VIOFO A119 V1 V2 Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Dear sir,I tested virtually every mods on my cameras.I am glad to tell you that 7g works perfectly with every Viofo 119 and 119V2 I own.BEST IQ EVER!Period.
Thank you very much for your effort developing this firmware.You should be rewarded by manufacturer for improving their product.
I can assure you and everyone else that with 7g firmware Viofo A119 has BEST IQ POSSIBLE.for a camera which is less than 100 Usd.
Should be possible to programm a Parking mode in which as stdby mode works with 5 fps permanently and as soon it detects any movement by video or G sensor will switch to 30 fps(or 60 fps) for 30 sec ,and after that again in 5 fps modus,this will be at least for me the best dashcam ever.
HDR is great for static scenes such as parking lots but no use while driving. It's always fun to load the old firmware and 'see' the different image quality. The A119 offers the highest 1440P resolution and with highest modified Bit Rate should easily produce clearer image quality than A119S or A129 Duo. The big difference between A119 and Pro is the Lens with Pro F1.8 aperture improving low light quality.
It was an interesting journey creating A119 MOD-7Rg, you'll be very surprised at the next version and wonder why it wasn't available 4 months earlier.
thanks for using DCTeam Modified Firmware.

first of all I wanna thank all the DC Team members for the HDR mod! You DID a great job! indeed.

about the static scenes.. what static scenes? no use while driving? a waaat? :P can You please explain why yall think hdr is only good for static scenes? because my RECORDINGS show its quite the opposite.. without hdr i CAN NOT read plates at night (can you?) - unless its a parked vehicle (that does not count). and datz a fact. i tested all the firmwares and the outcome was still the same.. all blurried. i am attaching a screenshot - the weather was horrible, all rainy etc. the outcome? got the plate! do You think i would get the plate with other non hdr firmware? do not think so.

You have installed an old version of the firmware which was buggy. MOD 27L was only made because someone requested HDR which the newer versions do not have. I recommend you give either 5Rg or better still 7Rg MODs a go. 5Rg has a lower bitrate than 7Rg so 5Rg runs a bit cooler than 7Rg. I think you will find quite a difference in either one.

When I first got my A119 I was disappointed by the quality by I found this site and BCHobbyist and helped to develop better firmware. I am now very pleased with my 2 A119 v2.

you're wrong. 27L does not have it. below the link. the only mod with HDR is 27HDR. so his problem was not because he was using hdr but because that firmware is not equipped with the function you mentioned.

27L does not have HDR in it


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first of all I wanna thank all the DC Team members for the HDR mod! You DID a great job! indeed.

about the static scenes.. what static scenes? no use while driving? a waaat? :p can You please explain why yall think hdr is only good for static scenes? because my RECORDINGS show its quite the opposite.. without hdr i CAN NOT read plates at night (can you?) - unless its a parked vehicle (that does not count). and datz a fact. i tested all the firmwares and the outcome was still the same.. all blurried. i am attaching a screenshot - the weather was horrible, all rainy etc. the outcome? got the plate! do You think i would get the plate with other non hdr firmware? do not think so.

you're wrong. 27L does not have it. below the link. the only mod with HDR is 27HDR. so his problem was not because he was using hdr but because that firmware is not equipped with the function you mentioned.

27L does not have HDR in it
HDR is for DSLR or Video camera mounted on tripod (static scenes), it was never designed for fast action Dash Cams.
HDR & WDR are both in my opinion marketing gimmicks, its true they both can change image quality but at the cost of increasing motion blur which is exactly what you don't want in any Dash Cam recordings.
All low to mid-range Dash Cams have difficulty capturing in low light due to optics, chipset, firmware. Perfect night vision is unrealistic at this price point.
Dear sir,I tested virtually every mods on my cameras.I am glad to tell you that 7g works perfectly with every Viofo 119 and 119V2 I own.BEST IQ EVER!Period.
Thank you very much for your effort developing this firmware.You should be rewarded by manufacturer for improving their product.
I can assure you and everyone else that with 7g firmware Viofo A119 has BEST IQ POSSIBLE.for a camera which is less than 100 Usd.
Should be possible to programm a Parking mode in which as stdby mode works with 5 fps permanently and as soon it detects any movement by video or G sensor will switch to 30 fps(or 60 fps) for 30 sec ,and after that again in 5 fps modus,this will be at least for me the best dashcam ever.
Thanks for the feedback.
A119 owners will soon have the option to select from 3 sharpness levels, the stock firmware works, I was never happy with the image quality. The Parking Mode you describe is continuous 5fps with event trigger and I believe is already being considered for all models (being tested in only one). The A119 modified firmware you've selected is it 7Rg or an older version?

