SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

I'm not sure now, in first attempts I did press RESET button for sure, but in some others I did exit it by pressing MENU I think (it always wrote something like press Shutter or what and pressing RESET instead looked too brutal :rolleyes: my fault - but maybe you should rewrite it to show "press RESET" :D). Maybe this could be the cause of bad EV after calibration like you wrote. But it looks always normal again after setting to defaults. Could it make the problem with blurry picture even in sunny days and blue sky overexposed to white?

I will recalibrate the cam tomorrow (it's 02:10 AM here) using reset button at the end of calibration and I'm curious if the totally overexposed picture appears or not. :)

Next I will reset the cam to defaults and if the blue sky with no clouds will be overexposed to white again and cars blurry, I will try to low the EV to negative numbers. o_O

(Now I regret I did calibrate the cam at first, because the white pixels are still blinking in the night as before, but the picture during the day is worse now... :confused: I hope we will solve it.)
did you press the reset button on the side of the camera after calibrating, if you don't it will look like this
Today I did calibration again now using RESET button in CAL screen, but when camera starts, the picture is overexposed again. o_O I'm sure it was o.k. after first calibrations. But maybe I know, what caused the problem: overexposed screen after calibration is showing after I made one bad step in one previous calibration: I formated SPI, but next I didn't cover the lens and I selected 3. Bright defect pixel. I wanted to cover the lens before accepting "Set to dark", but cam started calibration immediately without need to press OK button. :eek: It counted a lot of bright pixels (we know there were a lot of good pixels counted too). Next I did Dark pixel calibration, Cal status and reset, and after camera restarted it was overexposed. :confused: EV is automaticaly set to +2, after setting to defaults the picture looks normal. But why is EV always set to +2 after each calibration from this? I have read here that calibration may be done a lot of times with no dangerous cause SPI can be deleted so any bad calibration can be repaired. :oops: But really can it be??

I am looking for solution, how to reset camera totally or how to reflash firmware totally to rewrite all bad data or settings. The hardware doesn't look to be damaged so it has to be repairable by software way... :rolleyes:
After installing the latest firmware, SG20160323.V2 (beta 9), the display screen sometimes stays on instead of shutting off after the set screen saver time. This doesn't happen with the SG20160111.V2 firmware. Also for what it's worth, my installation also includes a Cell Power CPUSB01 12V to 5V MiniUSB Power Adapter wired to go on with the ignition switch.
After installing the latest firmware, SG20160323.V2 (beta 9), the display screen sometimes stays on instead of shutting off after the set screen saver time. This doesn't happen with the SG20160111.V2 firmware. Also for what it's worth, my installation also includes a Cell Power CPUSB01 12V to 5V MiniUSB Power Adapter wired to go on with the ignition switch.

Did you check to make sure you don't have the Motion Detection enabled?
Remember - when you do a Firmware update it resets everything to factory defaults.
After installing the latest firmware, SG20160323.V2 (beta 9), the display screen sometimes stays on instead of shutting off after the set screen saver time. This doesn't happen with the SG20160111.V2 firmware. Also for what it's worth, my installation also includes a Cell Power CPUSB01 12V to 5V MiniUSB Power Adapter wired to go on with the ignition switch.

can you list your menu settings when you get a chance, just want to set one up the same and see if I can emulate this behavior
Thanks. As basic as possible. Installed memory card (32gb Samsung class 10), formatted memory card in-camera, selected default settings, set timezone to -04, and verified screen saver was set to 1 minute.
Oh, forgot one other. Turned off the display logo.
ok thanks, will have a look, haven't had any other reports of this at this stage but will check it out
One last thing I noticed when I switched back to the firmware that came with my camera (SG20160111.V2). The last file of two 30-40 minute drives were corrupt. The file names and sizes looked reasonable, but neither Windows media player nor Registrator Viewer could play the last file from those two sets of recordings.
SG20160323.V2 (beta 9) is the build that gave me the problems. Build SG20160111.V2 works fine.
I realize it's a beta release, and I'm not surprised to find problems. I also know intermittent problems like these can a challenge to duplicate and fix. I'd rather not switch back to the beta, but I could if there's anything else you might need. Thanks and good luck!
Does the new firmware help with overall image quality on the camera? I have a v1 purchased almost as soon as these were put to market and I just installed the new firmware on there yesterday and pulled a couple older saved clips when doing so. Looking at them I realized my footage is not great, I am not getting license plates while I am driving at all. I reset the camera to defaults and disabled WDR, left other settings alone for the most part, at least all image quality settings.

Not sure why my camera does not get nearly the clarity I see in these shots here. Maybe I need to go pull some new footage later this evening and compare. Even cars going by are slightly blurry. I know what they are but they are not crisp or clear. Just wondering what I have going on. Here are a few examples of my image quality.

The darker ones are at 5:10 PM or so on an overcast day. The light ones are a different day, different month even. One showing my dash reflection issues, but the other shows no dash reflection as I'm in shade. All of these are low speeds, between 3 and 35mph or so. Couple at stoplights so I'm barely going.


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not in a suitable place to be able to judge at the moment, would need some full res screen shots also, an original source file would be better though
Dang you are fast lol, no worries on an instant answer I know it takes a little looking and thinking on what you are seeing.

These are full res I believe anyway, I exported them registrator viewer directly and did chose the VMR for highest quality as it recommended when trying to save the frames. I used that to examine them more closely and try zooming in and such on the actual video to no avail. If you would like the two clips I pulled these from I can get you a dropbox link via PM or email no problem.

The two clips I have handy were a couple near misses, one by me and one from the guy in front of me so they are slightly less boring than normal too. Bonus? :)
yeah if you can PM me a dropbox link would be good, I'm travelling at the moment and don't have a decent size monitor where I am right now but will check the files as soon as I do