VIOFO A119 V1 V2 Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Definitely 7Rg but 5Rg is not bad either if a cooler cam is preferred.
There is no HDR with the A119v2 you will find WDR in the menu. WDR gives a wider dynamic range of colours not true HDR. WDR is available in all recent firmware versions..
There is NO HDR!!!! function on this device. Also, from my reading & use of this device, VERY few people seem to use the WDR function as it has compromises which you can search the forums & the web for information & or YouTube for video samples of. So, given that IF very few people even use WDR & probably fewer people STILL test these firmware mods AND so would test WDR, then you are not likely to get spoon fed the result that you are looking for. SO, why not just download the firmware mod, test it yourself & you will very quickly get an idea of what it will do for your needs, vs. waiting around for someone else to do the tests for you. Eg: I might think that the function is useless for my needs, but it may work great for you, but then you may not test it based on my poor review. It is so extremely simple to test AND the firmware mod programmers are already doing us a HUGE service, so maybe help them out & do a test & post samples & what you think? That way, everyone benefits. I look forward to your test results, but I'm not going to do it for you based on my not past experiences with WDR.
how come there is NO HDR when Viofo posted results and firmware can be downloaded ? do you think is this common hoax ?

I am going to test both but for now I need to know what is the latest release and if anyone compared both. I am going to use 7Rg however I want to know from others and test by myself if there is a big difference at night or not.
BC Rural : I don't see a point in replying to your messages because you seems to know little or nothing about HDR that was being tested and released in beta firmware. Sure it is not yet official so IMHO looking for latest firmware that has it is worth try . The thing was you were not looking for it but still insisting on having it, when you were told that it wasn't in the modded firmware. So you keep looking for something that doesn't exist in this modded firmware thread & then you asked on seeing the results of the tests of others for a feature that didn't exist beyond some Viofo tests? Why not contact Viofo about their missing HDR firmware feature, vs. insisting here in this thread for results? You are in the wrong forum, ;No?

Not sure what you want others to do for you that you won't do for yourself & you don't seem to be appreciative of all the hours & hours of work that the firmware modders have already done for you, then you don't accept the info from others. But anyway, good luck with your extensive HDR vaporware tests.
do you plan to make 7 with HDR ?
if not what is the latest HDR release ?
Excellent question, short answer is YES !
The A119 was the only VIOFO Dashcam to offer HDR for one month then pulled the Firmware but I have it and it does have bugs = VIOFO_A119_FW_V3.4 - V3.6 Beta HDR - Oct 2017
If you'd like to test a 27Mbs modified version let me know.
OK, and how much different is the image at night HDR vs latest MOD ?
I'd estimate the night clarity of
is better than using WDR or HDR since both will increase motion blurring at night as they try to brighten black areas. All user select-able image controls have great value but there are some trade-offs. Try them all and compare.
great I am up for testing both especially if you can integrate HDR into some of your releases

I am asking because often I see that there is a problem if headlights are putting too much light on license plate of cars around so it is hard to read them from the recording

almost all dangerous situations I had in the past were at night so I'm looking for software that can do best at night
great I am up for testing both especially if you can integrate HDR into some of your releases

I am asking because often I see that there is a problem if headlights are putting too much light on license plate of cars around so it is hard to read them from the recording

almost all dangerous situations I had in the past were at night so I'm looking for software that can do best at night
Until more time is spent on A119 modified firmware all I can offer at the moment is old original Beta FW v3.6 with higher Bitrate and few extras, it will be missing all latest Menu options. Its something for you to make comparisons with but wouldn't recommend using as daily driver firmware since it has many other bugs.

WDR and HDR will do nothing for plates blown-out by headlights unless more than 50% of scene is also over exposed. These image controls balance the entire scene not just the tiny plates.
If the scene is more than 50% dark this control will brighten slightly,
If the scene is more than 50% too bright this control will darken slightly.
It has no way to selectively brighten or dim plates, but if the headlights are glaring more than 50% of scene a reduction will occur.
Easier to raise or lower Lens angle slightly to compensate during night driving.
I will be getting card and cable upcoming days so please send 3.6 because I have only 3.4 at the moment.

Here are two recording

1. From my car

2. Found on the net

what would be the best approach to deal with blown-out plates ?

I think that maybe graduated ND filter so plates will be darkened and rest of image not.
Your dashcam can only film what it can see. The automatic exposure at night will cause blown-out plates. It is not a firmware issue. The camera will need more illumination not less. It's limitation of video. A filter will make little difference.
I just got this camera and still learning about the features.
Stumbled into this topic and if I understand this I can go into the op and dl a file that will create better video quality on this dashcam?