Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

Just a quick update on mine here. Its been running about 2 weeks now and it's only locked up once. I brought it in tonight to pull a video off of it and the memory card only had 14megs left on it (Gskill 16gb class 6) So I know it's be rolling no problem by looking at the dates. It seems like it didn't like the computer formatting it but when I let the camera format its been doing fine since.

I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens but i really hope they can fix the audio quality problems in firmware. the left only sound wouldn't be that bad if it didn't go in and out and pop so much.
yep, just what I meant, keeps things neater and leaves your original socket free
I would expect it will not be too long (5 years or so) until car manufacturers start putting dash cameras as OEM products. Now that could have both good and negative consequences, just think when the courts/lawyers start demanding your "black box" and video files. Old George Orwell had it right. :)
I would expect it will not be too long (5 years or so) until car manufacturers start putting dash cameras as OEM products. Now that could have both good and negative consequences, just think when the courts/lawyers start demanding your "black box" and video files. Old George Orwell had it right. :)

I agree that car manufacturers will be offering dash cameras in vehicles. I made the same comment on another forum some time ago, back when all the Russian meteor footage became a media phenomenon. My guess is that they will be first be offered as options in higher end luxury cars probably sooner than 5 years from now. Back-up cameras are already becoming fairly common.

I agree too about George Orwell, but even he didn't anticipate the "Big Brother is Us" mentality we have today where we chose to put surveillance cameras in our own cars and in every store or in and on our homes that we can view remotely on the smart phones in our pockets that can shoot video too and geolocate, etc. etc........or that billions of people would be posting many intimate details of their personal lives to a world wide instantaneous audience.
I would expect it will not be too long (5 years or so) until car manufacturers start putting dash cameras as OEM products. Now that could have both good and negative consequences, just think when the courts/lawyers start demanding your "black box" and video files. Old George Orwell had it right. :)

Maybe not in USA, far too much liability on the hands of car makers. ie what if the camera fails to record incase of accident. Can the owner sue in case of an accident because it failed? If the camera is broken, should the car be allowed to drive because it will not show an accident if one occurs. etc etc. Too many ambulance chasers in US
I would expect it will not be too long (5 years or so) until car manufacturers start putting dash cameras as OEM products. Now that could have both good and negative consequences, just think when the courts/lawyers start demanding your "black box" and video files. Old George Orwell had it right. :)
Maybe not in USA, far too much liability on the hands of car makers. ie what if the camera fails to record incase of accident. Can the owner sue in case of an accident because it failed? If the camera is broken, should the car be allowed to drive because it will not show an accident if one occurs. etc etc. Too many ambulance chasers in US

Anything is possible, especially in the litigious climate in the US but I can't think of any case where a still or video or surveillance camera manufacturer was ever held liable because of a failure to capture an image. I don't imagine it would be any different for a car manufacturer and I'm sure any purchase of an automobile with a dash cam would include a legal disclaimer and liability waiver in the sales agreement.

Speaking of this kind of thing, there was a recent murder trial featured in our local newspaper where the suspect (a nurse's aide) was not proven guilty of murdering an elderly patient in her care even though she was caught on a bank's surveillance cameras trying to withdraw money from the victim's account right after the crime in part because the video was so poor, they couldn't prove it was actually her. Neither the bank nor the camera manufacturer was taken to task for the failure and I suspect the same may apply to a camera in a car.
I don't think Demi from e-prance gets what the problem is. Check out her latest response. Can someone please write up something in Chinese she will understand?
Jaz, please send me the words you want to forward to Demi, I can help to translate :)
When was the last time you actually saw a surveillance video that has even half decent video quality .. It always blowns my mind. And yet we have $100 camera the size of an egg that can read a license plate 50ft(or more) away and yet a camera which I'm sure cost hundreds of $$ thats 10 ft away from a suspect that can't barely make out if the person is bald or not.

Speaking of this kind of thing, there was a recent murder trial featured in our local newspaper where the suspect (a nurse's aide) was not proven guilty of murdering an elderly patient in her care even though she was caught on a bank's surveillance cameras trying to withdraw money from the victim's account right after the crime in part because the video was so poor, they couldn't prove it was actually her. Neither the bank nor the camera manufacturer was taken to task for the failure and I suspect the same may apply to a camera in a car.
When was the last time you actually saw a surveillance video that has even half decent video quality .. It always blowns my mind. And yet we have $100 camera the size of an egg that can read a license plate 50ft(or more) away and yet a camera which I'm sure cost hundreds of $$ thats 10 ft away from a suspect that can't barely make out if the person is bald or not.

