[SOLVED] Record video in station mode crashes camera


Nov 24, 2015
Reaction score
New Zealand

I really hope someone can help me.

I'm trying to get 6 of these cameras set up for a 360 rig and I can't get Station mode to work either with @Andy_S 's CC application or Lucky's Android app.

It connects fine and generally takes photos OK - but video doesn't work at all, on all 6 cameras. Generally it either starts the camera flashing and looks like it's recording, but then nothing is on the SD card, or it crashes the camera and often the app.

In AP mode everything works perfectly as it should do.

I've tried setting up the connection with scripts, via the Ponerine app and everything I can think of. I've tried going through the router, through a mobile hotspot and various other things. Everything has the same, I can't record video in Station mode.

I've seen a couple of other people have had similar issues, but I'm not sure if they've found a fix.

Anyone know how to fix this?
Or - it seems to start recording and won't stop recording.
Can't seem to access settings via the Ponerine app either in Station mode
please put all of your script here, I try to figure out what happen.
Thanks @luckylz!

I'm trying to use both the Wifi station mode script and your app, both have same effect. Both can connect fine and take photos OK, just can't record video.

Here's the ash script to connect via wifi.

Can I get anything off camera that is useful for working out what's going on?


Here are the camera details. I have 6, they're all doing the same thing.


  • camera_3.PNG
    6.9 KB · Views: 10
1. you use DHCP to setting the cameras, I recoment you to set as fixed ip;
2. I modified the wifi.sh based on Andy_S scripts and move them to /tmp/fuse_a/;
3. restore to factory setting, before use my code, or if anything goes wrong with my code.

so please modify wifi.sh & wpa_supplicant.conf before you use them; put all files in micro sd card, and power on the cameras, they will automatically install for you.

How to restore to factory setting: turn on the camera, press both power & wifi button.

further questions, leave more message here.


Thanks Lucky, tried all that twice. Same problem. Camera restarts when you try and record in Station mode.
If I have live view on it doesn't crash. It does seem to have recorded anything, but it doesn't crash if that helps!
I'm totally confused with your cameras. So I can just give you some idea:
1. restore to factory, and try format the card, then test with original yicam app to record;
2. if you have spare card, change a card to test.
Hi.. yea it's confusing but I've seen quite a few other people on this forum with same issue. I've asked them if they fixed it but no response so far.

Yep cameras record fine with your app and CC, and original app when in AP mode. This problem just happens in Station mode. It's very strange! I did see that @Andy_S replied to @Julio here and said there was a bug he'd seen once that was similar, but there's nothing else in that thread about how to fix it.

Thanks for all your help @luckylz
Yes, yicam did automatically reboot sometimes with autoexec.ash. I alse met but not always. So try to refresh to firmware 1.2.13 again and see any chances to fix this issue ?
Hi Luckylz, no change. I'm going to see if it's something to do with SD cards.
Yeah tried SD Formatter.. no change. Crashes when you record video in Station mode.

In the CC app there is a debugger option. Where you do you access this log?

Another thing I've noticed, running Station mode really chews through battery and the camera gets hot, as well running that Watchdog.sh script makes the camera crash.

Perhaps it's a performance issue.. running Station mode uses up too many resources and can't record video while it's handling station mode.

Is there anything in these scripts that could be turned off to reduce the load?
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Well, you still using the watchdog.sh ? this may cause the camera reboot. First do use my script to test yicam, ignore Andy_S version.
Oh no I switched this off ages ago. Yea I'm using your script only. No change. Still crashes when recording video. Thanks for your advice!
Another thing I've noticed. If you run live view the camera doesn't crash, it doesn't record anything, and it does all the right beeps etc on the camera, just nothing gets recorded on SD card.
It's the same as this guy

First. Congratulations for this great work @Andy_S . I really appreciate your job. Not just words, I donated for a coffe to you.

My project
I am working in a 360 mount for my wedding :D. But I have a problem with multicam or CC.
I have 6 cameras in a mount.

The problem
My cameras connect Ok in client mode but I just can take one photo and after that when I press take photo it just sounds a beep, but doesnt save the pic. And when I try to record it looks that the record start but when I stop it still like recording (led) and get freeze, I need to remove battery to restart and dont save nothing of video.

What I tried
I tried with notepad++, enabling and disabling whatchdog, static and dynamic ip, installing python (with python installed is faster the script in windows 10), with firmwares 1.1 , 1.2.1, 1.2, 1.2.6, I tried with a virtual router, I tried with 1, 2 3 cameras, with physical router and always the same thing...

In normal mode without client mode works great in CC, but in client mode in CC is the same error descripted above

The question
You know if this is a bug or if I am doing something wrong?

And similar to this (but watchdog is also problem here - please note I'm not using this)

a quick fyi - either I have configured the Watchdog part wrong or combining the autoexec with the increased bitrate lines is doing something unexpected. Turned camera on and tried to record video (manual, CC or multitrigger, all do the same) camera freezes, no way of recording videos. Re-commented the watchdog-part - everything runs fine.

And similar to this


I successfully recorded with PanorineM, there is only one problem - after connecting all cams to Ponerine my all cams buzzer sound set to mute (I managed to unable, but after connecting with app it again set to mute).
Another point is - Once I record and connect cams to PC but there is no video files in sd card at all, did it happen with anyone else or I did something wrong?

Also need help to take still images from your app.
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