SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Shop was sooo busy today. Got the clips onto the computer, but no further. Will try again tomorrow, but have to bail one of our dogs outta doggy jail. She's a free spirit and loves everyone. But living in a very rural area, there's very limited hours for town offices.

Anyways, got a couple good clips, gps shows 149, 145, maybe more after tonight(I know I hit at least 155, but it has a hard time keeping up). Haven't looked yet but got a pretty good run in earlier.
I have it mounted somewhat odd. Didn't want the 3m tape on the tint. I made a bracket that tucks up under the liner with neodymium magnets to hold it to the roof of the car, then the cam mount is taped to that. I used a heat gun to get the curve in the bracket to follow the line from roof to rear window perfectly.

It does rattle a little when I get on it, but since I rarely listen to the video, just watch, it's never bothered me. I rely on the front cams audio when needed as I did a DIY mic on the RC, desoldered the mic from main board, cut a small hole and added a plugged set up. It's tucked up in the headliner in the front. Not sure what it's for but there's a perfect little notch in the liner for it. Jun 17, 6 35 20 PM.jpg?dl=0
I have it mounted somewhat odd. Didn't want the 3m tape on the tint. I made a bracket that tucks up under the liner with neodymium magnets to hold it to the roof of the car, then the cam mount is taped to that. I used a heat gun to get the curve in the bracket to follow the line from roof to rear window perfectly.

ok, makes sense now
The rake of the vitara windshield is les than 40 degrees.
Comparable to my daihatsu. Adding a cpl on the thim mount jus about works

My 62degree westfield windshield is about the limit for a CPL-less GC
Out of topic, but it depends on what you want to record.

The recommended 40% sky and 60% asphalt is definitely NOT my cup of tea.
Uninteresting footage.
My basic rule is: no dashboard on the picture.
Useless pixels, not relevant, whatever the purpose: IRRELEVANT, super-redundant after frame one.

Let's stop with this, the camera is OK the rest is a personal matter.
But I personally wish for a suction cup/swivel or thicker mount, so that it can aim HIGHER.
My last reply on the subject. Regards.
The recommended 40% sky and 60% asphalt is definitely NOT my cup of tea.
Uninteresting footage.
My basic rule is: no dashboard on the picture.

ok this explains things now, we do have some other models coming that are probably more to your liking for how you like to use your camera
What's the latest firmware for V1 hardware? I have 20161216.

(Also what's this "auto restart" feature?)
Is it planned to fix the the Vmax bug in the V1 firmware?
With SG20161216.V1 I hit the limit often because of Autobahn :) and a car that can do 248 km/h :D (measured with GPS).

This is how I like the road while driving >200 km/h :

As you can see the OSD (and recorded speed) is limited to 184 /185 km/h.
Is it planned to fix the the Vmax bug in the V1 firmware?
With SG20161216.V1 I hit the limit often because of Autobahn :) and a car that can do 248 km/h :D (measured with GPS).

As you can see the OSD (and recorded speed) is limited to 184 /185 km/h.

I'll have a look at that tomorrow, it was never reported as a problem until recently so it was something we were never aware of, not many places where it's legal to drive at those speeds to be able to find out about this problem
i wouldn't drive at that speed any way, i value my life.
i wouldn't drive at that speed any way, i value my life.

184 kmh is only 114mph ... if you have a car in proper working order with proper tires, it's no big deal, especially if you're on a road where it is legal (the autoban) *OR* on a racetrack. Not everyone drives a wornout clunker or in LA traffic.
Imagine coming unto a "phantom driver" (entering highway in wrong direction), riding at his right side (thus your fast lane) at the recommended, reasonable 130 km/h.
You're going to meet at about 87 m per second. Be my guest.
When driving at 100mph+, I can gaurantee you that I am hyper aware of everything around me and the road in front of me has my 100% undivided attention. Honestly, you'd be safer on the road with me driving 100+ than with some dingbat going 40-45mph and texting, reaching for something, or yelling at their kids in the back, possibly all at once.

In the right car, 100mph feels like 50 in other cars.
When driving at 100mph+, I can gaurantee you that I am hyper aware of everything around me and the road in front of me has my 100% undivided attention.
some dingbat going 40-45mph and texting, reaching for something, or yelling at their kids in the back, possibly all at once.
this combination doesnt mix. ends in tradegy, who will die? most likely the innocent party, thats the way it normally goes.