The message is clear. Don't mess with the Uber driver.

To be frank, this kind of incident is what I'd expect to see in one of the lowest third world nations

Yes but it is a cultural thing, in the US it have always been the norm to defend one self with weapons, but granted in the beginning it was against animals / bloodthirsty locals and some one from over the sea that wanted to call them subjects of the crown.
In the so called 3 world poop-holes it is criminals and fawked up warlords that are out of control, and have been for so long its also a cultural thing there, and most of those places they was pretty bloody even before we white guys came with our gund and later left them with a whole stack of those and more to come for a little gold or diamonds.
Sure in the US there are some armed criminals and fawked up,,,,, somethings too, but they are not the reason for the culture just a unfortunate result of it.
I think :cautious:

I have heard Danish people in all seriousness say the USA are a #3 world dump, but to that all i said was idiot, and then i could not go further than that cuz that would be in vane with people dishing up such a statement.
I for one are glad the Americans are not like us Danes, cuz if they where we would be speaking German or Russian today, at least they managed to come out of their isolationist shell though it took the Japs to push them over the edge.
Danes back then just rolled over on our back, and if it had not been for a few handful of soldiers and later on private citizens going against the governments recommendations and making sabotage against the Germans, well then Denmark would have been the perfect holiday paradise for the Germans.
Would you feel better if the Uber driver just plowed over the aggressive idiot with his car? That would have been legal in this situation, also.
I have nothing against self-defence or a right to arms. I even think that if you are going about your own business and someone gives you grief for no good reason, you should be entitled to give them grief back with interest on top, ie escalate the level. It's not just about self defence, it's about the right to be left alone, and once assaulted you should be allowed to respond in a way that not only matches the original assault but acts as a deterrent to future assault. Attackers should forfeit any expectation of restraint.

But despite that attitude of mine, I still think this Uber driver's actions were unwarranted, uncivilised, and primitive. The shooting was not necessary. The level of threat was almost comically low. When he pulled the trigger he had no idea why the other man had forced him to stop or what his intentions were. Unless there was a lead-up to this that we aren't being shown. And what's this business with him saying "I say somethin?" as an opening line. It's all very fishy. If he'd said "stay back" that would have least been a warning of sorts.

The uber driver won't be convicted even if charged, there's enough supporting evidence in his favour. He could argue that in the dark, the outheld arm made him believe the man was holding a gun. I don't think that's true for a moment, but I would find him not guilty on the slim chance it could be true. I still don't like what he did though.
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Without his wee dashcam, they would have chucked him in jail and thrown away the key.

I like that Sherrif, he would get my re election vote .

I'll always have a dash cam in my car.
Without his wee dashcam, they would have chucked him in jail and thrown away the key.

I like that Sherrif, he would get my re election vote .

I'll always have a dash cam in my car.
Surly even in the USA they need some evidence to "chuck him in jail"? And since he killed his opponent there was only his evidence to go on! (And the passenger's.)

In English law we are also allowed to kill an attacker if we perceive them to be a threat to our life, and it is always very hard to prove that we didn't perceive a threat.
Of course that law doesn't get much use because we don't have concealed hand guns so there is never any reason to perceive the imaginary threat of an unseen gun.
A dashcam is better than a witness in my opinion, None of this rubbish his/her word against so and so etc.

Plain and simple, view the footage and get the bad guy/girl.
A dashcam is better than a witness in my opinion, None of this rubbish his/her word against so and so etc.

Plain and simple, view the footage and get the bad guy/girl.
But who was the bad guy in this case?

The guy who stopped a taxi and then walked up to it for a somewhat aggressive chat,
or the taxi driver who shot dead an unarmed man?

...Depends on what you perceive the footage to show, which will be different for different people!
You have to remember that when things like this go down, time is extremely short, your whole way of thinking speeds up and one looks for VIOLENCE to start or he won't live long!
Just think about someone cutting you off jumping out of his vehicle and running towards you with something in his hand yelling he's going to kill you (Blow head off), your only thought at this time switches to self preservation. If you have the means (gun) you shoot the AH or die yourself! There is no time to stop and consider anything (That's totally ridiculous), you pull the trigger if you want to live!!!!!
You might also find in the future that crime slows down in Dade County Florida when AH's realize that they very well might have their head blown off if they don't rationalize a little more and threaten a lot less.
I think because it's the US and someone shouts I have a gun and reaches for something, what does anyone expect to happen.

This chat will no doubt go on for a long time.

Killing someone should never be correct, but in some cases it is.

The guy who got shot could have been a very nice guy, but you don't go shouting I have a gun in a country where a lot of people have guns.

