Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

I've been very patiently waiting for one of these. Not sure how much longer I can wait without a dashcam - I was nearly t-boned yesterday by someone making a left on green (no dedicated turn) who thought she had the right of way.

Final USA Pricing and pre-orders will be made available soon, working it out this month. Pier28 will be stocking and shipping these in/from California.

Based off this post it doesn't seem like it will be available in the next week or so, is that correct?

Also (just out of curiosity) have any of the west coast port shutdowns affected the distribution and availability?
Don't let her know that you use this terminology, as it suggests that her successor is under consideration ;)

Use the following when introducing the good lady: - "the present Mrs ******" it does two things shows her she IS the one and two keeps her on here toes - mind you if it goes all wrong when you use the phrase for the first time you are on your own:D
Based off this post it doesn't seem like it will be available in the next week or so, is that correct?

Also (just out of curiosity) have any of the west coast port shutdowns affected the distribution and availability?

Stock is ready, we're not shipping them until after the Chinese New Year break, it's a 10 day holiday that causes a month of interruption, freight is chaotic and it just wasn't worth the risk of something going wrong to have them go out on the final day before the break which is when they were ready, they'll ship at the end of this month
how many is shipped? hundreds or in thousands?
Do take into account, this is the one and only time of the year where Chinese workers have holidays, to my knowlege they do not have winter and summer holidays like us.
Here in denmark we have 6 weeks for holidays and those you can use when you please, and we have meager 37 hour work weeks.
There are a few holidays throughout the year, this is probably the most important one though

Yup...... This holiday is predominantly for families to get together.

EDIT----- Also known as the year of the goat or the sheep and one other I can't remember but they're all animals that flock together hence the family I guess ?
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Sheep are very popular with people in Wales too :)
Not quite - Wales and Derby County fans have a similar nickname. And I can say that as I'm born and bred in Derby :)
Whereabouts were you born mate?
That's awesome reading - to be fair they definitely deserve a week off over there but you don't really think of the scale of it.

The UK is bad enough on the roads at the start of a bank holiday and we have nowhere near that many people - it would bring this place to a complete standstill for weeks!

The adult diapers are a bit wrong but I'm guessing when you're packed like sardines onto a train there's not a great deal of access to the toilets :o