SG9665GC High Contrast/Dynamic Range Flaw and other Discouragements

@Dashmellow My offer of a full refund (even after a year) still stands if you are not satisfied. You've been extremely vocal and made it very clear how disappointed you are over and over on here. I already gave you a huge discount on your original order since you're so active on here. (and free CPL too)
Don't give him any refund after 1 yr. He is not fair and you should not suffer financially because he is so vocal.
You are quite right, @jokiin is a very nice guy. So is @Pier28. Gotta' love em both. :)

, I had lengthy and ongoing private communications with jokiin, as well as Pier28 that began in May, 2015 and that went on for many, many months regarding the various issues I experienced with several defective SG9665GC units that had focus and electronic problems along with the numerous firmware issues I encountered. I spent all those months working back and forth with the two of them behind the scenes providing examples, uploads and data in an attempt to understand and resolve these issues. I made it quite clear from the beginning that my intention was to approach the issue discretely offline rather than make a big public fuss. In fact, I am going to quote @jokiin's reply to me on May 26th, 2015-----"appreciate you taking it offline, had you talked about it in the forum though the result would still be the same"

It was only after nearly a year of frustration and finally expressing my skepticism that I could be the only person having such severe contrast issues did I decide to go public about it, specifically to see how many others might actually be experiencing the same issues with these high contrast/ high dynamic range blow-outs. When I told @jokiin that I was pondering this idea, he wholeheartedly encouraged it because that is the way he is. If you like, I will dig around in our correspondence and find his quote on that too, but I am confident that both he and @Pier28 will confirm everything I am saying here.

Anyway, after a full year of trying my best to deal with all of these problems and issues such as the serious out-of-focus problems, and especially the high contrasts blow outs, I finally launched the thread, "SG9665GC High Contrast/Dynamic Range Flaw and other Discouragements", where I went to the trouble of explaining much of this. Much of the documentation and imagery I eventually posted in that thread had already be sent to them in private.

In my introduction to that thread, I said, "Originally, I intended to post a thread about my experience much like the one I'm posting here but instead, the way things have worked out I've spent months working behind the scenes with @Pier28 and @jokiin attempting to analyze and resolve the problem. It will come as no surprise for anyone here to hear that both Rick and Jon have been extraordinarily courteous, friendly, helpful and generous in their efforts to resolve the issue",.........but..............................."I guess it is finally time to go public with all of this".

On March 13th, 2016, in my public thread, I went on to say:

"The thing that has mystified me though is how could I possibly be the only one to experience this to this degree on three different SG9665GC units and be the only one reporting it? While I have some theories about why that is, I want to make clear that my purpose in posting this thread is not to complain but to publicly discuss and analyze. One of my main goals is to hear from other SG9665GC owners regarding their camera's ability to handle bright high contrast/high dynamic range situations. Is it similar to what I'm presenting here? Is it worse, or better, or not so bad, or not a problem at all?"

My intention all along was to bring attention to this issue and to learn how many others might have the problem too.

In May of 2015, in response to the high contrast problems, jokiin told me in a PM that, "We're also doing some fine tuning of the firmware but that's not quite ready for public release just yet." So imagine how I felt when months and months later when the new firmware was finally released, I learned that the AE problems were not even addressed in that firmware in any way whatsoever?

Some of this approach to the problems may have had to do with not wishing to damage the marketing of what I believe may well be one of the most promoted and hyped cameras on this forum and perhaps some of this has to do with the difficulties an earnest developer like @jokiin encounters in his quest to bring high quality cameras to the market in an ethical and upfront manner in a way those of us who have been around dash cams for years have not ever witnessed before. And of course, we now learn that increasing success of the Street Guardian brand has finally manifested the support of chip maker Novatek that was apparently key to resolving the AE issues at hand all this time in the first place, and so the long delay in fixing this problem has a solution, after all.

But, of course, none of this means that we should all become obsequious fanboys who shy away from the obvious truths even if we are indeed enthusiasts and supporters and online friends. Hey, for me, rather than cutting my losses and buying something else, I'm still hanging on there with the GC and there's much to be said about that. Online forums as supposed to be all about honest discourse, not just high intensity marketing and product support.

