Views on reliability.

in term of best card that works with the Maxi, which one should i get?
I've mostly used Samsung Evo+ U3 cards in my Maxi, and also a Transcend Premium U1. I'm sure there are many other compatible cards.
I've been using the Maxi off and on in a truck for a while, no cap, yet.
Maybe slightly more startup problems than the original mobius, but I'm kind of used to checking to see if all my cams are running when I start the truck.
The startup cycle in the diesel engine truck is a bit of a problem with all cams, and the truck has some anti-idle program which shuts the truck down if left running for more than ten minutes and not moving, and the outside temps are not below freezing, or over 80F.
I've been using the Maxi off and on in a truck for a while, no cap, yet.
Maybe slightly more startup problems than the original mobius, but I'm kind of used to checking to see if all my cams are running when I start the truck.
The startup cycle in the diesel engine truck is a bit of a problem with all cams, and the truck has some anti-idle program which shuts the truck down if left running for more than ten minutes and not moving, and the outside temps are not below freezing, or over 80F.

just a thought, have you considered starting the mobius record without external power, and only after a couple of minutes connecting it (to overcome the startup problems)? you could hook the power cable to a usb on/off switch
It doesn't happen that often, but often enough I habitually check to see both forward facing cams are running when I start moving. It's easy enough to reach the plug and remove it briefly, restarting it.
this video is after changing to 2.8k 30 frames / super fine quality and 3 minutes video. it is much better
Appreciate this site for its Mobius dashcam support, thank you. Hoping someone here can point me toward a fix...
Have a few 100% reliable V1 cams, one served as dashcam for 2-3 years on my motorcycle, powered by 2A buck converter still in use, and another served as helmet cam for that time.

Two problems I’m having with the new Maxi cam: Failure to activate/record at random, and occasional random/corrupt files.
Camera still has battery, unable to locate a supercap as yet, but battery serves well. Recording at FHD/30 (3-min. or 5-min.) on camera-formatted SanDisk and PNY cards.

Failure to activate seems related to charge, but cannot confirm this. Camera will shutdown as it should when I stop, but doesn’t turn on again until next stop/start cycle, or it may decide to start recording miles down the road. Once it starts, it doesn’t stop, just doesn’t always start with power as it should. Updated firmware from v1.90 to v2.11 hoping for a fix, but no.
Corrupt files show file size (in MBs) but not length and always have generic icons. First file is most likely to be corrupt, tho they also show up at random within a group of clips.

Another oddity from that test run: After a recording gap, copy of last clip appears in middle of sequence with second identical clip in last place =?

Addendum: Ran two bench tests with the Mobius Maxi from eletoponline365 (eBay); camera functioned flawlessly in both, exactly as it should.
1st test: Power from generic USB charger = 8.3 hours, 102 clips (5-min.) on 64GB PNY card. 63.25GB used, each clip was 380MB +/- 1K.
2nd test: Power from TrippLite 12v/3A to Buck converter identical to one used on motorcycle = 8.5hrs, 106 clips, 40GB total, 380MB each.

Mobius Maxi functioned perfectly, power source made no difference. So, I'll check internal connectors and cable continuity, then back on the bike it goes. Really puzzled by that out-of-order second copy of last clip from test run tho. How is that even possible?
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Connectors, cables, power, all chrcked/verified. Sunday run test with Mobius Maxi installed on motorcycle, 5-min. clips, same script/card as bench tests:
1st file corrupt, followed by 6 correct clips, ignition off.
1st file corrupt, followed by 6 more correct clips, ignition off.
1st file corrupt, followed by 7 correct clips, ignition off.
Last file corrupt (gas station to home less than 5 min.)

So here’s likely cause: Cam is powered by buck converter on headlight buss. Headlight is always on nowadays. To start bike, turn key on, then press start button; headlight is disconnected momentarily while engine starts, which must be causing the corrupt 1st file, despite camera having internal battery. A short delay of 1-2 seconds may be required between ignition on and start recording.
Bought a new printed circuit board for the Maxi (courtesy eletoponline365), reassembled Maxi cam w/new board, bench tested from USB and from 12v thru identical buck converter used on bike, all good, installed to bike and tested some more. Key only, key on-delay-start engine-key off, key on quick start, all good. Took bike out for test ride, stopped a few times (off/on), cam never missed a beat.
Problem solved, right? No.

