Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

I've been thinking about ordering a camera from who claim they are in UK, can anyone confirm that is the case, perhaps Dan from who posted on here a few pages back can confirm, as I don't see his address on his website contact details or anywhere else, though I may easily have missed it. As with the greatest of respect to JooVuu, there are many sellers who portray themselves to have outlets in the UK, but are actually Sellers from China, and was wondering if he had any connection with who are of course based in China.

As being in the UK I would naturaly prefer to buy from a genuine UK based seller. :-) So I hope JooVuu are indeed in the UK. Can any UK buyers enlighten me further, are they in the UK or NOT ?
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Yes, I got a spare base when I purchased my basic 0801 from Givoe, worked out to a few £, for the same reason as you, to move to another car.
I have the basic 0801 no on board memory no GPS.

Currently testing a C4 Kingston 32GB

Running FW:0902 :(

I note you ordered it same time as you bought the camera from them. I'm wondering as they haven't replied to my 2 enquiries, because I didn't buy the camera from them.

Does the 0902 firmware use the .TS files, if that is so... that may not be such a bad thing perhaps... may be best option at the moment....though in fairness IME 0913 does seem okay so far.
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I was speaking with him earlier today, I was eating breakfast and he was off to bed so he's certainly in the right timezone for that part of the world
I was speaking with him earlier today, I was eating breakfast and he was off to bed so he's certainly in the right timezone for that part of the world

Thats sounds promising, as you were speaking to him, can you not confirm he was calling from the UK, did he not say.
I've been thinking about ordering a camera from who claim they are in UK, can anyone confirm that is infact true ?

I bought my Mobius from JooVuu. The return address on the package is 11 Clifton Road. Stockport. SK4 4DD.

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[quote="Does the 0902 firmware use the .TS files, if that is so... that may not be such a bad thing perhaps... may be best option at the moment....though in fairness IME 0913 does seem okay so far.[/quote]

Its using the .MOV format ? I'm using quick time to view the files.
I bought my Mobius from JooVuu. The return address on the package is 11 Clifton Road. Stockport. SK4 4DD.

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Thats not to far from me!
I bought my Mobius from JooVuu. The return address on the package is xxxxxxx Clifton Road. Stockport. SK4 4DD.

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this is xxxxxxx Clifton Road, Stockport, SK44DD, according to Google StreetView.... hmmmmm..... :)

(picture removed because I found out that it was not the shipper's real address)
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UK businesses are required to display their address on their Website & Invoices. JooVuu fail to comply in either respect.

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[quote="Does the 0902 firmware use the .TS files, if that is so... that may not be such a bad thing perhaps... may be best option at the moment....though in fairness IME 0913 does seem okay so far

Its using the .MOV format ? I'm using quick time to view the files.

Forgive me if you stated previously DDP, are you also getting this recycling issue some users are getting where it stops recording shortly after powering on with that 20130902 firmware or is yours perfectly okay ? as you bought in the UK if you were, it would be easy matter to get it replaced... just wondered.

I just use Registrator to replay mine, though Win7 itself replays them okay too, I don't have quicktime installed.
Here's a detailed reply from Demi at eBay / e-prance. Hmmmm Comments?

"Dear Jon,

Nice Day:)

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.You really did me a favor. i am sorry I have to tell you a bad news, these days, we talk about the problems and the topic on the forum with the factury, and i reply your emails so late, and now they give me the answers as follows:

1, About the updating software, i know the TS version to MOV version updating software,because the previous mini 0801 has a TS video format,and we provided customers the upgrade to MOV format.while this is not necessary now,because all mini 0801 cameras are MOV format now.they said they never send any sellers the updating software of 20130922 and 20130924. So the 20130922 and 20130924 updating sofeware is not exist.

2, now maybe you are curious about why someone said their firmare version number is 20130922 or 20130924, right? i think it is the most important problems here, and it always mislead many customers/ the reason is: the factory always try to improve their items,and these days they have produced the items with firmware 20130922 or 20130924, while there is not just the different Firmware Version between these different items with different versions, they have many different parts, take the 20130922 and 20130924 for example, some parts of the dvr comes from different suppliers,as well as the procedure has some differences,

3, the most inportant thing i need to tell you is: we can't updating the dvr, becasue we don't have the updating software, or it is useless to update,except for the TS version updated to MOV version. we just received the problems these days, so the factury just get the information of the problem, they need to do test.they are researching the firmware upgrade these days, please believe me,if we have,I have no reason to refuse dear you help me a lot.

I'm very sorry,I don't mean to upset you,hope you are well.but once I have the newer firmware upgrade available,I would let you know..hope to hear from you.


- e-pran"

Oops there was a part 2 as well.

