Street Storm CVR-A7810-G, FoxOffer SZDome G90 / G98 and A7 / OV4689 clones

To be honest I've not really seen any firmwares from the DODMT D99 - the one I've seen was running a Street Storm firmware anyway and the D99 ran all the Street Storm firmwares I tried.

The guys over at have a UK speed camera database and a full EU one over here:

I'm assuming it doesn't cover Turkey but the guys in there should be able to say how it was created and then the same could be done with a Turkish data file to translate to the right format :)

A very nice little camera though - @JooVuu can help with supply of these.
Hi again : )

Today I received my DODMT D99. It smaller than my expectation.
As first thing, I checked firmware number! "DOB47FSHZDGE.140723.V1" is it familiar to you? Because Street Storms begin with SS..


  • DSC_0070.JPG
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And one more question? is street storm firmware has also English language or only Russian?
Do you know any method back-up current software in case of anything?
I've got to admit that is definitely an older firmware version - I have the same version here with the SS firmware which is up to version 150427 on their website:

You can back up the firmware usually with an autoexec.ash file - usually with the following contents:

firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:\backup.bin

Create a file in Notepad++ called autoexec.ash and ensure the line breaks are set to Unix format (Edit - EOL Conversion - UNIX...) and save that in the top level of your memory card.

Now turn on the camera, stop it recording but leave it running for a minute and then power it off and pop the card back into your PC and fingers crossed you'll have a file - to test it try and load it into AFTTool and if it looks ok then you've got a good dump.

I had this camera fitted last week and I'm still impressed with the footage it records.
Great, thanks, I will try to do it.

Is there anyway to back-up current firmware in case any situation.
really impressed by the pro version ...

I have been trying to find out how to load the UK speed camera files in but drawn a blank despite having the files downloaded..

has anyone done this successfully ?

and can you tell me how to...please:)