SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Got it downloaded.
Ive a 340 mile drive tomorrow evening for a week of mountain biking and surfing so ill wait until I get there on friday to install and have a play .
There was a Bugfix G-Sensor calibration on the new beta 9! Can you please explain little bit more for the fix?
There was a Bugfix G-Sensor calibration on the new beta 9! Can you please explain little bit more for the fix?

the calibration was wrong in the last couple of builds and we didn't pick it up at the time, G-Sensor was working but the force required to trigger it was much harder than it should have been, it's back to normal in the latest build






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I have even less clouds on my drive today, and i had WDR ON :D
High Contrast (by default) + WDR-On = on a Sunny day does not work very well
Interesting to see the 'breakdown lane' (whatever that really is) being treated as a slow lane. lol.
Interesting to see the 'breakdown lane' (whatever that really is) being treated as a slow lane. lol.

Maybe its a phone lane, just pull over into it when using your handheld smartphone :D i have captured a Dane do that here, but we dont have those lanes so he just pulled half of his car onto the bicycle path and then proceeded to drive at 20 km/h.
And considering we have a curb between the roadway and most of our bicycle paths thats pretty awsome :rolleyes:
I could have sworn I saw one car seemed to have a flat tyre. Anyway, nice roads nice country side, and I do like the way they light up their buildings in the city at night.
Hi, is it possible to download and install some older firmware (for V2) which will erase the whole camera including calibration ect.? I heard that calibration in the newest firmwares is locked in some protected memory area and I want to erase it all.
Hi, is it possible to download and install some older firmware (for V2) which will erase the whole camera including calibration ect. I heard that calibration in the newest firmwares is locked in some protected memory area and I want to erase it all.

you can erase it by recalibrating the sensor, format SPI is the first part of the process which erases the current settings, no need to roll back the firmware
I did calibration before upgrade from 201601xx to 2016032x (I don't remember last numbers), but I think something went wrong, the picture is overexposed in sky area (f.e. the blue sky with no clouds isn't blue, it is totally white) and the registration plates often aren't readable even in sunny weather, the picture isn't sharp enough. It's like the camera is using wrong ISO and tries to correct the picture to normal look. I tried to calibrate several times. So I want to try some older firmware which will erase the whole camera, then try calibration again (if it will be necessary because od white hot pixels) and then upgrade to the newest beta.
it's just erasing the flash as you would do when calibrating, which version do you want to try, is it V1 or V2 camera?
Or it is like the cam is using long shutter time - sunny day but car is blurry, sky is overexposed.......
Have you by any chance set the EV to something other than zero?

You could try setting a negative EV to see if that makes a difference.
Have you by any chance set the EV to something other than zero?

You could try setting a negative EV to see if that makes a difference.
I will try it to see, thanks.

if you downloaded the beta the links to the previous firmware versions are in the readme file
Thanks, I will look at it. But what version should I try? Which one will reset the calibration?

reset defaults is always a good idea
I did reset to defaults after each one calibration even if the cam was looking like all is OK. But after last sort of calibrations it was totally necessary, because the picture was absolutly overexposed, almost the whole picture was white. EV was set always to maximum (I don't know why, it didn't do it so after first calibrations).
But after last sort of calibrations it was totally necessary, because the picture was absolutly overexposed, almost the whole picture was white. EV was set always to maximum (I don't know why, it didn't do it so after first calibrations).

did you press the reset button on the side of the camera after calibrating, if you don't it will look like this