Shadow RX300

Hmmm, quickly tested IR leds = ON, but didn't see any effect ( maybe I do something wrong ? ),. My RX300 is on v2.2 FW.
Will try to do deeper tests within 1-2 days, now I am in hurry.
Yes, same here with Firmware v2.3g
I can't even see any of the 6 LEDs lit, and footage with IR on is identical to the one with IR off. I bet these LEDs are not even connected inside, they just installed them for looks... only, to make dashcam looking uglier than it should :)

As I said, I don't need IR function at all, even if it works, I'd never ever use it. I simply wanted to test it, so I can tell potential RX300 buyers what to expect when it comes to IR functionality. It is also another feature that's being advertised when it comes to this model. Another case of false advertising?

Anyway, I'll be happy if they only fix that Auto-Rotate Screen feature, I really couldn't care less for IR.
They should only activate when it's dark (light sensor) and the only way to test is to see if it records an image in a completely dark environment.
That's what we're doing. I have pitch dark room, not a single source of light from anywhere. Still nothing happens.

I have here my IP surveilance camera (Foscam) that has bunch of IR LEDs. They all lit up as soon as it's dark in the room. RX300 does not show any signs of these LEDs being in use.
I am familiar with different IR wave-length and mobile-phone trick as well, thanks ;)
I did test recording in pitch-dark in a hurry and playback showed full pitch-dark video, so no effect of IR. It was done quickly, maybe I messed up domething in settings ?. Will try to test properly soon.
If you view an IR light via a digital camera (mobile phone is good for this) you can see if they are on or not

OK, I set up my shutter speed properly on my DSLR, Canon 7D. These are far from photographic beauties, but they will show IR LEDs are actually lit. In photos, difference between my IP CAM Foscam and this is not huge, but behind the camera, Foscam gives me bright red LEDs, you can see them from a mile, lol :)

Anyway, I proved to myself IR LEDs are actually lit up on RX300, but I am assuring you all, there is absolutely no difference in between footage with IR on and the one without IR turned on. Not slightest difference.

It's a fairly universal consensus on here that IR lights on car cameras are useless, your tests back that up
Yes and yet I was hoping there would at least be a little difference in video quality with and without IR turned on. I hoped I'd test it so interested people can see if it's worth it. Unfortunately, IR feature on dascams is useless at this point. You should see IR footage from Foscam. Incredibly amazing.
Strange that 15usd fake 027 IR leds are far more powerful than rx300 :(
Yes, that's one of the solutions. Like I mentioned numerous times, I don't even need this IR feature, nor I'd ever used it. This camera was exactly the same price as GT680W (in cents) and as my personal opinion (which doesn't necessarily other people have to share) I liked the shape of RX300 better, and since this IR feature was advertised, I simply wanted to test it for other people. You never know, some taxi drivers could really find it helpful. Unfortunately, no luck there. I am pretty sure I'd never use nor need this IR function, so even being this badly implemented, is not a deal breaker for me.

What kills me at the moment is that Auto-Rotate Screen option that's removed for some reason from last firmware. Could be developers' error, could be hardware changes like jokiin mentioned, could be anything... I will find out once FoxOffer comes back online finally, and I believe that starts tomorrow (Feb.6th). On another note, if I went with GT680W originally, I wouldn't have either of those two features, not IR, nor Auto-Rotate Screen. I paid for RX300 exactly the same amount of money as I would for GT680W, so nothing really lost. Even GT680W is not bullet proof, best example is this latest buggy v2.7 Firmware that's released.

In general I am very, very happy. This little camera has amazing recordings, sharp and looking really great. It never bugs out on me, when it turns on, I can be 100% sure it will record everything and archive it for me. That's actually all I need from it... an automated and reliable driving witness.
Maybe if his words are taken literally that might explain things :)
(Post #9 in this thread)

But why then mini-boards, microchips, wires behind them, if to look my review where I opened casing ;)
But why then mini-boards, microchips, wires behind them, if to look my review where I opened casing ;)

To make the insides "looks beautiful" I guess :p
Maybe if his words are taken literally that might explain things :)
(Post #9 in this thread)
Yes, and even when I saw his post for the first time, I had a feeling it might as well be true. I am afraid they love "good" looks over functionality. Only, not sure why they believe that camera which has IR LEDs at its front, can be defined as "beautiful". IR LED lights doesn't make anything "beautiful", its the shape of the camera, colors used, simplicity etc.
But why then mini-boards, microchips, wires behind them, if to look my review where I opened casing ;)
Well, I still believe they had a decent idea behind this (even though I still strongly believe that IR LED lights don't make any camera "pretty"), but what happened here, is poor realization. I have a proof that LEDs are connected, and you too Niko. You saw them connected to the motherboard, and I captured LEDs lit up with my camera last night. But, they did not do it properly. These LEDs are way too weak for anything serious. Heck... not that they can't record anything in pitch dark beyond 2 feet... it's they will not record anything further than 1 cm from the lens. Crazy, totally useless.
No need for IR LEDs, no need for intergalactic emperor style design. In many cases, less is more. I'd be perfectly fine with plain and simple dashcam design like this one:

OK, I set up my shutter speed properly on my DSLR, Canon 7D. These are far from photographic beauties, but they will show IR LEDs are actually lit. In photos, difference between my IP CAM Foscam and this is not huge, but behind the camera, Foscam gives me bright red LEDs, you can see them from a mile, lol :)

Anyway, I proved to myself IR LEDs are actually lit up on RX300, but I am assuring you all, there is absolutely no difference in between footage with IR on and the one without IR turned on. Not slightest difference.


Checked mine again and its same story as yours: only very little IR light which doest give any advantage at night rec.
I assume that msybe firmware is set to draw less voltage current thsn those IR leds have potential. Now they are kinda "dimm". I guess Shadow Tech engineers have to look into FW in regards how it commands IR leds to work for full more powerful effect.
Not sure this would be a firmware fix or not, I'd suspect its a hardware thing

My logics was comparing to phone display brightness where via menu setting you can adjust it, so probably software engineers might set firmware IR leds default current too low and didnt check it before releasing a product into massproduction.
But you might be right, IR leds related firmware could be also a reason for this issue.
I don't work with that chipset but reasonably sure there's not the sort of control that would allow them to play around with output voltages on auxiliary circuits, it's built to a price so I'd expect it was possibly more of a misguided marketing decision to have the LED's on there in the first place