"Dear Jon~

the email has a word limit, so i need to send you another one.

now on the market has 20130903 20130905 20130913 20130922 20130924.
First, 20130924 is the oldest updating software for TS version.
Second, 20130913 the latest version for 0801 GPS
Third, 20130922 the latest version for 0801 GPS with built-in 8GB memory.

would you pls tell this to the firends on the Dash Cam talk? i think you are kind and will do me tihs favor, right?

Smiles, if your DVR has the problems, how about you send the dvr back and we send to the factury for repair?

Thanks my dear jon.

Anybody that has a TS firmware for a non 8Gb internal camera with higher bitrate then 10mbit?
I am now on 20130727 firmware and i want to stay on the TS file format
I would be very interested in this also, after @Squid said that in case of crash/power lost the TS file can be recovered but the MOV file not.
Oops there was a part 2 as well.

"Dear Jon~

the email has a word limit, so i need to send you another one.

now on the market has 20130903 20130905 20130913 20130922 20130924.
First, 20130924 is the oldest updating software for TS version.
Second, 20130913 the latest version for 0801 GPS
Third, 20130922 the latest version for 0801 GPS with built-in 8GB memory.

would you pls tell this to the firends on the Dash Cam talk? i think you are kind and will do me tihs favor, right?

Smiles, if your DVR has the problems, how about you send the dvr back and we send to the factury for repair?

Thanks my dear jon.


Thats basically identical what I received as well.. Pretty self explanitary what are you going to do... send it back and hope they send a good one out, I suppose thats only option really as I suspect no firmwares will be forthcoming, why don't they just send you the current firmware... end of story.. or is that too simple. :-(

It doesn't help you, but AYK mines been fine on 0913, have even put one of them on our lounge window today with it continually recording our driveway, and despite my switching it off and then back on a few minutes later several times during the day it always carries on recording without issues, and thats been running all day and the card is most definately re-cycling. (it's 8.15pm here now and it's still recording ok) So it's a safe bet to conclude a new firmware would likely fix your problem, which makes it all the more annoying when they are reluctant to send it, especially as it would only take few seconds..unbelievable.
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I'm going to return the older e-prance one for "repair". They offered to send me a return label before. (I think) either way yes I want the newest firmware! The older e-prance one had dead CMOS pixels anyway so I'm going to insist on a replacement.

Once I get the older e-prance 0801 replaced I'll then send in my newer AliExpress Givoe camera for "repair" or replacement as well.

This should fix things and hold me over until the next generation one we've been hearing about comes out. (Same size possibly with HDR/WDR?)
Or if Jokiin's camera is a similar form factor I'd go for that. If not his future dashcamera down the road sounded interesting. (Where the DVR guts can be hidden away and camera(s) is/are small connected by long wire.
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I'm going to return the older e-prance one for "repair". They offered to send me a return label before. (I think) either way yes I want the newest firmware! The older e-prance one had dead CMOS pixels anyway so I'm going to insist on a replacement.

Once I get the older e-prance 0801 replaced I'll then send in my newer AliExpress Givoe camera for "repair" or replacement as well.

This should fix things and hold me over until the next generation one we've been hearing about comes out. (Same size possibly with WDR?)
Or if Jokiin's camera is a similar form factor I'd go for that. If not his future dashcamera down the road sounded interesting. (Where the DVR guts can be hidden away and camera(s) is/are small connected by long wire.

Probably best option, my 1st camera.. that one I fixed the switch on has a few duff pixels too, but not really noticable, but yes.. I would insist on a replacement too. Anyway matey I wish you luck with them, one cannot say you didn't persevere and gave it your best shot. I look forward to reading that you have fully working cameras, and hopefully fairly soon. :-)
Thanks guys for the replies, I think we can confirm that they are dispatched from the UK, which is good, and it is quite normal to operate from one's home, especially when it's online mail order I have more confidence placing the order now.



I certainly wouldn't like my own address spattered about online, or indeed any pictures of my home.. would you, so best deleted I think, though I realise, it was to reasure me before ordering.. thanks.

I removed the picture, but not because I didn't want to reveal the seller/shipper's address.

A quick search revealed that the the address belonged to someone else who had no idea what a dash cam was, let alone sell/distribute them.
anyone using a right-angle USB cable? I don't have access to my 0801 right now because it's in an airport parking lot.

I found there are right-angles USB cables at two different angles. Some are at 90-degree, while some are at 270-degrees. (i.e. some point to 3 o'clock and some point to 9 o'clock) Which one should I order? If I order the wrong one, it will make sort of defeat the purpose of getting a right-angle USB cable. :D

I would be very interested in this also, after @Squid said that in case of crash/power lost the TS file can be recovered but the MOV file not.

Just to clarify, I am a newbie so take what I say with caution. I did not say (I hope) that the above is definitely the case - just that someone on this thread previously said it was the case. In other words I believe it to be true as someone said it and I trust them but I cannot categorically say it is true, and I don't yet have an 0801 so I cannot see if it it true.