SG9665GC High Contrast/Dynamic Range Flaw and other Discouragements

it's a long way from done yet but once we get the bugs sorted we'll release a beta so we can get some wider input to help gather sample results for fine tuning
still early days on this but here's a look at old AE table, V1 compared to the updated AE table, V2 courtesy of @wozzzzza

we can't release this in the public beta section as yet as we have a GPS bug we need to sort out first, still more work to do on this as well but we're getting there

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View attachment 23193

That looks much better! Any chance of seeing a similar comparison of a night scene?
I rarely drive at night, but can give it a go if I have time tonight.
I am nearly out of petrol, will get some tonight and check it
we can't release this in the public beta section as yet as we have a GPS bug
That's more like it! :)

I don't use the SG's GPS!

*hint hint wink wink*
good stuff. It will look even better with the CPL put back on to cut the reflections.

wozzzzza could also do with a dash mat by the looks of things ;)

My dash mat cuts down on the dash reflecting on the screen and the CPL cuts down on most of what's left of the dash mat reflecting on the screen :D
wozzzzza could also do with a dash mat by the looks of things ;)
I normally run a CPL that cuts the majority of that reflection out, but running tests without it for now.

here is the comparison at night time, not a lot of difference if any.


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Dosent look like the new stuff ruin anything, so thats good.
Bug fixes are good of course, but my impression is that Beta 22 is a step backwards with the AE table issues. This business with the very dark footage is a new thing. The whole AE tables problem is beyond what might be described as a "bug" and has been all along.

I guess the feeling is that a camera that has been on the market for as long as this one has been now and that has been promoted as heavily as this one is as, "one of the best cameras on the market today for video quality" should have firmware that is not quite as flawed as this at this point in the game. Again, I am sorry to sound so negative but I believe this to be the objective truth.
Dashmellow.... jokiin is a very nice seller. Can you not privately email him with all this. Most of the members here are familiar with exposure problems on that model it is a problem that takes time to play around with, but as I was told jokiin's IT guy is in the hospital for a couple weeks so please give him a chance to get back and I'm sure that's their main project now to fix this bug. No use rehashing all this on a public forum. please email him directly
but as I was told jokiin's IT guy is in the hospital for a couple weeks so please give him a chance to get back and I'm sure that's their main project now to fix this bug. No use rehashing all this on a public forum. please email him directly

actually that's just our website guy that has been in hospital, firmware engineers are working on things still, business as usual there but adjustments do take time
Sometimes the problem with forums, and threads such as Dashmellow's is that they highlight problems that some people probably wouldn't have even noticed. I do it all the time with BMW forums, as it gives the user ammo when the dealership try to tell you it's a one off (but you know of several others that also have the problem).

The problem with it, as I said, is that it highlights the "problem" to people who probably wouldn't have even been aware there was one. I am following this thread closely since I found it, and whilst I'm not reviewing my footage very often, or doing the experiments with different configs that others are doing, I am waiting for a successful resolution. I have noticed some of my footage to be darker than I recalled the actual light, and obviously going towards sunlight is going to be an issue (surely for any camera?)...had I not read this thread I would probably just assume it is normal (footage being darker than expected?). In fact, I only really want the camera to catch stupid driving by others (not me, obviously!) and accidents etc, so as long as the camera performs in those situations then that's all I'm interested in. Obviously though, the problem with this is that an accident could occur when the scene was washed out, rendering the camera useless (for my primary requirement), so I hope to see a resolution.

I do echo Dashmellows comments about the camera being promoted as being very good image quality (Sony sensor etc) and being disappointed by these issues.

I've spent so much time trying to get a stealth install and now hardwiring it to have really worried too much about what its capturing, all I know is that even with these issues, I feel better knowing I have a camera which in most cases will prove my side of the story in an accident. And I haven't even driven in the dark with it yet!
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Dashmellow.... jokiin is a very nice seller. Can you not privately email him with all this. Most of the members here are familiar with exposure problems on that model it is a problem that takes time to play around with, but as I was told jokiin's IT guy is in the hospital for a couple weeks so please give him a chance to get back and I'm sure that's their main project now to fix this bug. No use rehashing all this on a public forum. please email him directly

You are quite right, @jokiin is a very nice guy. So is @Pier28. Gotta' love em both. :)

, I had lengthy and ongoing private communications with jokiin, as well as Pier28 that began in May, 2015 and that went on for many, many months regarding the various issues I experienced with several defective SG9665GC units that had focus and electronic problems along with the numerous firmware issues I encountered. I spent all those months working back and forth with the two of them behind the scenes providing examples, uploads and data in an attempt to understand and resolve these issues. I made it quite clear from the beginning that my intention was to approach the issue discretely offline rather than make a big public fuss. In fact, I am going to quote @jokiin's reply to me on May 26th, 2015-----"appreciate you taking it offline, had you talked about it in the forum though the result would still be the same"

It was only after nearly a year of frustration and finally expressing my skepticism that I could be the only person having such severe contrast issues did I decide to go public about it, specifically to see how many others might actually be experiencing the same issues with these high contrast/ high dynamic range blow-outs. When I told @jokiin that I was pondering this idea, he wholeheartedly encouraged it because that is the way he is. If you like, I will dig around in our correspondence and find his quote on that too, but I am confident that both he and @Pier28 will confirm everything I am saying here.

