SG9665GC V2 Finally dead...


Mar 30, 2016
Reaction score
Dash Cam
SG9665GC , A118C
Oh well, I had a good run but after a few months of problems she's dead. It started by always wanting to reformat the SD card so after a while I just unplugged it. I purchased a replacement card today but now notice the cam won't even turn on. The power light comes on but that's it, no startup screen. I tried another power source but it's the same so I had a look inside and noticed one of the capacitors looked a little swollen. I asume that's the problem. I may try some surgery one day if I can locate the correct capacitor as I love this little cam and don't want to gave up on it yet
My SG9665GC cams died with similar symptoms a long, long time ago. I replaced them with a SGGCX2PRO+ but the image quality was so poor (major pixel blocking) I immediately returned it. Then I bought a Viofo A119 V3 because of the similar form factor and never looked back. It was so good I bought a second one for my rear windshield. They were about half the price of the SGGCX2PRO, performed far better with a better higher resolution better performing Starvis sensor and proved far more reliable the my SG9665GCs ever were and they are still in service.

I would suggest looking at one of the newer Viofo models with a Starvis 2 sensor and many new useful features that were never available in the now obsolete SG in a form factor quite similar to the SG9665GC. (and Amazon Prime Day is coming up soon! :))
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