This explains the hour I spent sitting in a traffic stoppage....I-30, Texas

dash riposki

Well-Known Member
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
Nong Khai
Dash Cam
too many
Can't find any news article on this, yet, but suspect some of the vehicles may have been towed away, already.
The truck has damage to it's front end. The Acura has rear end damage. (Gee, kind of obvious)

This stretch of I-30 has a lot of construction, heavy traffic.....and seems to have a major fatality accident monthly. Near Rockwall, TX>

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Serious crunch there, gotta be some injuries :(
One county south of me is the worst for traffic fatalities per capita of all 43 counties in my state- that number doubled in 2016 from the year before, yet the average driver is far worse up here- I'm still trying to figure that anomaly out :whistle: I keep a CB radio in my vehicles to listen with when I encounter traffic jams which decides for me whether I stay and wait or seek an alternate route if I have that chance. I almost never transmit and otherwise hardly ever turn it on but in cases like this it's the best info source there is ;)

it's a numbers game, bigger population (and poor driving habits) lead to more carnage, the daily road toll in China exceeds our yearly road toll in Australia
Yeah china are bad too, and i can also see why our Indian friend would want a dashcam in his car :)
That accident doesn't show up on I guess no fatalities.
This is east of the DFW area, where the 3 or more lanes (Each direction) funnel down to 2 lanes each side, and people are in too much of a hurry, there's usually some construction, and it's still the edge of a sprawling metro area, with a lot of exit ramps.
I was just curious, due to the front end damage to the truck. It's possible he rear ended the SUV, knocked it forward a bit, then swerved right to miss what was left of it.
The default following distance for too many truckers seems to be one truck length or shorter, usually half a truck length, but they'll deny they are too close.
:( 'I ain't tailgating? Is you stupid?"
it's a numbers game, bigger population (and poor driving habits) lead to more carnage, the daily road toll in China exceeds our yearly road toll in Australia
Even considering the huge difference in population that is mind boggling. :eek::(

Even on a per capita basis it's still mind boggling - 5.5 per 100K for Australia vs. 18.8 per 100K for China. As bad as China is Libya tops the list at 73.4 per 100K. This from statistics from the WHO -
For sure there are countries where if you was to go there you would have to be extra careful cuz the people driving there sure aint.
Top 25 Countries In Car Accidents (Road traffic death rate per 100,000 population)

1 Dominican Republic 41.7
2 Thailand 38.1
3 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 37.2
4 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 34.1
5 Nigeria 33.7
6 South Africa 31.9
7 Iraq 31.5
8 Guinea-Bissau 31.2
9 Oman 30.4
10 Chad 29.7
11 Uganda 28.9
12 Lesotho 28.4
13 Mauritania 28.0
14 Guyana 27.8
15 Burkina Faso 27.7
16 Ecuador 27.0
17 Sudan 25.1
18 Malaysia 25.0
19 Namibia 25.0
20 Saudi Arabia 24.8
21 Viet Nam 24.7
22 Benin 23.9
23 Zambia 23.8
24 Niger 23.7
25 Yemen 23.7

Notice a pattern? African, Middle eastern, and a few SE asian countries.

Saudi Arabia doesn't allow females to drive, so you can't blame the ladies, there.
. . . The default following distance for too many truckers seems to be one truck length or shorter, usually half a truck length, but they'll deny they are too close.

Having pulled a 4500# trailer with a mid sized van for a decade, true stopping distance and maneuverability precludes evasive action for nonsense that could have happened right in front of us.

Consider the people who are drawn to or have no other option than the life of a long haul trucker and please allow them and more importantly yourself more room.

Those who think big rigs respond the same as sedans risk the lives of themselves, passengers and responsibilities.
Saudi Arabia doesn't allow females to drive, so you can't blame the ladies, there.

Haha yeah that's pretty ironic, and say a little about the guys down there :rolleyes:

I think Denmark are 3.5 per 100,000
Breaking the list down by language is pretty evenly spread for what is there, but I notice there's a distinct lack of places where English is the predominant language being spoken. Language often carries a noticeable culture and mindset with it wherever it goes which might (or might not) have some bearing on this. And I must note that the English-speaking US has some of the highest safety standards for cars and were it not for that we'd move up that list quite a bit :rolleyes:

Just a thought- everyone can drive safely regardless of their native tongue or where they live ;) Anyone else see any other patterns emerging?

With Danish you will be pretty safe over there, unless you frequent the areas where Danes seemed to like settling back in the day.
I will also have a few less known German phrases for you.

But then people might have you committed when you start spewing weird language that no decoder ring can handle.

I keep forgetting to save footage from when i verbally spank someone, but i do get some WTF looks some times when i drive off.
Yeah china are bad too, and i can also see why our Indian friend would want a dashcam in his car :)

As jokiin said, it's a numbers game. Delhi being the capital, there's influx from all states. Holds the top spot for the most number of crash related deaths amongst India cities.

A death every four minutes on India roads due to accidents/crashes. All one can do is drive safe and hope for the best.