SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

...I might see if any of the V1 owners want to give it a try so that we can speed things up for the rest
Normally I'd jump on the opportunity but I've been relegated to the passenger seat for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Also can't climb around the vehicles removing/replacing cameras, etc. :(
Normally I'd jump on the opportunity but I've been relegated to the passenger seat for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Also can't climb around the vehicles removing/replacing cameras, etc. :(
That does not sound good. Hope you are back in action sooner than that. :)
That does not sound good. Hope you are back in action sooner than that. :)
Just a little 'minor' surgery.

Well..your description of "minor" is just a little off :eek: Minor aches and pains do not seem to be all that important now after seeing that!
Well..your description of "minor" is just a little off :eek: Minor aches and pains do not seem to be all that important now after seeing that!
It's not as bad as you might think. Still, not fun and a major inconvenience.
For what it's worth, I've found the center cut (or whatever it's called) gives me the best results.

I don't know if it's the firmware, because it's not the case in mine, but a few friends of mine who own the SG9665GC have experienced some decrease in the quality of sound, in songs that are bass heavy, the sound garbles a bit, sort of in the same way it happens on the DR650GW-2CH, but to a lesser degree.
For what it's worth, I've found the center cut (or whatever it's called) gives me the best results.

I don't know if it's the firmware, because it's not the case in mine, but a few friends of mine who own the SG9665GC have experienced some decrease in the quality of sound, in songs that are bass heavy, the sound garbles a bit, sort of in the same way it happens on the DR650GW-2CH, but to a lesser degree.

if it has a lot of bass they might do better to use the medium recording volume option, will cut all sound levels lower but will help with the mic being overwhelmed by the bass
Interestingly though it only happens after the update to Beta 22. Just curious if any changes to the sound were done in that update.

They ended up downgrading to the non-beta and it's given them good results in terms of sound.
Interestingly though it only happens after the update to Beta 22. Just curious if any changes to the sound were done in that update.

They ended up downgrading to the non-beta and it's given them good results in terms of sound.

there hasn't been any intentional change or anything else that has changed that should affect it, if you can get any definitive video samples (eg, same song, same volume level, conditions etc) with the later firmware and the earlier firmware that shows this so we can hear it and maybe we can replicate and look if there's an issue there somewhere
I do not know how thriving his business is but the man works night and day Do u think he enjoys to be on this site 15 hours a day He does it to promote business but when u try to discredit potential buyers that's not to nice

Anyway no winning with u going to sleep

You sound like a wanker that maybe you are AKA Dashmellow. Are you here to stir the pot and keep this topic going? Seems strange you come out of the woodwork . What's your agenda Good cop/bad cop?

You can choose to believe what you want but I've provided copious documentation confirming the exposure/contrast issues with the SG9665GC along with confirmation from others experiencing the same issues. You are obviously not a guy who pays attention or does his due diligence. Of course, the fact that so much recent effort by Street Guardian has been put into revising the AE tables and updating the firmware is the ultimate confirmation of the validity of the problems, but facts are obviously not your bailiwick.

Clearly, you have nothing worthwhile to offer here about the camera or the firmware. Instead, you resort to shallow ad hominem attacks and name calling. Sorry for you.
I have been making comparisons between the various modes and have been using CARNO to record the mode for later comparison in playback. However I have quite a bit of difficulty setting the CARNO because of the low contrast between the white text and the light blue background. Can this menu option be changed to use either the white text on transparent or dark blue on light blue color schemes used elsewhere?
I have deleted all the posts with name calling and insults. Also moved the off-topic posts to the sg9665gc high contrast dynamic range thread. Finally had to ban the following members: cruze, sam rothberg, Brenda and undecided. They were all the same person using multiple accounts. Hopefully we are back on topic.
Thanks DashCamMan, was just about to chat up Brenda and ask if she wanted to see my etchings.... oops, dashcam.
New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average).
This is driving in extreme conditions with side and front facing low-sun.
Also my car windshield is total disaster with loads of tiny stone-chips and mini scratches which makes video quality even worse, however for judging AE it doesn't play that much role, so you can see the difference between old and New AE performance.

New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average). P1  (1).jpg

New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average). P1  (2).jpg

New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average). P1  (3).jpg

New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average). P1  (4).jpg

New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average). P1  (5).jpg

New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average). P1  (6).jpg

New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average). P1  (7).jpg

New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average). P1  (8).jpg

New AE SG9665GC. v9 (top) vs v20 (bottom, AE average). P1  (9).jpg
Nice post Nico, you know what, just on a quick look at that vid if I was wanting to get the rego number of any of the other cars in it I suspect I might have better luck with the old firmware. If I wanted to take in the scenery I'd be better with the new firmware.

Disclaimer: Old eyes having a quick look at the vid.
had to ban the following members: cruze, sam rothberg, Brenda and undecided

And here i was thinking i was the only one with multiple personality disorder :)
Nice post Nico, you know what, just on a quick look at that vid if I was wanting to get the rego number of any of the other cars in it I suspect I might have better luck with the old firmware. If I wanted to take in the scenery I'd be better with the new firmware.

Disclaimer: Old eyes having a quick look at the vid.
Its all depends on personal circumstances: weather, sun angle, windshield vs dash reflection and very important windshield state. As I mentioned my windshield is total disaster with scratches and stone chips. In many cases I can read numberplates, in some like above its harder to read due to windshield quality where there is combination of sun / reflection / diffusion in place. For cars with better windshield quality I am sure it will be better result. That was only random quick test month ago and as I remember I didnt clean windshield inside, because it was beta-FW test only just to see AE effect. So there are many factors which play role in how numberplates are red in particular car ( weather, sun angle, dash reflection angle, windshield quality, glass clean or not etc. )
After beta FW will be fully finished and will be transformed to public version I will try to do new test again.