You are absolutely right. I can tell you from personal experience with analogue surveillance cameras. The image quality is usually abysmal. That's about to change though as the technology is migrating to 1080p IP cameras and DVRs with much better signal processing and compression schemes. The prices have finally come down to a point where the average business owner or home owner will be able to set up an affordable CCTV system to capture highly detailed video compared to what most of us have been previously familiar with. I can see this eventually ending up in cars where you have a small 1080p IP camera mounted on the windscreen and a DVR under the dash.
interestingly (or not perhaps) Ambarella actually make a solution for the surveillance cameras, not sure who is using them as yet but it's good to see the product developing past its terrible D1 resolution heritage
interestingly (or not perhaps) Ambarella actually make a solution for the surveillance cameras, not sure who is using them as yet but it's good to see the product developing past its terrible D1 resolution heritage

Apparently, they even have a 4k camera offering! It's really quite small. I wonder what is would cost to integrate something like this into a dash cam? A 4K dash cam...wouldn't that be cool? :rolleyes:

Here a link to Ambarella's page for Surveillance IP camera solutions.
Would be possible already to do a car version but I think at this stage there's still limited market for 4k res, once its more common maybe then
Would be possible already to do a car version but I think at this stage there's still limited market for 4k res, once its more common maybe then

I'm sure you are right about that. Still, if the price could be competitive I imagine the idea of a camera that could really capture license plate numbers would be very attractive in the marketplace. Well, we are barely beginning to see 4K TVs yet so 4K dash cams will be a ways off.
Is there confirmation that "Demi" is a girl?Most people would assume that Demi is a girl, like Demi Moore?
By the way, when I say "VPN" for China, I meant underground paid "VPN" for you know....

no, Demi is an original English name, not Chinese. it come from "Demi Lovato", anyone know the young girl on 1992?

VPN is not forbidden here in China but most people don't know such a channel.
Sorry, my mistake, brain slipped a I'm trying to get 20130924 myself or whatever the latest firmware is at the moment from E-Prance. With all these very quick firmware updates in such a short period, and users having a few issues on older firmware, speaks volumes.. ;-)
bro, and all the guys in DashCamTalk, i have to notice you, PLEASE DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR DEVICE UNLESS YOU CONFIRMED WITH YOUR RESELLER FIRST.
there are several 0801 hardware versioin, they are different on G-sensors, Nandflashes, and so on. the WRONG firmware may brick your device.
20130924 is NOT the LATEST firmware for all device, but for the 1'st hardware version which need to be repaired.
the latest firmware for latest hardware is 20130913. (nandflash updated)

PLEASE show your original firmware version number in device to your reseller to get the latest firmware!
I'd advise only ever getting firmware via the supplier of the product, there are multiple versions of this same looking model and not everyone has the same spec, even if the features seem the same is no indication of any similarity unfortunately
Regarding running two cameras, one front and one rear:
A triple cigarette lighter adaptor will be bulky, unsightly and may get knocked. I'm also concerned that the weight of a triple adaptor and the leverage effect may make it come loose, helping it to fall out (the socket's not firm as it is - not a good design). Does anyone have a better solution to buying a triple adaptor?

use the cabled 1-3 adapter instead the straight 1-3 adapater
41GkspPT9AL._SL500_AA300_.jpg QQ截图20131011131420.jpg

we ever used 3pcs cabled 1-3 adapters to derive 9pcs cams in road test.
bro, and all the guys in DashCamTalk, i have to notice you, PLEASE DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR DEVICE UNLESS YOU CONFIRMED WITH YOUR RESELLER FIRST.
there are several 0801 hardware versioin, they are different on G-sensors, Nandflashes, and so on. the WRONG firmware may brick your device.
20130924 is NOT the LATEST firmware for all device, but for the 1'st hardware version which need to be repaired.
the latest firmware for latest hardware is 20130913. (nandflash updated)

PLEASE show your original firmware version number in device to your reseller to get the latest firmware!

I have just received my 0801 from Givoe and confirm that the firmware version is 20130913.
Testing now with fingers crossed.