Anyway, after a full year of trying my best to deal with all of these problems and issues such as the serious out-of-focus problems, and especially the high contrasts blow outs, I finally launched the thread, "SG9665GC High Contrast/Dynamic Range Flaw and other Discouragements", where I went to the trouble of explaining much of this. Much of the documentation and imagery I eventually posted in that thread had already be sent to them in private.

In my introduction to that thread, I said, "Originally, I intended to post a thread about my experience much like the one I'm posting here but instead, the way things have worked out I've spent months working behind the scenes with @Pier28 and @jokiin attempting to analyze and resolve the problem. It will come as no surprise for anyone here to hear that both Rick and Jon have been extraordinarily courteous, friendly, helpful and generous in their efforts to resolve the issue",.........but..............................."I guess it is finally time to go public with all of this".

On March 13th, 2016, in my public thread, I went on to say:

"The thing that has mystified me though is how could I possibly be the only one to experience this to this degree on three different SG9665GC units and be the only one reporting it? While I have some theories about why that is, I want to make clear that my purpose in posting this thread is not to complain but to publicly discuss and analyze. One of my main goals is to hear from other SG9665GC owners regarding their camera's ability to handle bright high contrast/high dynamic range situations. Is it similar to what I'm presenting here? Is it worse, or better, or not so bad, or not a problem at all?"

My intention all along was to bring attention to this issue and to learn how many others might have the problem too.

In May of 2015, in response to the high contrast problems, jokiin told me in a PM that, "We're also doing some fine tuning of the firmware but that's not quite ready for public release just yet." So imagine how I felt when months and months later when the new firmware was finally released, I learned that the AE problems were not even addressed in that firmware in any way whatsoever?

Some of this approach to the problems may have had to do with not wishing to damage the marketing of what I believe may well be one of the most promoted and hyped cameras on this forum and perhaps some of this has to do with the difficulties an earnest developer like @jokiin encounters in his quest to bring high quality cameras to the market in an ethical and upfront manner in a way those of us who have been around dash cams for years have not ever witnessed before. And of course, we now learn that increasing success of the Street Guardian brand has finally manifested the support of chip maker Novatek that was apparently key to resolving the AE issues at hand all this time in the first place, and so the long delay in fixing this problem has a solution, after all.

But, of course, none of this means that we should all become obsequious fanboys who shy away from the obvious truths even if we are indeed enthusiasts and supporters and online friends. Hey, for me, rather than cutting my losses and buying something else, I'm still hanging on there with the GC and there's much to be said about that. Online forums as supposed to be all about honest discourse, not just high intensity marketing and product support.

The simple fact is that it has only been since my finally bringing more attention to this AE high contrast matter on March 13. 2016 after a very long delay that it is finally now being addressed.

So, @cruze, my friend, you have been a member here on DCT for only 5 days now, so please fully inform yourself before you hand out misguided, albeit well intentioned suggestions.

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@Dashmellow My offer of a full refund (even after a year) still stands if you are not satisfied. You've been extremely vocal and made it very clear how disappointed you are over and over on here. I already gave you a huge discount on your original order since you're so active on here. (and free CPL too)
@Dashmellow My offer of a full refund (even after a year) still stands if you are not satisfied. You've been extremely vocal and made it very clear how disappointed you are over and over on here. I already gave you a huge discount on your original order since you're so active on here. (and free CPL too)

I've been frustrated for sure, it's been a long slog but I said I'm still hanging in there. The issues I brought up in May 2015 have turned out to be quite real despite yours and jokiins initial disclaimers and that is why they are now finally being addressed. You seem to object to anyone who is vocal who may not be a total disciple.

@Pier28, you are one of the nicest, friendliest, most helpful, generous people and you go way above and beyond what any reasonable dash cam buyer could ever expect from any retailer but that does not mean that on a public forum such as this that that is a reason people should ignore or suppress the truths and flaws about any given product.

At this point the last thing I want or expect is a refund. Hey, after 15 months of SG9665GC ownership the problems are nearly fixed, I think.