Silly and a real shame.
You might also find in the future that crime slows down in Dade County Florida when AH's realize that they very well might have their head blown off if they don't rationalize a little more and threaten a lot less.
More likely that the bad guys will realise they can get away with any killing as long as they ensure that there wasn't a dashcam recording what happened, they just need to claim that they felt threatened.

It's not the law that is the problem though, it is the availability of hand guns which are a fairly unique weapon in that they can be used without the opponent having any chance to retreat and thus remove the perceived threat.
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When the chat starts with "I have gun" the situation was already halfway down the hill. It's easy to advocate more restraint with the benefit of hindsight, but when the threat announces they have a weapon and acts like they may be reaching for it, the consequences of being slow to react could mean the loss of one's own life.

What seems prevalent in the current generations is the lack of understanding that you can't provoke or threaten and not expect there to be consequences. Sometimes these consequences can be irrevocable. During the previous generations where you could "accidentally" spit on a man's shoes and end up with a fatal dose of lead poisoning, they may not have agreed with, but understood these consequences quite well.


But who was the bad guy in this case?

The guy who stopped a taxi and then walked up to it for a somewhat aggressive chat,
or the taxi driver who shot dead an unarmed man?
When the chat starts with "I have gun" the situation was already halfway down the hill. It's easy to advocate more restraint with the benefit of hindsight, but when the threat announces they have a weapon and acts like they may be reaching for it, the consequences of being slow to react could mean the loss of one's own life.
Yes, that is the problem with hand guns, you need to shoot first, before the other person decides to shoot, which means that you should shoot immediately you think you have adequate excuse and without waiting to be sure that you have understood the situation. If there is any doubt then the law will be on your side.
It's pretty much the same as the UK's problem with knives.
"I might meet someone with a weapon, so I have to carry a weapon."
"Someone might use their weapon on me, so I have to use mine first, before they can."

It's self justification of wants. By believing it, it becomes true. The scary thing is, it's logical.

But we were better off when these beliefs were not widely held.

Over here it's mainly a problem with schoolkids, and now young people who've left school. It's a childish attitude that I wish people would grow out of, but all the signs are we're stuck with it now and it's the new normal.

Oh, and it's escalated enough that people are turning to illegal guns. And using them.

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BUT the Uber driver was very quick to shoot, despite having other options for staying safe. He didn't even have time to process the threatening comment, his mind was already made up.

I don't know about that, in a state where you pretty much have to assume everyone has a gun because it's legal there, a confrontational "road rage" incident like that one would lead me to believe my life was in immediate danger from his actions alone, without him yelling threats which turned out to be confirming he does have a gun. From what I hear he approached the Uber guy with his phone in his hand, but from the footage I wasn't sure if it was his phone or the gun and if I'd been the Uber driver I think the outcome would have been the same. How long should a person have to wait and process a comment before a potential shot is fired from the offending party?
It's pretty much the same as the UK's problem with knives.
"I might meet someone with a weapon, so I have to carry a weapon."
"Someone might use their weapon on me, so I have to use mine first, before they can."

It's self justification of wants. By believing it, it becomes true. The scary thing is, it's logical.

But we were better off when these beliefs were not widely held.

Over here it's mainly a problem with schoolkids, and now young people who've left school. It's a childish attitude that I wish people would grow out of, but all the signs are we're stuck with it now and it's the new normal.

Oh, and it's escalated enough that people are turning to illegal guns. And using them.

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk
Except that in the UK it is illegal to carry a knife as a weapon, so over most of the country there is no chance of it being an issue.
Yes there are a few small communities where there are many problems including both knifes and guns, but they are not normal even if the press has taken an interest in them recently making the problems seem commonplace.

Also, with a knife you normally have a chance to retreat, especially if you are in a situation where you could defend yourself with your own knife, and knives aren't easy to use at a distance.
The guy who stopped a taxi and then walked up to it for a somewhat aggressive chat,
or the taxi driver who shot dead an unarmed man?

unarmed man yelled out that he had a gun, dumb move by the unarmed man, he won't make that mistake again
Yes thats like bringing a knife to a gunfight, you will loose.

Too bad i cant find on youtube the 2 guys Danish police are searching for in connection with a shooting, but aparently Danish police only release to Danish media, and i am unsure if that can play outside our little flower pot.
But the one guy carry a pistol and the other guy a SMG of some sort.

Cant use google translate as that kill the video.
unarmed man yelled out that he had a gun, dumb move by the unarmed man, he won't make that mistake again
Maybe he knew that Uber require their drivers to be unarmed, so it seemed like a really good move at the time!

Uber driver now suspended due to breaking the Uber contract.