SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

differences between those two versions are just in some menu corrections, functions are the same, we may do another update later this year, just some other projects are taking priority at the moment
I have an issue I’m hoping someone can help me figure out. My SG96665GC appears to have completely stopped recording when impact occurred. I was rear ended this afternoon and the second I was hit my recording stopped. I pulled out the memory card when I got home and have gone through all the files but there is about a 20 minute gap (power to the camera was never lost). Am I missing something or am I just screwed?
I looked in RO folder but it looks like the only file in there is an old file from June. It is a Lexar 633x. I am not sure what the firmware version is but I haven’t updated it in a long while.
Lexar cards used to be a good option but they sold their memory business around two years ago, cards aren't as good as they once were
Is there anything I might be able to do, maybe even just recover part of the missing file? This is very disconcerting, the first time I actually need dash cam and it fails me.
Is there anything I might be able to do, maybe even just recover part of the missing file? This is very disconcerting, the first time I actually need dash cam and it fails me.
you can try having a look at the card with recovery software, if the card is full though it would have already overwritten the files
you can try having a look at the card with recovery software, if the card is full though it would have already overwritten the files

The card isn’t full as there is about 30 minutes of recording after the missing clip. Do you have any recommendations for recovery software?
how much free space is there on the card currently?

1.9GB free space left on card

Firmware version SG20160125.V2

What data recovery software can I use to try and find the missing clip!
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1.9GB free space left on card

Firmware version SG20160125.V2

What data recovery software can I use to try and find the missing clip!
I think it would have already overwritten most of it, 20 minutes of recording is about 3GB plus there is always some free space allocated, no harm in trying though, there's some info here and here that may help
I have noticed that my memory cards are never completely full when i have pulled one to get some footage and inspect it, but exactly how much empty space that there are on the card i have not noticed, but i would assume it is at least 1 GB, maybe even more in a dual camera setup.
And if your card only had 1.9 GB of free space left i think you have either pulled it right before it start to recycle, or it have already done that ( and if the latter is the case i assume you would see that in some of the first footage from the first / oldest recording made are missing )
CUZ if it have not recycled any memory card space yet, you should still have the entirety of every drive since you put in the new memory card or last formatted it.
Not saying you should be able to remember when you put in the card or formatted it, but the oldest recording on the card should then be you setting off from home or another know palce where you might have put in the empty memory card or just formatted it, so if the olders file on your card now are you driving far from a known start / stop place of yours chance are it have been recycling.

Me personally i am very set in my drivers ( routes and places i start / stop a drive ) so i am able to say when i leave home and reach the #5 intersection i go thru, thats either in the number 6 or 7 file in that drive session.
Mostly due to me for a long time using memory to recall moments i wanted to share on youtube instead of using the cameras event button.
I have noticed that my memory cards are never completely full when i have pulled one to get some footage and inspect it, but exactly how much empty space that there are on the card i have not noticed, but i would assume it is at least 1 GB, maybe even more in a dual camera setup.
And if your card only had 1.9 GB of free space left i think you have either pulled it right before it start to recycle, or it have already done that ( and if the latter is the case i assume you would see that in some of the first footage from the first / oldest recording made are missing )
depending on the settings selected there can be anything from around 500mb to 1gb reserved at anytime, take that from the 1.9gb of free space on the card means there's around 1gb of available space, when you're looking for around 3gb of missing video some of that will have already been overwritten
The part you are glossing over is the fact that the camera recorded 20+ minutes after the clip that was lost. Even after that I have 1.9gb free space.
The part you are glossing over is the fact that the camera recorded 20+ minutes after the clip that was lost. Even after that I have 1.9gb free space.
there would have been more free space before that 20 minutes was recorded but not enough free space that the missing 20 minutes plus that 20 minutes would fit, if for example there was 10gb of free space then any missing video may be intact, if there's not enough free space for another 20 minutes of video then some of that will have been overwritten as needed