Let the discussion of the product proceed and let go of the marketing hype once in awhile, OK?
You are quite right, @jokiin is a very nice guy. So is @Pier28. Gotta' love em both. :)

, I had lengthy and ongoing private communications with jokiin, as well as Pier28 that began in May, 2015 and that went on for many, many months regarding the various issues I experienced with several defective SG9665GC units that had focus and electronic problems along with the numerous firmware issues I encountered. I spent all those months working back and forth with the two of them behind the scenes providing examples, uploads and data in an attempt to understand and resolve these issues. I made it quite clear from the beginning that my intention was to approach the issue discretely offline rather than make a big public fuss. In fact, I am going to quote @jokiin's reply to me on May 26th, 2015-----"appreciate you taking it offline, had you talked about it in the forum though the result would still be the same"

It was only after nearly a year of frustration and finally expressing my skepticism that I could be the only person having such severe contrast issues did I decide to go public about it, specifically to see how many others might actually be experiencing the same issues with these high contrast/ high dynamic range blow-outs. When I told @jokiin that I was pondering this idea, he wholeheartedly encouraged it because that is the way he is. If you like, I will dig around in our correspondence and find his quote on that too, but I am confident that both he and @Pier28 will confirm everything I am saying here.
Does it mean anything that I am new here? I have the SG9665GC and I have not had any problems that a firmware update didn't fix. If it were so troublesome as you claim you would have many people coming here and complaining. You my friend are the only one!!! I have been coming here as an observer only, since this site opened. It seems you are trying to go after the SG9665GC with a vengeance. How you can correspond with jokiin and Pier28 (jon) so nicely as u state then you come on this site with ur imaginary problems and try to scare away potential customers. It seems u have an agenda for what ever reason. Sometimes not everything is 100% perfect that includes dash cams. If u wanted perfection try a more expensive dash cam. For $200. I think that the SG9665GC is worth every cent . You want better then try a unit in the $500 range and see at that price if it's any better
Anyway, after a full year of trying my best to deal with all of these problems and issues such as the serious out-of-focus problems, and especially the high contrasts blow outs, I finally launched the thread, "SG9665GC High Contrast/Dynamic Range Flaw and other Discouragements", where I went to the trouble of explaining much of this. Much of the documentation and imagery I eventually posted in that thread had already be sent to them in private.

In my introduction to that thread, I said, "Originally, I intended to post a thread about my experience much like the one I'm posting here but instead, the way things have worked out I've spent months working behind the scenes with @Pier28 and @jokiin attempting to analyze and resolve the problem. It will come as no surprise for anyone here to hear that both Rick and Jon have been extraordinarily courteous, friendly, helpful and generous in their efforts to resolve the issue",.........but..............................."I guess it is finally time to go public with all of this".

On March 13th, 2016, in my public thread, I went on to say:

"The thing that has mystified me though is how could I possibly be the only one to experience this to this degree on three different SG9665GC units and be the only one reporting it? While I have some theories about why that is, I want to make clear that my purpose in posting this thread is not to complain but to publicly discuss and analyze. One of my main goals is to hear from other SG9665GC owners regarding their camera's ability to handle bright high contrast/high dynamic range situations. Is it similar to what I'm presenting here? Is it worse, or better, or not so bad, or not a problem at all?"

My intention all along was to bring attention to this issue and to learn how many others might have the problem too.

In May of 2015, in response to the high contrast problems, jokiin told me in a PM that, "We're also doing some fine tuning of the firmware but that's not quite ready for public release just yet." So imagine how I felt when months and months later when the new firmware was finally released, I learned that the AE problems were not even addressed in that firmware in any way whatsoever?

Some of this approach to the problems may have had to do with not wishing to damage the marketing of what I believe may well be one of the most promoted and hyped cameras on this forum and perhaps some of this has to do with the difficulties an earnest developer like @jokiin encounters in his quest to bring high quality cameras to the market in an ethical and upfront manner in a way those of us who have been around dash cams for years have not ever witnessed before. And of course, we now learn that increasing success of the Street Guardian brand has finally manifested the support of chip maker Novatek that was apparently key to resolving the AE issues at hand all this time in the first place, and so the long delay in fixing this problem has a solution, after all.

But, of course, none of this means that we should all become obsequious fanboys who shy away from the obvious truths even if we are indeed enthusiasts and supporters and online friends. Hey, for me, rather than cutting my losses and buying something else, I'm still hanging on there with the GC and there's much to be said about that. Online forums as supposed to be all about honest discourse, not just high intensity marketing and product support.

The simple fact is that it has only been since my finally bringing more attention to this AE high contrast matter after a very long delay that it is finally being addressed.

So, @cruze, my friend, you have been a member here on DCT for only 5 days now, so please fully inform yourself before you hand out misguided, albeit well intentioned suggestions.