SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Not everyone is an expert and I can see why other users responding to questions might get WDR mixed up with HDR when answering questions in here. We advertise SG9665GC having WDR. As discussed in your other thread the thick mount description has been changed to "near vertical"

So back to firmware testing. People that drive through trees, let's test the "Center" AE option. I haven't seen that one in action yet.
When I got on here people told me that the SG had WDR and that it was the same as HDR. I then expected the cam to take two images with exposures a few stops apart and then recombine the images to boost the low light areas and dull the bright ones.
Being that you're picky about terminology, that is NOT what HDR is. That is only one method for creating an HDR image. (HDR is the result, not the process.)

High Dynamic Range means... a high dynamic range. It's actually a confusing term, because it doesn't specify a relationship. High dynamic range compared to what? Compared to most color film photograph, black and white film photography is HDR.

In the digital world, "HDR" usually indicates an image/sensor that has a range greater than 8 bits of luminosity. Compared to an 8bit CCD or CMOS sensor, a 10bit (or 12 bit) sensor could be called "high dynamic range."

When you take two 8 bit digital images that were taken of the exact same image, but one light stop apart, and combine them using the HDR functionality in photoshop, you also have an HDR image.

In both cases (>8 bit sensor or combining multiple 8bit images), the result might be HDR, but most processes have to compress the luminosity data down to 8 bits for display or printing on consumer displays/printers.

So, what the GC does can be called HDR, even if the result is reached with a different process than what you're accustomed to.

EDIT: Please accept my apologies in helping to drag this thread so far off topic...
So back to firmware testing. People that drive through trees, let's test the "Center" AE option. I haven't seen that one in action yet.

I had one driving out of a tunnel, see my topic.
Ok we need more comparisons of AE Average vs AE Center and we'll see how we can improve

The trees on both sides is a common condition
Tunnels I can compare between days witH one cam but trees would have to be two SGs side by side
When I got on here people told me that the SG had WDR and that it was the same as HDR. I then expected the cam to take two images with exposures a few stops apart and then recombine the images to boost the low light areas and dull the bright ones.

When I got it and tested, I heard that "WDR" has most benefits at night, I then asked what the cam was really doing and what the exposure ratios were. I got no answer other than "low light is boosted".
Which I translated into "It's not doing HDR at all". And then I was disappointed with the spin vs reality.

Just like when I found out that "can be mounted on vertical windows" meant 62 degrees.

I'm very sorry to say that I have to agree with you about being "disappointed with the spin vs reality". For quite some time now I've been pondering a post about this very subject but I've held off for months about it several reasons. At some point I may go into it in further detail, perhaps in my "SG9665GC High Contrast/Dynamic Range Flaw and other Discouragements" thread that seems to have been the catalyst for finally dealing with the AE tables and high contrast issues being discussed here that I first reported well over a year ago.

In the meantime, I am waiting for my 5th! replacement unit which is scheduled to finally arrive today. Hoping for the best this time.
The long wait for firmware fixes was explained by Jokiin a few pages back. It took us this long to get direct support from Novatek. We were struggling to DIY firmware before that. We can finally properly mess with AE tables as you can see. (And more)

Like I said in PM you're the most support I've ever had to give anyone. I can't explain why you had to go through 5 cameras, not normal that's for sure. Thanks for hanging in there though. We are looking forward to your AE feedback

As far as spin, I'd like to think our team is being as up front and honest as possible about everything. We always change descriptions and details as needed for maximum clarification
The long wait for firmware fixes was explained by Jokiin a few pages back. It took us this long to get direct support from Novatek. We were struggling to DIY firmware before that. We can finally properly mess with AE tables as you can see. (And more)

Like I said in PM you're the most support I've ever had to give anyone. I can't explain why you had to go through 5 cameras, not normal that's for sure. Thanks for hanging in there though. We are looking forward to your AE feedback

As far as spin, I'd like to think our team is being as up front and honest as possible about everything. We always change descriptions and details as needed for maximum clarification

Jokiin's explanation about the long wait for firmware fixes is not quite what I am talking about. It was more about months and months of PM correspondence where there was an initial reluctance to admit there was an issue that went beyond just me and then the discovery that the long promised firmware update last March didn't even begin to address the exposure issues as I had been anticipating after all that private discussion and supplying of documentation. It was the same when I reported an out of focus problem with the first camera I received that you described as a "one-off" but has since proven itself to be far more common. I don't wish to say anything that would further risk derailing this thread and I believe this is not the time or place to go into it. I really only commented because I was struck by @Feitelijk's remark as I've wondered if anyone else has felt this way about this camera. As far as "spin" is concerned, we can have that discussion, but not now and not here.

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Funny timing. The new replacement camera literally just now arrived in my mailbox! Hopefully, I can make some time to test it out later in the day.
My trip to work early this morning. Firmware v19, all default settings. Pay attention to the white houses at approx. 1:16 minutes.

By the way: Time seems to be one hour off. I set my time zone to +1 and I guessed gps would do the rest, right?

Note to self: Install CPL again :)
I really only commented because I was struck by @Feitelijk's remark as I've wondered if anyone else has felt this way about this camera.
Just for clarification: I'm happy with the cam, and delighted with the support, but from all the stories I read here I might have gotten too high expectations from it.
Just for clarification: I'm happy with the cam, and delighted with the support, but from all the stories I read here I might have gotten too high expectations from it.

I was really referring more to your remark: "disappointed with the spin vs reality". I guess I'm speaking to certain aspects of how the camera has been and is presented here on DCT and elsewhere more-so than the specifics of the camera itself but certainly having just taken delivery of my 5th replacement unit has informed my perceptions and expectations here after more than a year of trying to deal with severe AE high contrast issues that have often left me with unusable footage.
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I'm not sure if this can really be "fixed." Even with HDR, there are still limits..

beta 19 - transition from shade to sunlight (NOT directly into sunrise or sunset) witrh CPL attached (starts around 5 seconds in):

can you upload the original of this please and send me a link, YouTube is great for a preview but I need original files where possible/practical
My trip to work early this morning. Firmware v19, all default settings. Pay attention to the white houses at approx. 1:16 minutes.

By the way: Time seems to be one hour off. I set my time zone to +1 and I guessed gps would do the rest, right?

Note to self: Install CPL again :)

possible to get a copy of the original of this file?

also how long had the camera been off prior to you starting this trip?

when did you set the timezone?