Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

Try another card, the Sandisk U1 cards can be a bit finicky

You might also want to do a full format in the PC using the Panasonic SD formatter program, format again in the camera afterward

As you're probably aware a quick format doesn't erase the card completely it just removes the index information, if there's a bad sector on the card it will trip up when next writing that sector
Thanks jokiin,

Can you recommend a card that you know works well in the camera?
Thanks jokiin,

Can you recommend a card that you know works well in the camera?

I think the best all rounders are probably Samsung, in my experience at least

Sandisk I personally haven't had an issue with but they do get a mention from time to time as being problematic in some cameras
Thanks, I'll do a full format of the Sandisk, if it does it again I will order one of those, I can always use the sandisk in the phone. Thanks for your help.
Are you sure that you card is not a fake one. I have seen fake 32b that were 16gb with wrong info reporting 32gb. So the card works until you reach 16 gb. Try to fill it with your computer.
I bought it off amazon from amazon them selves, but good idea, I'll do a check now.
Are you sure that you card is not a fake one. I have seen fake 32b that were 16gb with wrong info reporting 32gb. So the card works until you reach 16 gb. Try to fill it with your computer.
Checked by filling it up, it seems to have worked fine, going to do another full format and see how it gets on, if it's still a problem, I will order a Samsung card.
So I picked up my Mini this morning, it has the 2013-09-03 firmware.

Playing around with it, I noticed something, I thought hitting (while recording) the down arrow button it would save(mark read only) the current recording. But what I'm seeing is that it locks all of the recordings.

I thought the way it worked was that if your driving and you see something on the road you could hit the down arrow button to save and it would continue to rotate the other files when the card filled up. But that one recording it would be saved.

Mine arrived on Tuesday, BUT it's still sitting at the postal office, I will pick it up in the morning before heading off to work. Will report back the firmware I have on it.
Is There any help for the poor audio recording quality? I clocked in a few videos today and man is the audio reaaaallly crackley

Mine also only plays out of the left speaker currently as others have mentioned. I'm going to post up a couple of the videos here in a few,.
Here's a video that was done this afternoon with it.

I've been following this thread with much interest, as I've been thinking about adding a camera to my new VW Tiguan I recently bought, as I had a close call with last car where a group of young thugs stopped quickly in front of me, and though I stopped with several feet to spare they then tried to reverse into my car, hard to believe but true.

Luckily for me no vehicles were behind me and I managed to reverse very quickly indeed, and they drive away at high speed after continually sounding my horn so it's obvious that these things do happen, it's something you read about but never think it will happen to you.

After doing a lot of reading, I've ordered two of these mini o801 cameras from EPrance via Amazon, as I like the fact their quite small and discreet, so will position one at the front and other at the rear, though I suspect it will take around 2 or 3 weeks to arrive. Have also ordered a couple of cheap 12v to USB adapters which will allow me to wire them straight in, if I decide to do that, I figured for their very low price they might be useful.

A couple of class10 micro sd cards have been ordered too, so am just awaiting on the arrival for everything to get delivered

Both have GPS, with one of them having the internal 8gb. I had considered rigging up some way of utilising a small camcorder I have spare, but these tiny units should be much more suitable, and once installed can be almost forgotten about.

Great forum BTW. A very interesting read, so a big thanks to those who make its existence possible.
Have also ordered a couple of cheap 12v to USB adapters which will allow me to wire them straight in, if I decide to do that, I figured for their very low price they might be useful.


Exactly which 12V to USB adapters did you buy? I've bought one before for my iPhone to hardwire into the car, but I believe the AMPs are different here.....Thx in advance!

Hi, JazJon did you test the procam cx4 20130911 firmware? I can't remember if you did and what were the result.
I'm going to hardwire mine in as well and this is what I'm planning on using:

3Amp is WAY more then the mini cam will ever use.


Exactly which 12V to USB adapters did you buy? I've bought one before for my iPhone to hardwire into the car, but I believe the AMPs are different here.....Thx in advance!

Playing around with it, I noticed something, I thought hitting (while recording) the down arrow button it would save(mark read only) the current recording. But what I'm seeing is that it locks all of the recordings.

I thought the way it worked was that if your driving and you see something on the road you could hit the down arrow button to save and it would continue to rotate the other files when the card filled up. But that one recording it would be saved.

Exactly which 12V to USB adapters did you buy? I've bought one before for my iPhone to hardwire into the car, but I believe the AMPs are different here.....Thx in advance!


These are the ones I ordered, not sure if any good at such a low price, but it states 3amp which should be plenty, I would think the mini 0801 uses less than 1 amp, but can't say for definite until the cams arrive and I can put my test meter on to check out how much power it draws. I've checked some sellers listings of the mini 0801 but they don't state what the power consumption is of the device, my guess would be about 600 to 800ma, but its just a guess at the moment.

Regardless, these converters at 3amp even if they fall a bit short should be okay, but whether they are reliable is anyone's
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Playing around with it, I noticed something, I thought hitting (while recording) the down arrow button it would save(mark read only) the current recording. But what I'm seeing is that it locks all of the recordings.

I thought the way it worked was that if your driving and you see something on the road you could hit the down arrow button to save and it would continue to rotate the other files when the card filled up. But that one recording it would be saved.

That's what I thought too, at least I think that's what techmoans review vid appeared to state, doesn't the manual lead one to believe that it locks the last clip ?, sounds possibly like a bug to me if its locking them all.
I received mine today.Seems there are some hot pixels but i can only see them in a dark room with just my pc screen.
I'll test it tomarow in real life condition.
I played with the lock.
So it's locking all files until you press down again (you have to wait at least one segment to have a locked file. If you press down too soon you'll unlock the file) or stop recording.