When the DR is available retail we are going to give it a go on some OHV vehicles in the Southwest. Should be a great accessory.
waterproof camera won't be for some time yet, other things that need doing first, the DR with internal cameras will be available this month
I am going camping from Tuesday, or rather i am bringing my sleeping bag to my visit to my friends house as i will spend the night as we have work to do, and also we agreed to have a new years evening 2.0 during the summer.
So i have a sore back and a throbbing head with my name on it.