I must check mine and go back to 1.03 v 0911

I thought 0924 was the better version
Go for the newer one as the older one had a small but, that I forget what it was now

Then run at native 2560x1440, 30fps, high bitrate

(I think it's 2560x1440, not looked for over a year or so)
I got my A119 V3 in Jan 2020 and had problems with parking mode in the fw version of that time which was 20190924. That was the issue. User ds2010 did a deal of testing and found that 20190911 did not have the issue so I went back to 20190911 and that solved the problem. Later versions of the FW did not have the problem. For a while I would try every new FW as it came out but kept going back to 20190911 for the, to my eyes, superior video quality. in terms of contrast, saturation and clarity.
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