The simple fact is that it has only been since my finally bringing more attention to this AE high contrast matter after a very long delay that it is finally being addressed.

So, @cruze, my friend, you have been a member here on DCT for only 5 days now, so please fully inform yourself before you hand out misguided, albeit well intentioned suggestions.
What does my 5 days have to do with it? lol If I was a member for a year does that make me worthy of sizing you up?
Don't give him any refund after 1 yr. He is not fair and you should not suffer financially because he is so vocal.

Hey man, as I've said, I don't want a refund. just the truths about the product.

Anyway, you said I should email jokiin about these issues, but you ignore my explanation that I've been doing so since over a year before discussing this publicly.

Pay attention. ;)
BTW, after all my thorough explanations and documentations, how am I not "fair"?
Maybe he suggest you may buy thinkware or lukas or DOD product. Then make a the similar thread like this. :D I am sure they will has some of problem like 9665.
And I am ready curious about DOD 460 & DOD 470. It has the same configuration as SG and so far, there are not many comparion and analysis with this model. Maybe you can take a refund and buy a DOD 460 and make a review. :D
PS: I don't believe there is a perfect dashcam which can stand and be good at all of situation with few hundreds dollars. I believe another model will have another problem, but it's a big or small problem, and we can accept it or not.
At least, with SG, in here, we have someone to blame and complain. :)
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Well now, another new to DCT uniformed clueless new fanboy member who hasn't taken the time to inform himself or trouble to explore the issues. Feel sorry for you. Your insults don't bother with me based on the facts.
Give it a rest, do u see anyone else complaining about the SG9665GC Only youuuuuuu
Actualy, it has some of cutomers complain in amazon reviews about overexposure issues. To be fair, I have to admit.
But scaring away furure customers is true too. As a SG distributor, I miss about 50% because of this topic. :)
Ofcouse, I want SG has better products, but if it can't because of hardware problem, then we has to accept it. Every configuration has some pros and cons. :)

You should take the time to review the long time documented facts about the camera. My personal experience or any possible refund is irrelevant in the scheme of things. You are are actually going make things worse here regarding the marketing of this camera with this attitude.
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For ur information I do own one and I love it no problems what u describe I do not believe one word u say

Hey, good for you fanboy. Quite a few of us have not had such a great experience and have documented it for quite awhile now, unlike you.
Umm....seems to be some Dashmellow bashing going on today (middle of the night for me in the UK!).

I'm thinking "cruze" and "sam rothberg" are the same person? Both new members. Both in Canada. Both start attacking Dashmellow with insults within hours? Maybe I'm wrong, just seems strange to me.

Yes, I get the thinking - Dashmellow keeps going over how he's been working on this issue for over a year etc. To be honest, it has been repeated lots of times. However - it is persistence like this that will hopefully get the product to be near perfect (not just this problem on this product, but in general) and then everyone benefits.

He has the offer of a refund, but choses to stick with it in the hope of resolution - that to me says he is committed to reaching a resolution by encouraging development rather than just whinging with buyers remource etc.

I don't think lowering the tone to directed insults does anyone any favours.
Umm....seems to be some Dashmellow bashing going on today (middle of the night for me in the UK!).

I'm thinking "cruze" and "sam rothberg" are the same person? Both new members. Both in Canada. Both start attacking Dashmellow with insults within hours? Maybe I'm wrong, just seems strange to me.

Yes, I get the thinking - Dashmellow keeps going over how he's been working on this issue for over a year etc. To be honest, it has been repeated lots of times. However - it is persistence like this that will hopefully get the product to be near perfect (not just this problem on this product, but in general) and then everyone benefits.

He has the offer of a refund, but choses to stick with it in the hope of resolution - that to me says he is committed to reaching a resolution by encouraging development rather than just whinging with buyers remource etc.

I don't think lowering the tone to directed insults does anyone any favours.
