SG9665GC High Contrast/Dynamic Range Flaw and other Discouragements

We just received and are internally testing added new AE firmware options now. Hopefully we achieve the expected results and can share the details plus ask for testers soon.
I had an idea: Could it be that the reflections from the bonnet are the cause of the whiteout on my cam?

no it's just the current AE table is weighted incorrectly, we are testing an updated version now, we need to check the basics internally and if everything looks ok will post that in the beta thread for others to test
Great! Looking forward to testing!
No worries, I have patience. I can wait till tomorrow! ;)
we are currently testing, the result is obvious, a noticeable difference for the better
Looking forward to the next release, sounds like it is going to be good :)
I first reported this exposure contrast issue on 5/26/15. On that day @jokiin suggested that I try a calibration and said that, "we're also doing some fine tuning of the firmware but that's not quite ready for public release just yet".
Imagine how I felt when the long awaited and seemingly overdue March 2016 firmware update turned out to not in any way deal with image quality issues? :( As I first stated in my initial post to this thread, there was the feeling that, at least for awhile, quite a long while actually, there was a reluctance to fully acknowledge the nature and extent of the problem. So, in light of all this I am very pleased to see progress towards resolving the issue and since @jokiin made a commitment to fixing the problem things have started to come together much more quickly than expected; another plus! I'm very excited to see the fruits of the latest efforts. It is much appreciated.
there has never been a reluctance to deal with any problem, identifying the cause has been the biggest issue, unfortunately some things just take longer than we want, you try something it doesn't work, you start over, it can be extremely frustrating to say the least, and we still have plenty of work to do
there has never been a reluctance to deal with any problem, identifying the cause has been the biggest issue, unfortunately some things just take longer than we want, you try something it doesn't work, you start over, it can be extremely frustrating to say the least, and we still have plenty of work to do

With all due respect, at least from my perspective, it has felt that way. I dunno, perhaps "reluctance" may be the wrong word. For me, the fact that I've been dealing with this issue for more than a year and only now is it actually getting attention after other people have come forward about experiencing the same issue to one degree or another is at the heart of the matter. I guess it's been a bit of the same with the out-of-focus thing too. It turns out it's not just me, even if it is a just small percentage of buyers. What can I say?

Anyway, you are the most affable, forthcoming and responsive manufacturer out there, so one way or another I know we are in good hands, even when things don't quite go as anticipated and hoped for.

At this point I think the next firmware update or two will actually end up being the firmware the V2 kind of wanted in the first place and that it well deserves. Good things take time. Looking forward to trying it out! Thank you.
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"It’s better to do the right thing slowly than the wrong thing quickly".

Within reason of course, but I'd rather have a stable and good firmware for something like a dashcam.
"It’s better to do the right thing slowly than the wrong thing quickly".

Within reason of course, but I'd rather have a stable and good firmware for something like a dashcam.
You can have it fast, cheap or right - pick any two.
"It’s better to do the right thing slowly than the wrong thing quickly".

I agree completely but when one reports an exposure/contrast issue like I've described, one might expect the issue wouldn't take a full year to be acknowledged and addressed. I'm afraid these are the facts of my experience with this. :(
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still early days on this but here's a look at old AE table, V1 compared to the updated AE table, V2 courtesy of @wozzzzza

we can't release this in the public beta section as yet as we have a GPS bug we need to sort out first, still more work to do on this as well but we're getting there

01 SG9665GC_V1_1.jpg

02 SG9665GC_V2_1.jpg
Wow, that's a hughe improvement, congrats guys! Can't wait for the release of this fw :)