A few days (and a few rains) later, went for a ride and exact same problem: First 3min. clips corrupt (3 of 'em), then recording perfectly until stop/start. 1st clip corrupt, others fine. Stop/start, 1st clip corrupt, others fine.
Since I got no response to any of this, I have to assume I'm the only one here on DCT having this problem with the new Mobius Maxi. When new PCB worked perfectly, assumed the USB port was at fault, but that's not the case. Cam is getting power properly, LEDs act as they should, and it is recording. Best guess is that corruption is caused by missing end-of-file (EOF) marker, thus corruption.
If anybody has any suggestions, I'm all ears (as Ross Perot once said).
A few days (and a few rains) later, went for a ride and exact same problem: First 3min. clips corrupt (3 of 'em), then recording perfectly until stop/start. 1st clip corrupt, others fine. Stop/start, 1st clip corrupt, others fine.
Since I got no response to any of this, I have to assume I'm the only one here on DCT having this problem with the new Mobius Maxi. When new PCB worked perfectly, assumed the USB port was at fault, but that's not the case. Cam is getting power properly, LEDs act as they should, and it is recording. Best guess is that corruption is caused by missing end-of-file (EOF) marker, thus corruption.
If anybody has any suggestions, I'm all ears (as Ross Perot once said).
might be related,
i had an issue with 0kb files being written all the time. it turned out to be a SD card the Maxi "didn't like" , although it was fast enough and working properly as I've tested it thoroughly .
Bought a new printed circuit board for the Maxi (courtesy eletoponline365), reassembled Maxi cam w/new board, bench tested from USB and from 12v thru identical buck converter used on bike, all good, installed to bike and tested some more. Key only, key on-delay-start engine-key off, key on quick start, all good. Took bike out for test ride, stopped a few times (off/on), cam never missed a beat.
Problem solved, right? No.

A few days (and a few rains) later, went for a ride and exact same problem: First 3min. clips corrupt (3 of 'em), then recording perfectly until stop/start. 1st clip corrupt, others fine. Stop/start, 1st clip corrupt, others fine.
Since I got no response to any of this, I have to assume I'm the only one here on DCT having this problem with the new Mobius Maxi. When new PCB worked perfectly, assumed the USB port was at fault, but that's not the case. Cam is getting power properly, LEDs act as they should, and it is recording. Best guess is that corruption is caused by missing end-of-file (EOF) marker, thus corruption.
If anybody has any suggestions, I'm all ears (as Ross Perot once said).
I've had a failure to record, but I've never seen a corrupt file on my Maxi. Do you have a different brand microSD card that you can try?

When you said 'a few rains' later, is the camera getting wet? I don't know how that would affect the camera, but it can't be good for it.
Hi guys, thank you for your suggestions. These corrupt files are not without content and size, and card(s) in use are tested/good ones. Both cameras and cards have run 8-hour bench tests without any issue.
Corrupt files are - judging by file size - 3 min. in length, nearly identical in size to proper clips recorded before and after.
Pried one open in a hex editor and found first few seconds filled with zeros, followed by typical gibberish normally found in a video file - which then ends abruptly. Both start and end-of-file markers are missing.
Guessing it misses the start-file marker (writing zeros), then cuts off at 3 min. without marking end-of-file. It's a clue at least.
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We could not duplicate this issue. We may need more details. Thanks.
1. Firmware version; 2. The settings (the config txt file); 3. The timing the camera got started and the power interruption; 4. The photo of the memory card you are using.
TonyM: "I've never seen a corrupt file on my Maxi." That (and the lack of response to this issue) tells me the problem is unique to my situation, without doubt.
Certainly not the camera. I guarantee the Maxi would run perfectly thru another 8-hour test on the bench.