MOD-7Rg - - - December 3, 2018 > Download 7Rg >
- increased Bit Rate from 24 to 26.6Mbs for Parking Mode support.
- changed Sharpness Levels from 184 to set High 130.
- increased Edge Detection from 128 to 168.
- replaced Microphone-Off / Mute icon to improve visibility.
MOD-5Rg - - - December 3, 2018 > Download 5Rg >
- increased Bit Rate from 24 to 24.6Mbs.
- changed Sharpness Levels from 184 to set High 130.
- increased Edge Detection from 128 to 168.
- replaced Microphone-Off / Mute icon to improve visibility.
HDR is for DSLR or Video camera mounted on tripod (static scenes), it was never designed for fast action Dash Cams.
HDR & WDR are both in my opinion marketing gimmicks, its true they both can change image quality but at the cost of increasing motion blur which is exactly what you don't want in any Dash Cam recordings.
All low to mid-range Dash Cams have difficulty capturing in low light due to optics, chipset, firmware. Perfect night vision is unrealistic at this price point.

it's all about the plates :) let me ask you something.. :) how are you gonna find a guy that hit your car if you dont capture the plate? ;)


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If you want read plates at night ask the on coming driver to turn off his head lights because it is the brightness of the on coming traffic that is the problem. Automatic exposure does it's best. With the darkness and bright headlights it focuses on the head lights (the brightest light) at the loss of detail of the plates. Even with night vision the head lights would burn out the scene. All dashcams have a similar problem. If you try to compensate by changing EV values you get too much motion blur which will blur out the plates. Technology needs to change first.
If you want read plates at night ask the on coming driver to turn off his head lights because it is the brightness of the on coming traffic that is the problem.

unfortunately a lot of people obsess over trying to read licence plates of vehicles that are nowhere near enough to ever be in an accident with anyway
I don't know how the Auto Exposure works in dashcams, but I'd think that it could be similar to still cameras & with all the bright lights facing the AE sensor & reflective surfaces, there are an incredible number of influences to achieving correct exposure for all tonal ranges from near black to bright white. Even RAW DSLR HR files cannot always bring back blown highlights & dash cam files are certainly NOT high dynamic range sensors capturing raw data, but rather outputting processed image files. One reason why in difficult or certain lighting conditions, photographers will change to Manual or locked in exposure settings when one is found to be correct, vs. having the AE be influenced by tones, colours & changing lighting, both reflective & incident.

I'd think that while the poster that likes HDR & challenges others to accept the screen captures as proof, my experience with auto exposure in cameras would say that these sample png files could show license plates in HDR mode for a whole variety of reasons & I'd be skeptical that HDR software algorithms would be consistent enough to say it is more effective On vs. Off. There are simply too many variables in lights, ambient light, reflected light & reflected surfaces, colours, tonal ranges & many things that I'm not even thinking of right now. And then there is the blur factor in HDR combining images of different exposures, if that is how it is being done.

I would think that the poster was maybe lucky or HDR works good enough in THAT particular situation. Try 1-5 hours later, on a clear night with no clouds out in the country or on a hightway with no moon light nor buildings or water on the road to reflect or increase ambient light & or with many different types of license plate materials from all over the world, because license plates sure don't look the same world wide. Really stringent testing would need to be done to say that it works or not & to what percentage of the time that it works & at what ambient & reflected light levels vs. HDR Off.

Very hard to say something is Fact without a huge amount of testing data trying to prove & to disprove the effectiveness, with zero bias before during or after the tests, though some politicians & conspiracy theorists have no problem doing so.

So if it works for you great, keep using it & get a feel for how often it works, but as others point out, it hasn't worked for them, so in the end, whose right? 3-4 files don't prove it works everywhere all the time in all situations in all lighting conditions, etc... It's just not enough data to be 100% right. The more tests that you can do & provide results for in various lighting conditions over time of days, weeks, months in all seasons, vs. just one evening, would provide more data. I look forward to seeing all your hundreds or thousands of image test results. Could be a fun project.
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That comment wasn't targeted at you in particular, not having a go at you, it's a common thing that people complain about, quite often the expectations are unrealistic
stop jokiin, start thinking. another f... spam of u.

Calm down m8.

Everyone here tries to help - but that type of comment doesn't. @jokiin is well informed and well respected on this forum. From a member with 19 posts, that's a bit of a sweeping statement to make about a member that has posted over 43,000 times.

What you seem to be asking for is the visibility afforded by a lens that would cost hundreds of dollars/pounds/zlotys. Dashcams have tiny pieces of glass that cost little, and it has to be so to keep a dashcams cost down. If you want such great (night time) vision, you'd need a lens that measures about 5 inches across and a sensor with an aperture of f/1.2 like you see TV programmes filmed on!
if the cars close enough, the plates are visible. period. never mind dat. every1 should decide whats best for them. lets leave it that way :)

stop jokiin, start thinking. another f... spam of u.
Perhaps instead of beiing rude,first wash your windscreen...That helps a lot...
Thanks for sharing the 1440P clip, for accurate image quality assessment RAW files shared to dropbox/cloud are best.
the YouTube sample focus looks soft over entire scene.

MOD-27L - - - December 22, 2018
- increased Bit Rate from 24 to 26.6Mbps(27) for Parking Mode support.
- uses Default Image Quality (sharpness,edge,brightness,contrast,saturation)
- replaced Microphone-Off / Mute icon to improve visibility.

