[Tutorial] Updating your G1W-C's Firmware

Correct. this firmware has a recording problem and shutdown issue has been solved
FYI . The GT680W firmware updates work on the G1W. Had a look and dashcamtalk have the v 2.7g to download.
thank you very much for this info. Could you please share with us related link of software(v2.7g) ?
thank you very much for this info. Could you please share with us related link of software(v2.7g) ?
It is within this site,but i have found what i consider a better firmware for the G1W.
The DOD LS388W firmware works a treat and gives you extra features (type ls388w into search box to find firmwares)
It explains how to use firmware for G1WH not G1W. To make the firmware work on a G1W you need to change the firmware name to
FWS1088.BIN. Do not use FWDM800H as suggested,as this only works on the G1WH.
I applied firmware that you mentioned but my dashcam does not open. no electricity on device.
Dou you have any suggestion about electricity on device ?

I have the Blueskysea version which i bought from Ebay.
My dash-cam has the date issue.. after about 3 days of inactivity it resets the date.
I have tried a few firmwares (2014.0813.11, 2015.0911.11, 2015.1109.11) and none of them fixed the issue.

Should i just assume my dash-cam if faulty :(? or is there anything else i can try :)?

So is there a firmware that fixes the power issue and doesn't have the "card full" bug? I have G1W-CB and I have the power cycling issue, where if I go from "ACC" to "ON" key position to start the engine, the dashcam starts shutting down but because power is up again before shutdown cycle is complete, it just shuts down and doesn't power on again, until I manually switch power off and on. I'd like to correct that, however I'm confused because of cyclic recording bug mentioned here. So should I update the firmware? If so, which one is safe and bug-free?
Has anyone come across a FW that fixes the date/time issue (for the G1W from GearBest)?? Mine too will randomly reset back to the default (incorrect) date/time. I'm running the 2014.0813.11 FW (2015 FW gave me the "last file on shutdown is corrupt" issue, so downgraded).
Could someone please reupload the firmware?

So is there a firmware that fixes the power issue and doesn't have the "card full" bug? I have G1W-CB and I have the power cycling issue, where if I go from "ACC" to "ON" key position to start the engine, the dashcam starts shutting down but because power is up again before shutdown cycle is complete, it just shuts down and doesn't power on again, until I manually switch power off and on. I'd like to correct that, however I'm confused because of cyclic recording bug mentioned here. So should I update the firmware? If so, which one is safe and bug-free?
Did you ever find a firmware that fixed your issues as I have the same problems?