To answer your questions: Firmware is 2.11, config file below, SD card photos below - using the green 64GB PNY card. (Apologies for tape tabs on these cards, makes them easier to handle.)
Question #3 has to be cause. Power is from an unused 12v headlight source (motorcycle), thru N117 buck converter [6-24v to 5v 3A] to camera in its own case and protected by crystal lens.
Cable from buck converter to cam has a 5-pin USB with only [+] and [-] wires connected. (The Maxi's predecessor, a Mobius 1, served for 2 years without a glitch on this same circuit.)

Key on sends 12v to headlight/cam, starting engine triggers a relay which momentarily disconnects power to headlight/cam while engine starts, then restores power.

Screen dump of hexadecimal (below) from corrupt file showing start (line 0), start of video (line 4088) and end (line 341936812), clearly missing start/end markers (thus no time data).
Thank you for your kind response, looking forward to any suggestions you may have. (Obvious solution would be finding another 12v source not on headlight circuit, I know.)


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It seems to me that in normal use the Maxi is now stable & the image quality is ok ,having read through the latest postings ? Is it worth buying , now ?
Yes! Image quality is more than just OK, these little cams are nothing short of spectacular IMHO, the Maxi in particular. Video from the Mobius Mini is excellent as well, tho the Mini is not recommended for use as a dashcam (Maxi is a more robust build and better suited to long-term recording). Problem I'm chasing (above) is all mine, not the camera's fault and about as obscure as it can be. Maxi is a great cam, it's tiny size makes countless applications possible and audio/video quality is as good or better than far more expensive cameras.
It seems to me that in normal use the Maxi is now stable & the image quality is ok ,having read through the latest postings ? Is it worth buying , now ?
to my opinion, yes - as long as you don't plan to use the Wifi too often, at the moment it is not a stable option. it's great though, for a quick configuration change / clock sync when you change to DST .
Has anyone experienced issues with the Maxi/capacitor combo intermittently failing to record on ignition? Sometimes it works (LED blinking red) but more often than not the LED indicators briefly flash green and then nothing happens. Have performed voltage tests with a Power-Z device comparing the numbers from the in-car power supply to a wall outlet and they look very similar. Opened the device up and reseated the ribbon connector for good measure but the problem persists. Using latest firmware, recording set to 1080p60 @ extreme quality.

I currently have a Mobius 1/capacitor combo in my car that somehow starts up very reliably but wish to upgrade at some point.
Has anyone experienced issues with the Maxi/capacitor combo intermittently failing to record on ignition? Sometimes it works (LED blinking red) but more often than not the LED indicators briefly flash green and then nothing happens. Have performed voltage tests with a Power-Z device comparing the numbers from the in-car power supply to a wall outlet and they look very similar. Opened the device up and reseated the ribbon connector for good measure but the problem persists. Using latest firmware, recording set to 1080p60 @ extreme quality.

I currently have a Mobius 1/capacitor combo in my car that somehow starts up very reliably but wish to upgrade at some point.
i think i have experienced such issue at one point - check if you have 0kb files on your SD card. my issues were solved with a different card. apparently the Maxi is kind of "picky" when it comes to SD cardd
The saga continues - with a new twist.
This time, the first two clips are missing entirely.
Last ride was at last post here, about 10 days ago. (BTW, mention of rain earlier just means no riding; bike and its cam are garaged.) After posting, I erased the card, put a wee-tiny bit of dielectric grease into USB connector, and reinstalled camera to bike, where it sat until today.

Ran some errands, first was about six minutes (two clips) away. First _recorded_ clip was leaving the bank, followed by 15 more clips with 4 stop/starts mixed in. No corruption, all 16 clips correct. Just missing first two. So... camera cannot start recording from external power if it's battery is dead? Seems like the first six-minute ride might have charged it up.
i think i have experienced such issue at one point - check if you have 0kb files on your SD card. my issues were solved with a different card. apparently the Maxi is kind of "picky" when it comes to SD cardd

I didn't really think it would do anything but I swapped the current card (a 128GB one) with a cheapo 32GB card and it actually did seem to make it start recording reliably! What a stupid quirk/bug.