Have a good look at front Lens for residue from protective lens protector film, that stuff leaves all kinds of plastic junk on lens.
suggest installing any firmware then detach from windshield and point out lowered side window using short USB cable connected to Power Bank or socket adapter. This helps eliminate windshield as issue. Next install 7Rg as @Tractor said for better sharpness. Its very rare for A119 to have focus issue. Post link to short 20-30sec RAW clip in 1440P.

No CPL, Lens cleaned with Qtip and alcohol, dried with microfiber towel.

Handheld quick clip, does it still look soft to you?

Looks softer than your examples online to me..

Dropbox Link

Top right, change "open with" to download.
Looks fine to me, would look better in full sun light. Grey cloudy days tend not show the best detail. I would avoid alcohol for cleaning the lens instead use distilled water.
No CPL, Lens cleaned with Qtip and alcohol, dried with microfiber towel.

Handheld quick clip, does it still look soft to you?

Looks softer than your examples online to me..

Dropbox Link

Top right, change "open with" to download.
Everyone should record similar out-of-vehicle Lens test footage to confirm any Lens issues. The scene is very good showing fine tree branches evenly focused but isn't in full brightness so will appear softer. The garage bricks and license plates are also great for sharpness test. The image looks slightly better than previous clip in vehicle. If possible repeat pointing A119 out of vehicle for long range view down road for center focus test. Very few A119 ever had focus or sharpness issues, but yours does seem on the softer side. More test clips should confirm if you have a Lens issue requiring return. Will be posting more of my own A119 footage today, but will review my cloudy day clips to compare with yours.
I disable 27" IPS monitor sharpness feature when assessing footage.
@BCHobbyist, I would like to echo the sentiments of the others and say a big thankyou for the work you're doing on the A119 firmware.
I have just loaded 7Rg into mine and the results are remarkable. I havent had my 119V2 that long, and I'm running it at 1440P 30fps, and it's so much better than the stock firmware (V4).

Keep up the good work (y)
Everyone should record similar out-of-vehicle Lens test footage to confirm any Lens issues. The scene is very good showing fine tree branches evenly focused but isn't in full brightness so will appear softer. The garage bricks and license plates are also great for sharpness test. The image looks slightly better than previous clip in vehicle. If possible repeat pointing A119 out of vehicle for long range view down road for center focus test. Very few A119 ever had focus or sharpness issues, but yours does seem on the softer side. More test clips should confirm if you have a Lens issue requiring return. Will be posting more of my own A119 footage today, but will review my cloudy day clips to compare with yours.
I disable 27" IPS monitor sharpness feature when assessing footage.

A few more samples, here's handheld down the street and in the car.

Still feels soft, thoughts?


In car has CPL, handheld does not.
The number plates are well defined in your sample. Why do you think it is soft. It's only 1440p not full 4K but it still looks fine on my 4k TV and 1080p monitor. Make sure the contrast on what ever you are viewing on is up and check the brightness. The contrast can make a huge difference to your viewing.
A few more samples, here's handheld down the street and in the car.

Still feels soft, thoughts?


In car has CPL, handheld does not.
Thanks for the test clips, I have another suggestion,
since all my modified firmware reduce sharpness and your Lens has very slight soft focus I suggest loading official A119 FW4.00 which is over-sharpened to compensate. Record clips both in and out of vehicle. If after comparing all clips you are still unhappy with image quality contact seller for refund or exchange.
Calm down m8.

Everyone here tries to help - but that type of comment doesn't. @jokiin is well informed and well respected on this forum. From a member with 19 posts, that's a bit of a sweeping statement to make about a member that has posted over 43,000 times.

What you seem to be asking for is the visibility afforded by a lens that would cost hundreds of dollars/pounds/zlotys. Dashcams have tiny pieces of glass that cost little, and it has to be so to keep a dashcams cost down. If you want such great (night time) vision, you'd need a lens that measures about 5 inches across and a sensor with an aperture of f/1.2 like you see TV programmes filmed on!

i just wanted to be polite, but some guys made some jokes. ok, thatz internet, im not gonna cry. i know they are contributing to this forum a lot, i am not gonna argue. im just passing by. i am not gonna spend my life in here. i just wanted to know if theres a chance to bring hdr back to the newest firmware because the old one is buggy (i have been using it since it came out). they kept asking why i wanted to have this hdr option, telling me its not worth it. etc. well, i didnt ask if its worth it, did i? Its worth for me to have it.. i presented recordings (someone asked) and you could actually read the plates. so wheres the problem? never mind, since i have been clearly informed that there is no chance for hdr, im not gonna disturb anyone's peace anymore..
Any problems with 7Rg and parking mode?

I have the A119 V2 with 7Rg firware hardwired to my car with constant power and parking mode enabled at 5fps.

As a test I left the car in a dark garage for over an hour and the entire time it recorded clips...though some are of less duration (30s, 65s, 90s, )

So it appears I have a problem or parking mode motion detection is too sensitive (maybe picking up noise in the video signal ?)